My (incarcerated) boyfriend failed a drug test.

Usually "special conditions" such as drug tests are not permanent, they cease after a certain amount of time. Plus since his offending wasn't drug related (Unless he was really silly and told them he was on drugs when he did his offending) there's a chance that they won't even have him on drug screening tests.

Plus, a single failed drug screen isn't usually call for a recall warrant (meaning they send him back in) but yes, a life sentence is a serious thing and really does follow you for life. After a while he'll only have to report to probation once a month or even less, but if you're willing to stick around through all this bullshit you must really love him.

But, that being said, do what is best for you. If you need to talk it through with someone and don't want to tell people in real life all the gory details then I'm on here at least a few times a day, so flick me a PM if things get too much.
the conditions should be no murdering and he should take regular have u been out murdering tests not drug tests

I actually laughed pretty hard at this, you're a funny cunt Libby :p
Haha yeah I try, usually a swing and a miss but occasionally lands right on the nail.
Well given the large sum of drugs involved in the case, or I should say allegedly involved because my boy says the murder was not over that, I dont think I can or should say more here anf anyway he's the only one who really knows what happened, I wasnt there, I was 14 running around being a whore somewhere or maybe it was even before I escaped from "home" lol
I think it's safe to say, unless my boy turns into one of those boring no fun oh no I cant have anything fun, ever. He will be in and out of prison forever