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Opioids Movantix: opioid constipation drug.


May 23, 2013
its basically naloxone that is salted so that it wont cross the blood brain barrier. but it does. side effects include precipitated opioid withdrawal and reduction of opioid analgesia.

so you take it....it throws you into withdrawal and you start pissing out your ass. you finally were able to shit.

this sounds like the dumbest drug ever. another pathetic attempt by pharma that hasn't been able to actually invent new in the lain space that are effectivr in years.

anyone tried it? comments?
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"throws you into preciptated withdrawals" what in the actual fuck?????? what pain patient on opiates would possibly want to use this stuff IF they know it will throw them into withdrawal? wow, just wow.
it lists opioid withdrawal as a side effect in the commercial. people will take anything their doctor gives them....pharma rep bribes doctor, doctor gives this dumbass med to everyone.

most people on opioids dont even understand what they are.....my pain doc told me so many of his patients put fentanyl patches on their back where the pain is.
Lol. What a fuckin joke. Treat your opiate induced constipation with precipitated withdrawal. Now there's a concept!
Saline enemas are more effective and come with zero side effects compared to these meds. I can't believe people take these.
I cant imagine a pain doctor clueless enough not to warn of the horrors to come while prescribing this. The active ingredient is so close to 'Naltrexone' that it would be considered inhumane on the prescriber's part not to warn the patient.
Would the PW not be considerably less considering the drug formulation only affects the opioid receptors in the PNS while the opioid in question is still affecting the receptors responsible for CNS effects??

I can't imagine it would be horrendous. I also think it's mad you Americans have pharmaceutical advetisenents on the telly! :)
I too think it's crazy to sell something like this,
But: the active ingredient of movantix is naloxegol, a pegylated version of naloxone, making it a substrate for the P-glycoproteins. So if some of it gets to your Blood brain barrier is pumped back right away so one could say it doesn't pass the BBB.
And normal naloxone is metabolized extensively via first pass metabolism when taken orally, so only around 2% make it to your brain.
If the same metabolism can be applied to naloxegol there shouldn't be one molecule that gets through the BBB.
But that's just theory.
All I'm trying to say is, don't demonize it, if you didn't even try it, maybe it's not as bad as you think.
I am prescribed to it. I only take it when stool softners fail to keep me flowing. That said its not a painful experience in the slightest and it doesn't throw me into withdrawal. It seems to have a really short half life as well which is good just in case you experience some peripheral withdrawal
what did i say? ;)

edit: although I do agree that there is a lack of imagination being shown here with an "old drugs in new packaging" mentality.
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With all respect to pharma....I'm sure they engineered it to not cause too much with drawl symptoms.....but the fact that they say it can cause it is scary....and when u withdrawal you start shitting so I'm guess that's the mechanism is uses while minimizing the other horrible effects of WD
I've taken this and it does NOT throw you into precip. w/ds. I took the max dose and it only very very rarely even actually caused me to produce a shit. only lasts for a few hours too so if you can't manage to shit in that limited window you're fucked again until you take it tomorrow anyway.
I experienced no side effects that were not GI related (cramping, gas).
I've taken this and it does NOT throw you into precip. w/ds. I took the max dose and it only very very rarely even actually caused me to produce a shit. only lasts for a few hours too so if you can't manage to shit in that limited window you're fucked again until you take it tomorrow anyway.
I experienced no side effects that were not GI related (cramping, gas).

I am on Methadone maintenance. And I also see a pain management doctor once a month who is aware that I am on the program.
He prescribes Norco 10/325 for break thru pain.
He gave me some samples of Movantix.
I went home and took 1 dose.
30 minutes later I was in FULL WITHDRAWL !!!
Started with cramping then diarrhea, then vomiting bile profusely every 5 minutes for almost 2 hours !!!
I thought I was going to DIE !!!
Luckily it was short lived.
But hella traumatizing !!
I am on Methadone maintenance. And I also see a pain management doctor once a month who is aware that I am on the program.
He prescribes Norco 10/325 for break thru pain.
He gave me some samples of Movantix.
I went home and took 1 dose.
30 minutes later I was in FULL WITHDRAWL !!!
Started with cramping then diarrhea, then vomiting bile profusely every 5 minutes for almost 2 hours !!!
I thought I was going to DIE !!!
Luckily it was short lived.
But hella traumatizing !!

That sounds worst case scenario horrible. How did you use this drug in convection with the other opioids you were taking?

I've taken this and it does NOT throw you into precip. w/ds. I took the max dose and it only very very rarely even actually caused me to produce a shit. only lasts for a few hours too so if you can't manage to shit in that limited window you're fucked again until you take it tomorrow anyway.
I experienced no side effects that were not GI related (cramping, gas).

I know this is an old post, but what opioids were you taking? And how did you use this wit those?
I am on Methadone maintenance. And I also see a pain management doctor once a month who is aware that I am on the program.
He prescribes Norco 10/325 for break thru pain.
He gave me some samples of Movantix.
I went home and took 1 dose.
30 minutes later I was in FULL WITHDRAWL !!!
Started with cramping then diarrhea, then vomiting bile profusely every 5 minutes for almost 2 hours !!!
I thought I was going to DIE !!!
Luckily it was short lived.
But hella traumatizing !!

Do you take any other drugs or herbs? If you take other drugs that are pgp-inhibitors, that could explain why you went into WD. Otherwise, you may have just been unlucky.