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My totally unethical way to save the world


Oct 4, 2014
I posted this in the MAPS discussion, but thought it might garner more conversation here, i also believe it has relevance on this side of the forums~~~:)

I present this in a entirely philosophical theory, and i am not suggesting anyone should do anything illegal, this is purely opinion.

Let me first start with that though i appear to be a new member here, i used to years ago lurk the many psyientific pages of bluelight in my many honeymooned psychedelic journeys, i saw MAPS has direct affiliation with the site, and was intrigued.

The MAPS legalizing psychedelic therapy campaign (currently at 120,00$ !!!) is imo one of the most critical things happening in culture right now. ( i say culture because it has implications beyond public health). The way i see it, people need liberated, and they need healed. (look up the record high levels of suicide and depression globally) there are so many reasons why they are not that im not going to get into it, but needless to say what needs to happen on a mass scale is a total revolution of everyday life, primarily in politics/government, and market/industry (capitalism/"free markets"). The way things operate now is imo just subtle but implicit slavery of the mind and body, and thus at the very least imparts a general depression and helplessness on a mass scale. The way i see it is, best case scenario, The legalization of psychedelic therapy happens within 1-5 years. when that happens very specific groups of people are going to be healed very quickly, and probably radically changing how the view and live life. i would assume then the scheduling of some psychedelics would lower, thus increasing the likelihood of more clandestine manufacturing of said substances, and increasing supply and probably demand of them, though still illegal, changing even more than today the minds and lives of a larger slice of the population, im sure starting a cascading effect in those awakening to the situation at hand in society and culture, and i would hope leading to mass insurrection of everyday life.

this NEEDS to happen, people are so divided by trivial ideologies, beliefs, opinions, all of which are directly or indirectly influenced by every technology available from everything you can imagine that profits from it, technology that damages the mind itself to better secure its influence, that them coming to this realization on there own, or from someone else, is impossible. its not going to happen. ( how much of these misinformed beliefs and mass complacencies are destroying the planet?)

(im getting to a point)

With the support is see for MAPS, i see this happening, its going to happen, and it will be beautiful. i just fear time is not on our side, maybe society may get worse to the point where these efforts are mute. maybe our planet may finally decide to be rid of us once and for all, cant say we diddnt have it coming. So, here is my totally unethical plan to speed up this process.

1. Mass train those interested and capable in Transpersonal, IFS, ect. forms of Psychotherapy to follow essentially the MAPS guide in conducting therapy outlined in there manual. this would be regardless of formal, education based "training" i.e degrees. get together a group per state that could conduct a clinic, more or less

2. Obtain all medical equipment and precautions needed to do said therapies, technology is quickly putting needed technologies in our pockets. Use everything that is now used in the therapies currently conducted today, all precautions must be met.

3. A safe way needs to exist to not only communicate between those doing the therapies, but also a way to communicate to the outside world of people who need this that it exist, a way to let people know where to go, whats going on, without anyone you wouldn't want to know knowing. For that the only thing i can think of his a form of Quantum Cryptography. Once a fully reliable method of utilizing is available, it should be co-opted immediately.

4. With a underground clinic staffed and functioning, a reliable source of substance material in hand, a way of communicating to other "clinics" and to patients in a fully secure manner, i believe the best place to "advertise" this service, to begin the communication with the patient, would be imo a website similar to silk road. in the "real" world you could point to someone the place they need to go to, to begin the pre-screening process, and get set up with a location to meet at.

I imagine such a clinic, or cell, could exist in almost every state, and work together has a whole to, imo, save the world. i dont see why groups like MAPS wouldn't want to, very very secretly, begin such an infrastructure. not to stop the current legalization efforts, and the slow roll back of legislation, that needs to still happen. but i believe SO many people could benefit from this, i would say need it, that there is no way time could permit it to happen before we drive this planet into irreversible ruin. call me pessimistic, but current studies seem to say everyday, that time is running out.

Now i see all the ways how unethical and potentially dangerous this is, it would have to be constructed with the most open hearts and lucid heads, but i believe we could turn this culture of self destruction on its head with such a network. an liberation machine of sorts. as far as i can see it, all most all of the components needed are there. i dont want people hurt or made worse, i wouldn't say EVERYONE would need be permitted to this, but i would say there are much more of those who need and could be permitted to such a healing effort than can ever be reached through average legalization. this was a bit of a rant, i know, but this has been a dream of mind, and i wanted it out, so here it is. im sure im not the first, but if you are reading this now know i love you and wish to someday live in now to our maximum enjoyment together and put history to bed and let the parents run free. thank you for your time. :D

"I have been looking toward the next psychedelic generations to say to us, " what a bunch of tired old farts you are with this or that journal, this association, and your so-called research when god is all around you!" And I will say to them, "carry me out of the palace. You win!" Tear down the walls. Get back to basics. I mean, I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't shoot me. But please take my job!"
Its starting to happen, and I love it.
- James Fadiman, the psychedelic explorers guide
Poisoning the body is one way to experince God.
Fear is definitely a motivator.
Having had such "pshychedelic" experiences I suspect there is going to be a lot of people on their death bed (and more so the next step) wondering if they should have tried to experience him a little sooner.
But until---
Back to our more "comfortable" perceptions/ experiences
^How is taking psychedelics "poisoning the body"?

You may find this amazing, but I truly do not want to experience the Christian god. It scares me, it represents monomaniacal evil, repression, oppression and despair, to me at least. I truly hope I am not proven wrong on my deathbed. But my own psychedelic experiences have let me away from that sort of fairytale god to something I see as more pure, ancient and interactive. To me, there is immensely more value in tripping then wasting time in a church.
I like your idea and your intentions..

But wouldn't spreading the information you talk of be more beneficial than expecting everyone that gets psychedelic therapy to come to the same conclusions?

In mine and other experiences - People who take a lot of psychedelics turn into smug, self entitled, *Scoff* "I see things how they truly are - you need to expand your consciousness" type of arrogant twats.

Not that I don't think psychedelic therapy should be widely available to those that need / want it.. Hell - drugs should be legal full stop.
In mine and other experiences - People who take a lot of psychedelics turn into smug, self entitled, *Scoff* "I see things how they truly are - you need to expand your consciousness" type of arrogant twats.

Not that I don't think psychedelic therapy should be widely available to those that need / want it.. Hell - drugs should be legal full stop.

+1. Agree to both points.

When we're talking about individuals it's fine, but an entire society and also culture itself.. I can't see that working. For me my main objection is that healing is not just a process of taking a substance or having some sort of revelation, but much like physical healing. It's a process that takes time and action on the part of the individual (or body). People get sick physically, emotionally, mentally, because they're doing something wrong. If you heal a person and they just go straight back to the old habits that caused the illness in the first place.. such as smoking, falling into another abusive relationship, or as relevant to the discussion of wider society/culture going back to the same situation/place/culture.. the illness is likely to reassert itself again. A psychedelic revolution will not reshape culture as you might imagine it might. In fact looking back at the 60's and subsequent technological explosion.. I'm willing to bet it would only make things even worse!

Psychedelics gave me a new perspective. They healed me in one sense. But they also created a lot more problems too. On the one hand they helped a part of me find a sense of freedom. On the other existentially I can't escape the modern world because it's everywhere, and I don't want to go back to tribal or hippy living because, well, that's just a bit shit really (sorry McKenna). Technology and science is great, despite the way we've wielded it.

I see solutions to our dilemma being far too rigid whilst proclaiming to be the opposite (free and liberating).. whether it be Hitler's masterplan, the planning authorities that set out how our nations develop spatially, a psychedelic revolution, Russell Brand's revolution, a rushing forward towards super-technologies like AI, a rushing backwards towards primitive ways of living..

No. What we need is an organic approach that merely facilitates what humans do best. This has to combine both the logic and preciseness of left brain technologic masculine type thinking/action, and the artistic free irrational creative right brain feminine type thinking/action. Trying to enforce a framework is unlikely to succeed. Trying to deconstruct the current framework using mass psychedelic ego-vaccinations is likely to end in disaster.
^How is taking psychedelics "poisoning the body"?

You may find this amazing, but I truly do not want to experience the Christian god. It scares me, it represents monomaniacal evil, repression, oppression and despair, to me at least. I truly hope I am not proven wrong on my deathbed. But my own psychedelic experiences have let me away from that sort of fairytale god to something I see as more pure, ancient and interactive. To me, there is immensely more value in tripping then wasting time in a church.
What do you think shrooms, acid, iboga etc
Your mind tends to pay closer attention in fear/death situations.
And tends to get extemely cocky when you cheat it.
Great point Rico
(Did I just say that)
^How is taking psychedelics "poisoning the body"?

You may find this amazing, but I truly do not want to experience the Christian god. It scares me, it represents monomaniacal evil, repression, oppression and despair, to me at least. I truly hope I am not proven wrong on my deathbed. But my own psychedelic experiences have let me away from that sort of fairytale god to something I see as more pure, ancient and interactive. To me, there is immensely more value in tripping then wasting time in a church.

I believe I missed this experience with psychedelics. For me it was only bad tripping.
I can see that many of those who tried it has gone through at least one sort of enlightenment.
The reports date back the Indians time.
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I like your idea and your intentions..

But wouldn't spreading the information you talk of be more beneficial than expecting everyone that gets psychedelic therapy to come to the same conclusions?

In mine and other experiences - People who take a lot of psychedelics turn into smug, self entitled, *Scoff* "I see things how they truly are - you need to expand your consciousness" type of arrogant twats.

Not that I don't think psychedelic therapy should be widely available to those that need / want it.. Hell - drugs should be legal full stop.

This happens. But I think the percentage you may perceive as succumbing to this is skewed by the fact that these people tend to be more vocal, online and in real life, as they are on an ego trip. I know many people who have reached positive, balanced places in their lives with the help of psychedelics, many of whom never wrote a sentence about it. For me, they've helped me to reach many beautiful conclusions about what I believe to be true, but I also understand that they're just my conclusions and I could be wrong. I don't think I am, but it seems silly to try to sit on a pedestal about it. I've known some of those, but in my experience they're few and far between.
The reason i think taking the experience is more effective then merely speaking about it is because the truth is unique to everyone, and it cannot be summed up, or framed in words, it needs experienced. and often what is needed to be accepted or let go to experience at all is too much for people to want to go in alone, or at all, so i believe psychedelics would be most effective under time restraints to begin this process. its not for everyone, nor does everyone need them, but i believe it could tip the scales enough to get a majority at this level, making the decision more digestible for the rest.

as for psychedelics as they are, the medium is the message, "mind manifesting", they just get the gears turning, its all us and the other, to stigmatize them would be to stigmatize ourselves. <3
Willow11 said
^How is taking psychedelics "poisoning the body"?

You may find this amazing, but I truly do not want to experience the Christian god. It scares me, it represents monomaniacal evil, repression, oppression and despair, to me at least. I truly hope I am not proven wrong on my deathbed. But my own psychedelic experiences have let me away from that sort of fairytale god to something I see as more pure, ancient and interactive. To me, there is immensely more value in tripping then wasting time in a church.

Willow11, you can have 1001 people tell you that you will meet with your Maker upon your death and 1001 people tell you that you won't and that there's nothing after this. You however, have to make your own mind up. If you're right then all you'll do is rot away and there'll be nothing else. If you're wrong then what will you tell This God in your defence about what you did in your life to honour Him and stand for Him during your time on earth?
If you're wrong then what will you tell This God in your defence about what you did in your life to honour Him and stand for Him during your time on earth?

Surely this god would have no need to ask such a thing, but would already know the answer. Given that, I'm not all that worried, because I would say that the best way to honour your god would be to live a good and compassionate life, and I've done my best to do that :)

However, I am certain that such a reckoning is a complete fiction. Believe what you want, but be prepared for others who absolutely don't.
LOL... if Jehovah turns up when I pass from this body, I will tell her exactly what I think - how poorly she set things up, how evil it was to set a task for poor Adam and Eve that they HAD TO fail and then how extra evil it was to punish everybody ever born after that for the same event - even our corrupt systems here on Earth don't punish a kid for what his/her parents did.

There's a few other things i would point out as well - she hasn't done a very good job of Creation, has stuffed up the whole body thing, and all her most devout adherents are evil bastards who loudly proclaim "jesus Loves You" as they kill you for not knowing that.

Offering hallucinogens in a safe environment to people so they can experience something other than the world the Church has bequeathed us can only be a good thing.
LOL... if Jehovah turns up when I pass from this body, I will tell her exactly what I think - how poorly she set things up, how evil it was to set a task for poor Adam and Eve that they HAD TO fail and then how extra evil it was to punish everybody ever born after that for the same event - even our corrupt systems here on Earth don't punish a kid for what his/her parents did.

There's a few other things i would point out as well - she hasn't done a very good job of Creation, has stuffed up the whole body thing, and all her most devout adherents are evil bastards who loudly proclaim "jesus Loves You" as they kill you for not knowing that.

Offering hallucinogens in a safe environment to people so they can experience something other than the world the Church has bequeathed us can only be a good thing.

Good post again, and awesome use of feminine pronoun too :) Can you mention teeth in the unlikely event of you conversing with this Goddess?

Accountability after death is such a vindictive notion. I love the impossibility of ever pleasing god, it affirms the ultimate impossibility of it all to me..
LOL... if Jehovah turns up when I pass from this body, I will tell her exactly what I think - how poorly she set things up, how evil it was to set a task for poor Adam and Eve that they HAD TO fail and then how extra evil it was to punish everybody ever born after that for the same event - even our corrupt systems here on Earth don't punish a kid for what his/her parents did.

There's a few other things i would point out as well - she hasn't done a very good job of Creation, has stuffed up the whole body thing, and all her most devout adherents are evil bastards who loudly proclaim "jesus Loves You" as they kill you for not knowing that.

Offering hallucinogens in a safe environment to people so they can experience something other than the world the Church has bequeathed us can only be a good thing.

Playing devils advocate (no pun intended)
assuming your wrong....
Somehow I doubt it would go down like that.

I may be wrong, but thing is i'll be dead so i'll never know it.
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All I can say guys is that the peace of God that I now have since acknowledging my sinful nature before Jesus and asking His forgiveness for my selfish actions is a peace in this tumultuous earth that I would not exchange for anything.
All I can say guys is that the peace of God that I now have since acknowledging my sinful nature before Jesus and asking His forgiveness for my selfish actions is a peace in this tumultuous earth that I would not exchange for anything.

nature cannot be sinful, nature operates under a golden rule of sorts, and the universe is certainly meaningless. we create meaning, you forgave yourself of your guilt, take responsibility for it, that is whats jesus spoke about.
Forgiving ourselves and moving on might be the way forward for some of our actions. But we would be deceiving ourselves if we were to believe this has prescriptive application across the myriad unmentionable heinous crimes man is capable of committing.
I believe that the only way for peace is evil and then understanding/revelation and only afterwards may the healing take place