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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Mushrooms/3 grams) Strong visuals


Feb 12, 2011
12:30pm-- 3 grams of mushrooms eaten dry on half full stomach w/ 2 friends.

1:00pm-- 1-2 bowls of weed smoked in bake house. First noticeable effects start to kick
in. Weed smoke looks very 'cool'
After smoking outside I felt a need to be laying down. We decided to go inside and watch
TV, this is when the trip starts.

1:30pm-- Focusing on the race on TV nearly impossible to do. Wood shudders around TV
get blob like patterning moving throughout them (they were a grayish transparent color.
Cars shooting out from behind each other on the race, when i actually watched it. The many
picture frames on the walls were simultaneously getting larger and smaller. Waving my
hand left a tracing look behind it for a moment. I then suggested
we go watch the movie Ghost Rider that i had left in my car. Finding the movie seemed
impossible but i eventually found it. We turned on the movie and the opening motorcycle
ride looked amazing. Now the mind fuck comes into play.

2:00pm-- Very uncomfortable, sweating but feeling a little cold. The veins in my
hand/wrist had a popping outlook to them and there was an odd stitch like line running
down the bottom of my thumb. Also another blob like moving patterning was on my palm(it
appeared to be more pale then the rest of my hand) At this point I was not enjoying the
trip but kept reminding myself everything would be okay.

3:20pm-- We decided to turn the movie off as it was almost over so we could walk my
friends backyard. Having no idea where i left my beanie and glasses, I didn’t bother
to give them a hard search and went on the walk without them. With peaking effects
lessening I was becoming way more comfortable and happy, being outside felt very nice
as well. Not much noticeable visuals besides certain trees having a altered look to
their color(bark looking off white-ish). Then we smoked another bowl and continued our
walk. Heading back from the walk the snow/ice beneath me caught my attention. No crazy
visuals it was just noticeably different.

4:00pm-- Getting back inside we start to eat and listen to music. I found my beanie and
glasses which made me happy. Soon after we decided to go play video games. We continued
with this for about an hour or so before the idea came to mind to go smoke. So I blurted it out and everyone agreed.

5:30pm-- Sitting in my car about 40 feet from my friends blueberry field we started to
smoke. During the smoke Visuals start coming back into my sight. The ground between my
car and the bush's starts getting a wavy look to it. The blueberry bush's had a red top
to them and where the green was got a purply tint throughout them. During all this
there are practically no words spoken between the three of us, i think because we were
all just so tired and i was at a loss for words. I really had a hard time explaining
anything the whole day.
Anyways, after about a half hour of smoking and getting
visuals back i closed my eyes and got amazing closed eye visuals. Tanish/gold brick
buildings and pathways was what i was seeing and i liked it a lot, it was reminding me
of an Egyptian civilization of some sort. Once I opened my eyes from this i could not
focus in on regular vision what so ever. I knew where i was and what should have been
in sight but for about 3 minutes all i saw was an intense blur, this began to mellow out
over about 10 minutes. That was very intense.

6:30-- We head back inside and play more video games for about an hour or 2 then we decide to go home. Overall a fun trip=) Just left me a little tired that night.
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Nice trip report very descriptive :p Keep em coming

Why did you choose a skull/crossbones as your icon ?? This trip didnt seem like death to me
Good report Bkhaze! I would suggest to put some spaces in between some of the blocks of text to make it easier to read. Thanks for the report!!
Welcome to bluelight, Bkhaze. I had some spare time, so I put some paragraphs in your report. As theotherside26 stated, they're pretty important if you want people to read your report. Otherwise, you'll get a bunch of tl;dr. Nice report, by the way. :D I love mushrooms!
:) i read this interesting tr because of the skull in front. thought it was a bad experience but doesnt sound like it...

thanks for the read!
alright next time il take what ive learned in writings essays into consideration(sry) haha. and for the skull n crossbones idk, i jus like skulls. Most likely gonna be a skull for my first tattoo!