salvia is a drug that i think is underrated. maybe because it doesn't work as intensely for everybody, and it has a shitty body load once the trip is over... but for me, some of the most insane shit has gone on during salvia trips, most colorful drug experience. i'd compare it to the most intense parts of a strong acid trip when smoked correctly. idk. i don't really see much salvia on the dark net and i never meet any one that sells it. some smoke shops always used to have it, but i haven't checked recently. they had a lot of good salvia you could just buy on the normal internet before too, but doesn't really seem legit today, like the sites will send you stale salvia and bill your debit card twice. lame. i may try again because what the heck, but... i hope the popularity of this drug picks up again.
dxm is a cool drug. i always read about people doing it on here and know some people irl that like it a lot... i rarely hear about salvia use on this site. i've used the search feature and read some stuff. i actually have like half gram of salvia, i plan to use it when i'm off the medication that i'm on, which won't be a few years... i don't know if i'd use dxm again just becasue i'm so stoned i don't know if i'll get anything out of it and i might just be messing with my brain... i hope the salvia is still good and i can break through to the salvia universe. i already have it planned, there is a path no one goes down off of the bike trail in my town, it's nice and sunny. i will smoke it there incase i yelp or hollar or something, i don't want to be at my apartment. lol. i hope my camera works, i will film it incase i make noise. i've never heard anybody yell on salvia and i've seen about a dozen people smoke it and watched people on you tube, maybe a little mumbling occurs. you never know though. i prefer not to be around neighbors that might not be cool with drug mumbling.