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My longtime bf wants to watch me have sex with a black man...

Bottom Boi

Jan 28, 2013
So new here...

my bf and I have been together for 4 years now.

When we started dating we exchanged sexual histories and he always has been turned on by the fact that my first time was with a black guy.

He often makes me relive it while we have sex,and roleplay etc.

now it's escelated to where he has a black friend willing to fuck me on camera for him.

I just don't know if this is a great idea..I think my bf may not actually be able to handle it when it really happens. He's somewhat jealous to begin with.

I cheated on him once and he went crazy!

Just wanted some input...any other gay couples swing? or watch they're partner with another man?
if he's up for it and you want to do it then i'd go for it. If it gets him off he's not going to care. I watched my gf get fucked by another guy and the idea still excites me. If she cheated on me though i'd destroy her.
If you want to do it, I say go for it. He's not only given you a green light, he's asking you to do it...frankly if he regrets it later it's his probem, not yours. It's really up to you I think.
I really am into it big time, I'm just afraid of the aftermath.

But we talked about it today, seems like it might go down this Friday night :S
your boyfriend is retarded.... I think normal male homo sapiens sapiens wants to put his sperm in your vagina while preventing any other male to do the same,so he is the one that is spreading his dna witch is probably most important goal in life in eyes of nature

from my lifetime experiene I want to kill any dude that is trying to lay his hands ( and penis ) on girl I am interested in
@DOB: Fucking L.O.L....Do you hear that Wooosh sound? It's the after burning turbofan engine of this thread going over your head.
your boyfriend is retarded.... I think normal male homo sapiens sapiens wants to put his sperm in your vagina while preventing any other male to do the same,so he is the one that is spreading his dna witch is probably most important goal in life in eyes of nature

from my lifetime experiene I want to kill any dude that is trying to lay his hands ( and penis ) on girl I am interested in

again very insightful. its always good to keep an open mind ;)

i cant stand it when men "lay their hands on girl i am interested in"

op just do it if you both want to, but your man needs to keep his jealousy in tow
I once watched my gf fuck another guy who was a "friend" while I fucked another girl...at the time,ya it was rather exciting but later on came back to bite me n the ass a little bit...I wud let her do it with again but this time in a situation where I know she wudnt b able 2 see the person at all again...In other words,the fact that its a friend and that he will still b around after the fact probably isnt a good idea...

But him being turned on by the fact that ur first guy was black isnt strange,so was my gfs and it wud excite me as well 2 watch her sleep with a black man for some reason 0.o Idk why though...lol
I can see why someone would be upset at being cheated on.
But if he wants this, and you want this, then go for it! Make sure you have your "boundaries" though!
Since its something that you are both into....why not do it together?? Slightly more of a threesome?? If he would rather just touch you and watch...then he could or even just sit in a chair or at the end of the bed.. That way you could start off slow and do spot checks.. asking if this or that is okay... That way if it gets to be too much he could always say no and you guys could slow down or stop..
Come to dallas. There are plenty to choose from. Just make sure you have "ports" on hand (newports)

Really though, that is odd. Sorry I don't have any advice for you.
Not sure about the filming part, but if you are OK with that...
You could end up an amateur cuckold vid on a porn site, I would like to watch it tho:)
ohhh I can see this going pear-shaped really quickly.

At the time me and my first ex hooked up, I had waaaay more sexual experience with guys than him...it was something he always fixated on and he was always scared that I was gonna get bored with him or want to go back to being a massive slut again or that he wouldn't measure up to someone else I'd fucked etc etc....for my part, I was happy being with him and I never regretted my past but had no desire to go back to it because like I said, I was happy with him.

ANYWHO....because he could never accept that, it got to the point where he wanted to have an open relationship because he felt like that would help even the score a bit, and also because I don't think he ever actually believed me when I said I was happy just being with him. I resisted it at first but he eventually convinced me it would work, and surprise surprise it didn't. Because ultimately I just wanted to be with him and ended up resenting him for making me fuck other guys (and then later resented him for only letting me fuck guys under HIS conditions and when HE okayed it). He ended up resenting me because in a shocking twist he was actually a really insecure person and it really fucked with his head when he saw me having sex with another guy. And god forbid the other guy should have a bigger dick than him, or be a better kisser, or have any kind of quality that he lacked, because then it just became proof in his mind that I had never been happy with him and had just been leading him on all this time, and then I had to spend weeks massaging his ego and Jesus H Christ, not at all fucking worth it. 8(

The moral of the story is, unless this is something both of you really want, I would be very wary of entering into it. I know that your situation isn't the same as what I described, but it seems similar in that he's the one driving it and you seem unsure and you're really only doing it to keep him happy, and in my experience that's not really the best basis for a couple to do something...
Sounds like he is going to be pissed after and doesn't realize it. I kind of feel like it would be pretty stupid in terms of the health of your relationship, because you'll probably end up enjoying it more than he had intended... etc.
I would only do it if it's something that you REALLY want to do yourself. You are risking your relationship (even if the risk is small) for some fun here, so if you are willing to do that go ahead.
If you are up for it, then go ahead. Otherwise I wouldn't do it just because he wants to see you getting fucked.

How he reacts is up to him, and it could bring out his true colours, otherwise you are simply assuming he will react a certain way. I reckon it could make things stronger between you guys, if you can go ahead and then work through the aftermath calmly like adults.
I personally never understood situations like this. I could never find it a turn on to watch my boyfriend fucking some girl. Or vice versa... I just don't get it. But to each their own...

I DO have something else to say though:

now it's escelated to where he has a black friend willing to fuck me on camera for him.

Play all you want.
But there's no reason to have it 'on camera for him'.
I could see that as something you might regret down the road.
^I agree with that. Don't be obliged to do anything OP, just do whatever you're comfortable with. If you're not comfortable with any of it that's fine as well.