My body is a temple.......What good things can I put into it?????? Please help>>>


Dec 20, 1999
Ok bluelighters this is my question........I want to know what good things I can eat to help make my body healthier and ready for my next roll. I know all about 5 htp and vit. C, so anything else can help, like vegatables, fruit what kind of each are the best........and anything else you all can think of.
Basically some background for you tolerance is pretty high right now.
I am taking a break this weekend and treating my body as a temple till next sat nite. So I want to know all this to see what I can do for the next 9 days to help lower my tolerance and hopefully get my body alittle more healthier before next weekend.
Tho I do beleive any suggestions that I get will carry on after the weekend.

Thanks for the help everyone......Mwwwwaaaahhhhh!!!!!!!
That's easy Ruru...lots and lots of fruit and vegetables. Bananas are a great source of tryptophan (which as I'm sure you know is a precursor to 5htp which is in turn a precursor to serotonin), lots of fruits have large amounts of vitamin C, and there are fruits and veges that I'm sure contain magnesium and zinc (zinc is great to boost your immune prevent that comedown cold).
The trick is to eat lots of different varieties of things, not just a bag of bananas in a week. Cook up a vegetable soup (perfect at your cold time of year) - even add some lentils yum
. When you eat your veges hot, steam them rather than boil to keep that fresh wholesome goodness in the vege and not in the water. Actually in the microwave is good too.
Fruits and veges are also good for your system (fruits especially) cause such a high percentage of them is water. They help flush out your kidneys if you eat large amounts (people will eat nothing but for a week to clean out their systems) which I believe is good as I don't think the anti-diuretic qualities of ecstacy can be good for your kidneys. This isn't based in fact, just an educated guess.
You'll need your carbohydrates for energy so you can dance for hours so make sure you have some pasta (a vegetable pasta dish with a tomato based sauce is yummy) and some bread during the week (I just love banana sandwiches with a sprinkling of sugar on top
The best part about all this is it's low fat! So it's all good. But you should be eating like this all year.
I know your post was asking for things like 'no proteins as it prevents 5htp crossing the blood brain barrier' (not sure if this is true...I made it up
) but my belief is eating lots of fruit and veges and cutting out the majority of meat in our diets is not only good for our rolls, but good for us in general. No, I'm not a vegetarian (although I eat a lot of vego meals), just a believer in healthy eating.
And it does make you feel better too!!!
I hope this helped you out a bit Ruru and didn't come across as a lecture. But you did ask

miss apple
[This message has been edited by miss apple (edited 14 January 2000).]
Helll Miss Apple that was exactly what I was looking for
, I give you major props, I was not looking for someone to say no protein, I wanted the vegies and fruit thing, I knew they were good for me just not sure how good for a roll precursor so to speak..
I plan on headin to the store tomorrow to stock up on lots of different things yea yea
thank you oh sooo much apples

ok, you've got to clear out toxins and help your liver restore itself...
APPLES: eat at least one a day, they have potassium and phophorus which help flush out the liver and kidneys.
CARROTS: so absolutely yummy as juice, they contain vitamins which soothe and strengthen the intestinal walls and also have a cleansing and restorative effect on the liver.
GRAPES: eat heaps and heaps of grapes this week, they contain tannin which will speed up your metabolism and are also high in magnesium which is a fucking excellent internal cleanser.
MELONS: because of the H2O content is an excellent diuretic.
there are just are few detox fruit and vegies, but even if you just had a couple of these things as a juice a day, it would do you the world of good.
i'm also on a detox, i started on the 7th of jan and won't be finishing for another couple of weeks. way too many e's last year!!!
...u'll c it when u believe it...
Find a place with a good menu or buffet and indulge yourself some. Add some vitamins to the mix and your body will be loaded with good stuff. That's what I normally do anyway, then again running a restaurant doesn't hurt

Chalice™ (AKA "Star-face-a-chu")
"Reality is a delerium caused by conciousness"
"I'm a little bit of everything, and to much of all of it!"
in the spirit of Mr. Sticky , i can't resist the temptation...
apples, eat at least once a day
why she would be a very happy girl if that happened ...

(I know I'm going to hear about that one! heheheee, )
hey theres always got to be a smart ass ! might as well be me today....
OK, I can't resist posting about this...because I am OBSESSED!!
My parents gave me a blender for christmas and I'm making fruit smoothies and vegetable juices EVERY DAY. Its a great way to get your fruts and veggies. If you freeze a bunch of bananas (peel first)and strawberries, and blend with canned pinapple (with the juice) and oranges, you get the tastiest and healthiest drink thats oh so good for you and tastes like you just landed in the Bahamas. I have one every morning for b-fast now...
OK, so I'm now the biggest geek in the world but hey, everyone is visiting me at my apt because they know I will blend them up tasty drinks (adding rum too in the evenings).
My point is, buy a blender, use it, and its a really easy way to take care of your body.
Disclaimer: no, I don't work for a blender company
Bananas and Fish, loaded with potassium... (and what is the periodic table of the elements abbreviation scientific name thingie for posassium???)
Bananas, and fish, are supposed to help with the detoxification, and regeneration of seratonin, and other neurotransmitters....
they realy ARE brain food.
"Like a shooting star,
Accross the midnight sky!
Wherever you are,
Yer gunna see me FLY!!"
PaRaDoX -and PLUR for all!
don't be silly, you need to eat one of the 3 major "brain food groups". There's the hot dog group, the cheap whiskey group, and the cocaine group. I think that's what the Bhudda's diet was.
No,no,no. You got it all wrong. The 3 food groups are 1)rolls,2)trips,3)nitrous. Stick with the latter 2. You can do those and let the old tolerance go down a bit. That way you could still have fun. It works for me. And its so much fun!
Well I have to thank you all for your constructive and helpful comments....excluding some of you

scr8.......I personally had that diet for the last 9 weeks LOL, and the only problem was, that #3 was the one that I indulged in way too much, so at the moment it has been 7 days since the Wizard has partakin in the Hippie crack......I am counting the days to when I can have my next wippit LOL its 8 more days right now yippppeeeee....

raverdad.......No Comment...hehehe

And just to show you all I am following your suggestions, I have a banana in my hand right now, (and no its not my banana LOL, nor someone elses){Dam My mind is in the gutter}....and I have soup on the stove right now, vegatable soup that is

Again thanks for the help and I am sure you will hear my report after next sat LOL.....
TerKeE !!!!
eat it. it has more tryptophan that bananas. apples explained what tryptophan is.
i just want you all to know that eating apples at lest once a day was probably some of the best advice i've ever been given.....
joke all you like

...u'll c it when u believe it...
find renewtrient pills on the net it'll make like your rolling again for this first time. be careful don't drink on it or take to many. i know you were looking for heathly things but this is a lot more fun