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My kratom first experience

Dec 8, 2019
I tried two doses of about 5 grams each on Wednesday and it was ok I guess it was weaker then I thought it would be , I felt mostly chill and relaxed but I still felt some nervous tension ,stomach issues from stopping tramadol,Valium 5 weeks ago , I tried it cause I just thought it might give me a break from any lingering withdrawal feeling I’m still feeling , one thing for sure is it set me back on how sick I still feel in the morning , gagging ,dry heaving all started again after dosing with the kratom. I have another ounce coming in the mail which I’m just gonna flush. I’m just gonna stick with the weed for now which my use has skyrocketed to about 1/2 ounce a week .....
I tried two doses of about 5 grams each on Wednesday and it was ok I guess it was weaker then I thought it would be , I felt mostly chill and relaxed but I still felt some nervous tension ,stomach issues from stopping tramadol,Valium 5 weeks ago , I tried it cause I just thought it might give me a break from any lingering withdrawal feeling I’m still feeling , one thing for sure is it set me back on how sick I still feel in the morning , gagging ,dry heaving all started again after dosing with the kratom. I have another ounce coming in the mail which I’m just gonna flush. I’m just gonna stick with the weed for now which my use has skyrocketed to about 1/2 ounce a week .....
First time huh? I wonder if 5 grams was a bit too much for the first time. I have been taking it for 2 years and I still don't take 5 grams at once ( except at night ). Last dose of the day is 7 grams for sleep.

Kratom will, for sure, mess with your stomach. It is a lot of plant material. I wonder if 2 or 3 grams wouldn't be a better dose. My first dose was 3 grams and I got pretty high. Felt like an adderral and a vicodin combined . Those feelings are gone as I have a tolerance now . Glad the weed is helping you even if it is a half ounce a week. You can always lighten up on it when you feel better. 5 weeks off of the tramadol and valium is an accomplishment. Good for you.

I know some people don't agree with this but this is how it affects me. Kratom is dose dependent and it doesn't matter what color or strain it is. 3 to 5 grams gives me motivation, slight stimulation, and well being overall. 5 to 7 grams sedates me. I hope by decreasing your dose you can get some benefits from it. It is a handy little pick me up and insomnia helper if you can handle it. Have a great weekend.
Yeah it’s definitely messes with your stomach , after doing some research on doses I seen that 5-7 grams was considered a strong dose and it was my understanding was that high doses are better then lower doses , I’ll update this if I give it another try at 3-4 grams
I went from hundreds even 1000+mg tramadol to kratom and it completely stopped opioid wd. But valium wd is not stopped by opioids and it lasts a long time. But i took around 40g Red and gold Indonesian maeng da every day. It was fucking strong. Now i have Green maeng da and its weaker.