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MS Contin 60's safe?


Sep 16, 2010
I take opiates for pain control following a broken neck, been on short acting stuff while in surgeries, maybe 2 (occasionally 3) 15mg oxycodones per day, and each does me in pretty good. I moved for a bit and this state flagged me as an abuser on my first er visit, so been going underground til I move.

Today, i got mscontin 60s, think these are safe? I live alone, so higher dose stuff kinda worries me, im not after the high, just pain relief, I took a half since it l looks like 30 equals 15 oxycodone. will a full 60 be safe?

Also, is the release wax on the utside of the pill, or is it individual particles? will half a pill hit me instantly?
take half, wait an hour and re-dose if desired imo. these questions are always a little difficult

no it won't hit you instantly
Ok, I was on 15 ms cont a few years ago and would take 2, so that is safe, I was worried about an instant release at that dose
A couple years ago I was taking 60mg ms contin for pain. I now take 100mg ms contin for pain but it worked/works pretty good for me to alleviate pain for the most part.

If you have just about any degree of tolerance for opiates I think you’ll be safe.
Personally I don't think MS contin are very strong (compared to OC60) Maybe it's just me. I've abused opiates for 10 years or so and the MS contin never did a thing for me