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My stupidly high tolerance and my backstory...


Oct 30, 2017
Ok, so, I gather most new information regarding drugs from this forum. You guys kick ass and have helped myself and a few other friends I've discussed the forum to with harm reduction and solid info on drugs, unlike the urban legends that surround almost every and any drug to that end up not being true. Anyway, I suppose I should get onto the point, which is my stupidly high tolerance to drugs...
I started out going hard in the mid 2000s as a teenager, quickly progressed from massive amounts of weed smoking to experimenting with opium, mushrooms, salvia, getting shitty drunk and lsd.
Never fucked with pills though, I always remembered those kids back in high school who would be ghostly white on the verge of green, repeatedly puking their guts out talking about how "rocked" they were off whatever painkiller they were on (back then usually tramadol as you could order them quite easily and very legally from a ton of websites right here in the states) or the kid behind me in class grinding his teeth with his head on his desk crashing off a Ritalin he or she may have sniffed a few classes prior and I asked myself how feeling such a way could be fun?
Enter 2008, I have a very successful weed slanging operation going as well as attending classes at NMU and working nearly full time, well, the weed slanging caught up with me and I was ultimately busted in March of that year, I had been set up for selling a half oz of schwag to a guy I knew who was accompanied by an undercover from our local drug team bozos, UPSET, I'm sure your town/city/county has something just like these assholes...
So I was on concurrent misdemeanor and felony probation, didn't wanna risk smoking pot because of how long it lingers in your system, I was fine with a couple tall boys in the evening and got more into hallucinogenics around this time. I began ordering tramadol because it was a profitable way to get high every day and there were so many websites back then I'd get a bottle of 180 every Monday via FedEx. Eventually tramadol got boring and I began fucking around with actual painkillers, benzos (mainly Xanax and Valium, had I known how long Valium stays in your system I may have avoided it, lol) and eventually went on a big exstacy bender... In no time it wasn't uncommon to pop 5 Norco 10s or rail a morphine 30 (the good green ones from Endo) along with my 5 or 6 tramadol. This undoubtedly skyrocketed my tolerance.
Around 2011 I moved to a closed down air Force Base in the middle of nowhere due to cheap rent and quickly linked up with a good buddies nephew who lived literally about a football field away. Every month I'd get 90 lortab 10s and 90 Xanax 1s. By this point lortabs started increasing in street value so I simply offed those in order to keep all the much cheaper Xanax and find some weed (not an easy thing to do on that damn base... Everybody wants to push heroin and meth) Before long I was a total mess, lost virtually everything and had to tone it down a bit. (appx 2013-14)
I was pushing the limits of everything, ultimately became addicted to an odd combo we called slip-trippin or trip-slippin, whichever sounds "cooler" to you. I had a friend with very cheap and very accessable research chemicals, namely etazolam and 25i-nbome... We'd start each day mixing suboxone, gabapentin or lyrica and whatever benzo was on hand and by mid afternoon our inhibitions were so shot we'd say fuck it and drop a few hits of 25i. I'd be tripping balls, walls melting and all that, but not even care or realize it was happening because I was so fucked up on the etazolam, but eventually that stuff would wear off and I'd realized I was in full blown wonderland.
Which brings us to today... I'm prescribed 4 Valium 5mg, 3 gabapentin 400mg, 1 Wellbutrin s.r. 150mg and more recently Ritalin 10mg twice a day. I also have a legit Michigan medicinal marijuana card for chronic pain and arthritis following a partial left shoulder replacement. To me, this combo is "weak" but when I told a good friend everything I was on he was in shock.
My ultimate question and the reason I started typing this as my morning buzzes started kicking in (today I railed appx 1mg suboxone, popped 2 400mg gabapentin, took 2.5mg diazepam sublingually, 1 fioricet (without codeine... I usually never have access to these, just so happened to stumble across a few over the weekend) and after I finish typing this I plan to burn one and play some vids. Now, I realize these doses are all small and have very little effect on me, but at the same time I realize this concoction would floor most people, so my question is: Am I still risking death mixing so many drugs considering my huge tolerance and respectively low doses taken? (I've only been awake for a couple hours, plan to pop another fioricet and gabapentin fairly shortly and will undoubtedly be taking at least 5-7.5 more mg of Valium throughout the day)
To anyone who took the time to read this, thank you. To anyone who reads and responds, thank you double! I just don't want to "wake up dead" as they say, as I actually have a lot to live for and mainly do drugs (at least the recreational ones) out of boredom and ease of access.
Life in Michigans upper peninsula gets stagnant, especially considering were lucky to get 5 months of nice weather out of the year, but it's still worth living and I don't want to die trying to catch half a buzz!
One Fioricet (50mg right?) and 2.5mg diazepam, although technically a dangerous combo, the dosages are so low I doubt it would be noticeable. But I have never taken a barb. But Diazepam starts working around 20/ 30 mg for me personally. Again the Buprenorphine seems to be the only drug you did a dose that would have some puking, probably me but again no experience with the stronger opi's.

The fact your combining in little dosages doesn't mean you will react like that on a full dosage of one or both the Gabaergics. Your adding Gabapentin which affects you mostly when your not used to it. Are taking it daily or just once makes a big difference imo. But I took Pregabalin and although used to the effects noticed it has a subtle but definite effects on my cognition. Could be affecting judgement skills too so keep an eye on your self. Try to use one or the other maybe?
I would agree that gabapentin and/or pregabalin have a negative affect on decision making. I am quite adjusted to the gabapentin so I only take it a couple days a week. I used to be prescribed 3 600 mg tablets a day and was taking them daily, I quickly learned this leads to a nasty wd when a bottle was stolen so since then I refuse to take either med daily.
I ended up having nice results yesterday, though. I believe I ended up doing another .5mg or so of sub, popped my last fioricet with a third gaba 400mg and eventually took another 5mg Valium with a couple hydroxyzine 25mg I had laying around, smoked some weed whenever I felt my overall buzz wearing off and ended up feeling good all day.
The addition of the Barb's added a nice touch of euphoria that the classic gabapentin+Valium+suboxone combo has been missing lately. Probably for the best these aren't readily available to me though, I come from a long line of alcoholics and that's what the butalbitol most reminded me of... A good, clean drunk feeling. A bit stumbly and euphoric.
In a few hours a buddy will be bringing over a couple peach footballs. (.5mg Xanax) to top off today's combination of suboxone, Valium and hydroxyzine. Some people find combining benzos to be pointless but I love taking a hard hitting benzo like Xanax, and to a much lesser extent Ativan, along with my Valium. Combining Valium with Klonopin on the other hand is sorta pointless, then again Klonopin never really had a recreational value to me or most people I know.
I consider it to be the methadone of benzos, because it takes a long ass time to kick in, has very subtle noticable effects and lasts a long time once it does kick in. No real rush or euphoria from either, unless combined.
In a nutshell what I'm trying to say is Xanax is my party benzo but has very little medicinal value, Klonopin is the exact opposite of that and Valium is like the perfect medium of the two. Ativan is fun once in a while recreationally but only with other substances and has no medicinal value to me. I used to run through a script of 60 1s in like 3 days, lol...