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⭐️ Social ⭐️ Most underrated drug


May 23, 2013
What do you think is the most underrated drug in terms of its euphoric effects or overall impressiveness?

I’d have to say DXM that gets shit on a lot but is capable of euphoria that is so deep it makes mdma look shallow and an exotic hallucination quality alienesque that is absent in the other normal dissociative drugs like K or pcp.
Guaifenesin gets a bad rap but it's actually a pretty decent muscle relaxer/anxiolytic/sedative/tranquilizer when you eat like 4g of it. It is the 2-methoxy analog of the prescription tranquilizer mephenesin (which is 2-methyl).

I think it gets a bad name because when combined with DXM it causes severe nausea (it also changes the character of the visuals and may interact with nmda receptors like methocarbamol and mephenesin do) . This is not an issue when you only take guaifenesin.

I once mixed several grams of methocarbamol (the carbamate of the diol guaifenesin which is a prescription muscle relaxer) with 3-MeO-PCP and the result was almost identical to mixing guaifenesin with DXM. In other words severe nausea, vomiting, and a different character to the visuals.

Guaifenesin and methocarbamol are so similar. My favorite dose of both is identical (around 4g), they taste the same, and they both make your face go numb.

They both also feature a very short half life. A tranquilizer dose dose of either drug is really only effective for about two hours and that's really the biggest downfall to guaifenesin and methocarbamol.

For me guaifenesin and methocarbamol are better tranquilizers than soma (another carbamate muscle relaxer which is a prodrug for meprobamate that apparently I'm a poor metabolizer of).

Guaifenesin is cheap and easy to get at the dollar store. I usually eat ten of the 400mg tablets.
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GBL/GHB is pretty underrated in the euphoric department. I think it's actually more euphoric than most opioids and stimulants (similar to mdma), but at the same time it feels much less psychologically addictive for some reason.
Plus it's the best sex drug out there IME, and it stimulates the release of human growth hormone which is pretty cool.
It could also be taken every night without becoming physically dependent due to its short duration. However, once you start redosing multiple times a day it can become a huge issue.
Dissociatives outside their community. DXM is seen as a cheap teenage drug but it can be a very rewarding experience as is the "horse tranquilizer" ketamine.

Guaifenesin gets a bad rap but it's actually a pretty decent muscle relaxer/anxiolytic/sedative/tranquilizer when you eat like 4g of it. It is the 2-methoxy analog of the prescription tranquilizer mephenesin (which is 2-methyl).
Interesting, thought it was inactive and just induced nausea.
salvia is a drug that i think is underrated. maybe because it doesn't work as intensely for everybody, and it has a shitty body load once the trip is over... but for me, some of the most insane shit has gone on during salvia trips, most colorful drug experience. i'd compare it to the most intense parts of a strong acid trip when smoked correctly. idk. i don't really see much salvia on the dark net and i never meet any one that sells it. some smoke shops always used to have it, but i haven't checked recently. they had a lot of good salvia you could just buy on the normal internet before too, but doesn't really seem legit today, like the sites will send you stale salvia and bill your debit card twice. lame. i may try again because what the heck, but... i hope the popularity of this drug picks up again.

dxm is a cool drug. i always read about people doing it on here and know some people irl that like it a lot... i rarely hear about salvia use on this site. i've used the search feature and read some stuff. i actually have like half gram of salvia, i plan to use it when i'm off the medication that i'm on, which won't be a few years... i don't know if i'd use dxm again just becasue i'm so stoned i don't know if i'll get anything out of it and i might just be messing with my brain... i hope the salvia is still good and i can break through to the salvia universe. i already have it planned, there is a path no one goes down off of the bike trail in my town, it's nice and sunny. i will smoke it there incase i yelp or hollar or something, i don't want to be at my apartment. lol. i hope my camera works, i will film it incase i make noise. i've never heard anybody yell on salvia and i've seen about a dozen people smoke it and watched people on you tube, maybe a little mumbling occurs. you never know though. i prefer not to be around neighbors that might not be cool with drug mumbling.
Zolpidem ("Ambien")

Kind of a love-it-or-hate-it drug. Gets a lot of bad press online from patient reviews. It's probably my favorite tranquilizer though, unlike benzodiazepines it's not dysphoric to me and gives everything a nice fuzzy sepia tint before falling asleep, at the therapeutic dose of 5-10 mgs. Never blacked out from it or had any negative effect from it at all really. A nice wind-down experience before bedtime.
Zolpidem ("Ambien")
Is a nice drug indeed. I only ever got one package and it didn't work for the purposed use (falling alseep) because it isn't sedating for me but provides a nice, relaxing buzz. Remember riding a horse on it, definitely not recommended but it was fun. Wish there was a longer acting zolpidem variant, always faded way too quickly.

Salvia is weird and reinforced residual symptoms from a period of heavy drug use + sleep deprivation, in special auditory hallucinations, which felt dangerous but it didn't last beyond the other drug effects. Was pretty colorful indeed and the looping effects were interesting. Was a 20x extract smoked in a crack pipe. Think it might make a nice booster for dissociative experiences.
salvia is a drug that i think is underrated. maybe because it doesn't work as intensely for everybody, and it has a shitty body load once the trip is over... but for me, some of the most insane shit has gone on during salvia trips, most colorful drug experience. i'd compare it to the most intense parts of a strong acid trip when smoked correctly. idk. i don't really see much salvia on the dark net and i never meet any one that sells it. some smoke shops always used to have it, but i haven't checked recently. they had a lot of good salvia you could just buy on the normal internet before too, but doesn't really seem legit today, like the sites will send you stale salvia and bill your debit card twice. lame. i may try again because what the heck, but... i hope the popularity of this drug picks up again.

dxm is a cool drug. i always read about people doing it on here and know some people irl that like it a lot... i rarely hear about salvia use on this site. i've used the search feature and read some stuff. i actually have like half gram of salvia, i plan to use it when i'm off the medication that i'm on, which won't be a few years... i don't know if i'd use dxm again just becasue i'm so stoned i don't know if i'll get anything out of it and i might just be messing with my brain... i hope the salvia is still good and i can break through to the salvia universe. i already have it planned, there is a path no one goes down off of the bike trail in my town, it's nice and sunny. i will smoke it there incase i yelp or hollar or something, i don't want to be at my apartment. lol. i hope my camera works, i will film it incase i make noise. i've never heard anybody yell on salvia and i've seen about a dozen people smoke it and watched people on you tube, maybe a little mumbling occurs. you never know though. i prefer not to be around neighbors that might not be cool with drug mumbling.


Would you ever try officinalis? (e.g. cooking sage)

I've had splendid experiences with it. It's a subtle high, and I've gotten the impression that not everyone is sensitive to it. I was chewing some this afternoon, in fact. Let me know.

Dissociatives outside their community. DXM is seen as a cheap teenage drug but it can be a very rewarding experience as is the "horse tranquilizer" ketamine.

Interesting, thought it was inactive and just induced nausea.
I always thought “horse tranquilizer” was such as degrading way to describe a drug as beautiful as ketamine. Like ppl think it’s like a benzo or something

Would you ever try officinalis? (e.g. cooking sage)

I've had splendid experiences with it. It's a subtle high, and I've gotten the impression that not everyone is sensitive to it. I was chewing some this afternoon, in fact. Let me know.


probably not my thing. i've always needed the extracts of salvia divinorum to get the strong experience i was looking for. i bought some non extracted leaf before and all it would do was give me a body buzz....... i guess there are some sites you can buy salvia divinorum plants from, like they are still alive and you let them grow. i assume you need a lot of it to make the extracts though, so i haven't tried.
Zolpidem ("Ambien")

Kind of a love-it-or-hate-it drug. Gets a lot of bad press online from patient reviews. It's probably my favorite tranquilizer though, unlike benzodiazepines it's not dysphoric to me and gives everything a nice fuzzy sepia tint before falling asleep, at the therapeutic dose of 5-10 mgs. Never blacked out from it or had any negative effect from it at all really. A nice wind-down experience before bedtime.
I had the craziest waking dreams the first few times I took Ambien. Then I seemed to gain tolerance to those effects. But it would happen when I would take it and then not go to sleep.

Would you ever try officinalis? (e.g. cooking sage)

I've had splendid experiences with it. It's a subtle high, and I've gotten the impression that not everyone is sensitive to it. I was chewing some this afternoon, in fact. Let me know.

We grow some of this in our garden in the summer, had no idea it had ANY psychoactive effects. Sure you’re not pulling my leg??
Morphine sulphate/hydrochloride in ampoule form. Jesús Christ, I just did a shot and smoking a ciggy. I could do this everyday for the rest of my life. Yum
It's used as a veterinary tranquilizer.

I know what’s it’s used for it’s also used in human medicine and I’ve never heard street ppl call it "human anesthetic"

It’s a very deep and one of the most impressive and highly addictive psychedelic drugs. "Horse tranquilizer” just makes it sound like a sedative with zero recreational or mental effects is what I mean