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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Movies with Profound Psychological effects

Mississippi Burning--Saw this when I was ten years old and the lynching scene still brings me to tears.

Kids--This movie scares me.

Minority Report--This movie makes me think about things like The Patriot Act and how we are already on the way to something like a 'Pre-Crime' division of law enforcement . . . which also scares me.
belle de jour opened my eyes up to the unconventional cinema. i guess the film made me look at things (and not just cinema) a little more "intellectually" than i had before, and that's definitely a psychological effect :)

american beauty had a massive effect on me too, actuallyy, specifically the plastic bag scene.
xena said:
boys don't cry
this movie had me crying for a good half hour after i watched it. i just really felt for the characters and related them to some of my friends. what's even more upsetting is that the movie was based on true events. i thought about the people in the real story for a long time after i first saw it.

^^^I dont think i could have said it better.
Yep definatly boys dont cry. The way they treated that girl was absolutly shocking. I was also crying long after the movie had finished.

Requiem for a dream - just thinking about the mother who became addicted to diet pills and whos son treated her like shit, makes me depressed. I start questioning how i have treated people in my life and the effects of small actions.

American Beauty

Amelie - not really sure why. I realise that maybe i should apreciate the small things in life and just enjoy living.
i have been searching my brain for an answer to this from my life but have not been successful yet
but then after reading about heavy metal and being eight years old.... i remember being in bed, late at night when i was really young listening to late night 'rock radio' and hearing the commercials for pink floyd's the wall.... and being scared out of my mind. sounds so weird now but they billed it as a horror show of watching the man going insane threw in some creepy monster references for good measure all over a riff of course.
Might sound horribly obvious, but I reckon The Ring had some psychological effect on me, both the Japanese and the American versions.
I still have nightmares, still get freaked out and on mushrooms....bloody hell.

Donnie Darko as well, it was just one of those films that kinda made me think, and, to some extent feel kind of differently.
I don't remember watching hardly any of The Fountain, because my friend and I were doing so much Nitrous and smoking so much pot at the time.

But I remember the ending.



I would say, for me, any movie that makes me want to talk about it with someone or preoccupies my mindset for an extended period of time, fits this category...

I loved "Good Will Hunting". Saw it toward the end of my college life and really made me think about what I want to do with my life and who I want to be.

I saw "Pet Cemetery" when I was fairly young by myself in a movie theatre. That film scared the crap outta me and let me know how frightened a movie can make me feel.

Sounds strange, but the movie "Swingers" gave me a fun loving boost to my attitude. God, that sounds so fucking lame...:D
great thread idea.

for me, many of the dogme movies certainly had a deep psychological impact but perhaps none moreso than idioterne (the idiots) which has blown my mind on more than one occasion.

The Talented Mr. Ripley
Mulholland Drive
Lost Highway
Shawshank Redemption
Pulp Fiction
The Matrix
movies that emotionally scarred me were

the exorcist (i refuse to watch or look at anything to do with it, cant stand the music, it took me 2 weeks to learn to go to bed on
my own after watching that and i was 13 at the time.

amitaville 2 the possesion, anything like that scares me.

evil dead. grafically disturbing and very scary atmosphere, cant beat horror from back in the day.

movies that changed my views on life slightly or reached me on a different level are

minority report, great movie about the future, the iphone reminds me of the computers they use at the police headquarters.

1408, watched recently and i loved it, watching someones hell come to life freaked me out a bit tho.

pay it forward, what a great idea for a film and very sad ending

stand by me, it made me cry when the narrator said the crhis chambers died.

click. the bit where his dad is saying i love you son and he is on auto pilot.
Silence of the Lambs. Misery. Amores Perros. The Bicycle Thief. Angel Heart. Session Nine. Life of David Gale.
A Clockwork Orange, when it came out in '71
since then...Magnolia was probably the only movie I should never have seen alone. I 'needed' to talk about that movie...then, finding somebody else that liked it, was another story.
Blade Runner
Fight Club
Requiem for a Dream
Donnie Darko
Akira (the ultimate comedown movie)

a lot of them already been mentioned, i'm sure...
The first thing that comes to mind is M.Night's "Signs". Scared the shit out of me...it's the only movie that has ever done so. Sure, looking back on it now the movie was didn't really make any sense...but still, it's the only movie to have caused any kind of lasting fear in me.

Worthy mention; Pulp Fiction, simply for being awesome.
neverending story
wow, that one tattooed a path in my mind
it was my first psychedelic trip without the use of psychedelic
i was about 8 when i watched it, 10 year after i had a acid trip that changed my life forever, and about 10 year after that i finally understood how that movie was the key to understand the last bit of information i was still puzzling with in relation to the "revelation" from that acid trip....

but thats another story...
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Signs scared me by being the worst piece of shit I have ever seen :D except maybe lady in the water.

Pi really fucked with my head because as a ketamine fiend I was seeing enough patterns at the time! heh
onetwothreefour said:
belle de jour opened my eyes up to the unconventional cinema. i guess the film made me look at things (and not just cinema) a little more "intellectually" than i had before, and that's definitely a psychological effect :)

american beauty had a massive effect on me too, actuallyy, specifically the plastic bag scene.

100% on both of those for me too 1234.