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Tryptamines My first ever trip here’s my experience (DMT)


Nov 10, 2022
Tried DMT for the first time, well let me rephrase that my first psychedelic ever. Yes I know what your gonna say why would I do the strongest psychedelic out of all the other choices I could have done but it was my choice to jump into the deep end of my consciousness and discover the unknown. All my life I have always had an insightful view on the world I felt out of place weird to say even knowing I’m 19 I have been preparing for the experience for months and have been researching all about it, previously I have purchased elicit drugs of the dark web but nothing This intense so the supplier was not hard to find.I prepared well I made sure I had a good nights rest and fasted for 12 hours and only drank water I don’t know if this works for everyone else but definitely did for me. I made my room a place of peace and Zen burnt some incense and had a shower. I weighed out 25mg exactly and loaded it into a very expensive vapourizor just for this occasion. I laid back heated up the vape and began my journey into the unknown. It hit me immediately everything Began to vibrate my ceiling fan began to move towards my pupils, i closed my eyes and I felt if I was inside a kaleidoscope the vibrant colours were incredible a buzzing noise was intensely consuming my ears I couldn’t move as I was beaming through this endless void of colours and geometric shapes it was beautiful but scary but I surrendered to its power and let go, i opened my eyes and bam everything changed my peripheral vision was above my body where my head was but in the corner of the room all I could see was the ground and no walls to my bedroom I was in an empty abyss of space nothing was in sight but my room floor and my furniture I could see my body just laying there paralysed I began to freak out a little and when I did an unknown force started to pull me away from that little bit of reality I still had the room got further away the more I tried to get back to myself I fell right back into the tunnel and bam I was back I looked around my room and everything was distorted there were no creases to my furniture everything flowed, the blinds to my left moved outwards like columns I have never seen such beautiful and smooth and texture in my life my pants were flowing perfectly into my sheets as if I was one with my bed. A painting my brother did in highschool of soldiers portraying PTSD became alive I could see every expression as they were screaming with pain the led lights in my room never looked so beautiful I started to come down on my trip, and was sitting there in awe of what just happened. it’s amazing that such substance can alter reality in what feels like a lifetime but was only 5 minutes.
Welcome to it my dude, welcome to the dead heads.

Do even more next time. For me, 25mg is baseline, 35-50mg is level 2 "the waiting room", 60mg+ is breakthrough, level 3.

It gets so much crazier and more beautiful. The visuals of 25mg are probably on par with a high dose LSD trip.

I think dmt isn't recommended for a first time tripper because it's so powerful, but it also has an extremely beneficial quality in it's short duration. Even if you have a bad trip it's over before you know it. Most "bad trips" happen or become noteworthy because it goes on for several hours, not 10 minutes.

One of the coolest things about dmt is it has different levels.

My first 65mg trip was so memorable. The only thing I could think or say for 10 min afterwards was "Holy fucking shit... holy fucking shit... holy fucking shit."

Ive introduced people to dmt as their first psychedelic. Lower dose, though, maybe 10mg. They enjoyed it.
Yeah you jumped in at the deep end substance-wise for sure but as Snafu said double that dose is where the magic really begins

Great to see someone so young (I hope you don't find that condescending) pay such attention to set/setting and preparation...I would've removed that painting though personally
Thank you for the advice guys helps out a lot I plan on doing a much high dose in the near future, in my opinion psychedelics should be treated with the upmost respect it showed me how little we are as human beings that our power of life can be stripped from us at any moment keep safe guys I’m glad there is a wholesome community out there and I’m glad to be excepted
Thanks kindly
in my opinion psychedelics should be treated with the upmost respect

I would not actually treat DMT as a recreational drug. Beyond some shamanistic virtue, it's truly not something you do to "have a good time". I would recommend so many other drugs for this purpose.

The saying isn't just meaningless. Psychedelics will produce psychosis and lasting mental issues if abused frequently like any other drug.

Treat it like a sacred experience. Don't eat the sun, it will burn you. Trust me, I learned this the hard way.
How often do you take it if I may ask ?
There was a time in my life where I was smoking DMT 3x per day, on top of other drugs, other psychedelics, alcoholism and others.

There was a time I would say I was psychologically addicted to psychedelics. Other than the DMT I would take very large doses of mushrooms and LSD about 2x per week.

It ended in a long term psychosis, and basically permanent damage. I'll never be the same.

My example is extreme, the frequency was ridiculous. Most people don't do what I did, nor should they.

I was using the psychedelics as a drug of abuse, which should never be done.
Is once a month ok ?
Yes, especially DMT.

Other classical psychedelics are the main issue there. There is a huge difference in chemical agonists that last 10 min (DMT) vs 10 hours (LSD).

My example and life is a very extreme and unusual example. In general, 1-3 months between trips is recommended, but DMT (vaped) sort of falls outside those parameters. Most people don't get hooked on dmt like I did though.
Welcome to it my dude, welcome to the dead heads.

Do even more next time. For me, 25mg is baseline, 35-50mg is level 2 "the waiting room", 60mg+ is breakthrough, level 3.

It gets so much crazier and more beautiful. The visuals of 25mg are probably on par with a high dose LSD trip.

I think dmt isn't recommended for a first time tripper because it's so powerful, but it also has an extremely beneficial quality in it's short duration. Even if you have a bad trip it's over before you know it. Most "bad trips" happen or become noteworthy because it goes on for several hours, not 10 minutes.

One of the coolest things about dmt is it has different levels.

My first 65mg trip was so memorable. The only thing I could think or say for 10 min afterwards was "Holy fucking shit... holy fucking shit... holy fucking shit."

Ive introduced people to dmt as their first psychedelic. Lower dose, though, maybe 10mg. They enjoyed it.
Yeah, same stuff happent to me, I coulnd't stop repeating phrases like that for 10-15 minutes...

I consider DMT not to be a common psychedelic, I wouldn't recommend it at all to novices, to be honest. Shit can get really serious.
Welcome to it my dude, welcome to the dead heads.

Do even more next time. For me, 25mg is baseline, 35-50mg is level 2 "the waiting room", 60mg+ is breakthrough, level 3.

It gets so much crazier and more beautiful. The visuals of 25mg are probably on par with a high dose LSD trip.

I think dmt isn't recommended for a first time tripper because it's so powerful, but it also has an extremely beneficial quality in it's short duration. Even if you have a bad trip it's over before you know it. Most "bad trips" happen or become noteworthy because it goes on for several hours, not 10 minutes.

One of the coolest things about dmt is it has different levels.

My first 65mg trip was so memorable. The only thing I could think or say for 10 min afterwards was "Holy fucking shit... holy fucking shit... holy fucking shit."

Ive introduced people to dmt as their first psychedelic. Lower dose, though, maybe 10mg. They enjoyed it.
What device were you using with these doses?
but it was my choice to jump into the deep end of my consciousness and discover the unknow
Did you have discovered something? It have help you in any part of your life? I dont know if you know what I mean.
I felt out of place weird to say even knowing
I hope DMT will help you to feel that you have a place in this world. You're so young , but it seems you are smart and do drugs with counciousnes.
I like it cause I used LSD like a candy. I dont know if I have permanent issues like @Snafu in the Void . Well im not Gonna tell my life haha
Send you ❤️
Did you have discovered something? It have help you in any part of your life? I dont know if you know what I mean.

I hope DMT will help you to feel that you have a place in this world. You're so young , but it seems you are smart and do drugs with counciousnes.
I like it cause I used LSD like a candy. I dont know if I have permanent issues like @Snafu in the Void . Well im not Gonna tell my life haha
Send you ❤️
Thank you for the comment and again you have to show respect to these kinds of drugs it has completely made my life 110% better have a lot of past traumas as a kid especially being a foreigner in Australia coming from a harsh background in South Africa I definitely have always been a different personality to the norm here in Australia, like I hate to say it but genuinely dislike people my age they have no understanding of the real world, all my friends are in the there late 20s I liv in a share house with absolute delightful chaps and it’s finally my place of being accepted it only took 19 years, currently I’m on my second last year of my trade as a fitter machinist I absolutely love my job but definitely have huge anxiety and stress being in this particular professional environment I suffered from depression for almost 2 years because of my past experiences being so inflicting on my life, I’m just gonna say it because none of you really know me so here it goes and I just want you to get a good idea where I come from, when I was around 7 my parents got divorced because my dad cheated and then we immediately moved to Australia so did my dad but during that move my mother was so angry for what he did she tried to hire a hitman to kill my dad I learned this when I was 15 I was showed documents from interpol and I didn’t think anything of it till this day I refuse to believe ,To accept but what can you do the worlds fucked up all we can do is endure it and live there so many other impactful events but for me to explain it all I’d have to right a fucking book thanks for hearing me, and stay safe 🙏
Thank you for the comment and again you have to show respect to these kinds of drugs it has completely made my life 110% better have a lot of past traumas as a kid especially being a foreigner in Australia coming from a harsh background in South Africa I definitely have always been a different personality to the norm here in Australia, like I hate to say it but genuinely dislike people my age they have no understanding of the real world, all my friends are in the there late 20s I liv in a share house with absolute delightful chaps and it’s finally my place of being accepted it only took 19 years, currently I’m on my second last year of my trade as a fitter machinist I absolutely love my job but definitely have huge anxiety and stress being in this particular professional environment I suffered from depression for almost 2 years because of my past experiences being so inflicting on my life, I’m just gonna say it because none of you really know me so here it goes and I just want you to get a good idea where I come from, when I was around 7 my parents got divorced because my dad cheated and then we immediately moved to Australia so did my dad but during that move my mother was so angry for what he did she tried to hire a hitman to kill my dad I learned this when I was 15 I was showed documents from interpol and I didn’t think anything of it till this day I refuse to believe ,To accept but what can you do the worlds fucked up all we can do is endure it and live there so many other impactful events but for me to explain it all I’d have to right a fucking book thanks for hearing me, and stay safe 🙏
Im happy to know that your life is 110% better after taking DMT.
I'd love to take this substance but Im afraid of having a bad experience. I tried when I was at your age Salvia Divinorum extract in two ocasions but none of them was a trip, or experience i was so frightened that I didnt let me go, I felt a big force that was pushing me back, I was sitting in my bed, and I felt frustration.

Almost everybody has traumas or is afraid something or have in his family something that is not working, drugs, violence etc...
Its good that you have open your heart to BL, it will help you and there's people here with a lot of knowledge that Im sure will want to help you.

I know when you feel like you are out of norm and have diferent vibrations or thoughts, you have to feel glad you are in a superior stage than people of your age, don't worry you will find people with you will be able to talk and discuss about your life and experiences,you have to be proud, you are in a high level of counciousness.

Send u hug

it’s a shame that hard life experiences are what evolved my Consciousness into what it is now but I do see it as a gift I feel lucky but then again I envy people who aren’t as self aware life is simplistic, Nothing holds them back. But I accept my self for who I am and I’m on a path to my own level of greatness I’m not proud of my past I hurt people I hurt someone in my life who has been hurt to many times she is a rare light in this world and what did I do, I put it out. So I made a promise to myself to never be that person again and since that moment I have never felt more clear in my life, and Dmt has shown me the Beauty in the world. I have done another trip since my first but I took the advice of 65mg+ and I went on a journey into a river stream of my Consciousness I have never seen such Formosity. Th after effects Dmt had on me changed my life I have less anxiety about work. I’m more confident, I’ve never been more me then ever, I love all you guys I’m happy to be in such a wholesome community filled with amazing people such as yourself, keep safe.
A good friend of mine from college also tried DMT for his first psychedelic, and he always thought it was a great choice, though I always thought he had balls of steel, lol.
Yes, especially DMT.

Other classical psychedelics are the main issue there. There is a huge difference in chemical agonists that last 10 min (DMT) vs 10 hours (LSD).

My example and life is a very extreme and unusual example. In general, 1-3 months between trips is recommended, but DMT (vaped) sort of falls outside those parameters. Most people don't get hooked on dmt like I did though.
I’m interested to know does DMT provide any body high or euphoric feeling? Are you aware of time during the experience/high?
The body high is extremely intense, overwhelming even. Time becomes very altered/meaningless, but you're still aware of it passing. DMT is really inexplicable and unique. A very, very intense drug. On a whole other order of magnitude from LSD or mushrooms, when smoked.
The body high is extremely intense, overwhelming even. Time becomes very altered/meaningless, but you're still aware of it passing. DMT is really inexplicable and unique. A very, very intense drug. On a whole other order of magnitude from LSD or mushrooms, when smoked.
i agree completely it hits you like a train, the onset is immediate, for me time was completely different it felt like hours yet In reality it was only a short 5 mins. Everything we know and perseve as time is altered sometimes my strength do such drug surprises me, I go through life with absolutely no fear anymore, it has completely changed my career and life journey I have never felt more free. fear is failure my friends. Breakthrough that barrier and remember it’s all in the mind your stronger then you think.