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Thoughts Most Overrated Books? (In YOUR Opinion)


Apr 29, 2018
Books (or authors) that are very popular or acclaimed that you think are terrible?

For me it would be:
Anything by Charles Dickens
The Twilight saga
The Fifty Shades... books
The Great Gatsby
The Bible
Murder on the Orient Express
The Diary of Anne Frank
(I'm gonna get lynched for this but I didn't like her; she was kind of a bitch)
Anything by Ayn Rand. My mom and stepdad highly recommended the fountainhead when I was younger as I was an avid reader and they both enjoyed it I guess. Never had I read such a garbage fucking novel. Atlas Shrugged sucks ass too.
Dude Jane Eyre was fucking awful, I remember having to read that in literature class in highschool and wanting do or read literally anything else as we crawled through that mess of a book.
On the road by Kerouac has to be on any list. It just doesnt hold up over time. Same with The Catcher In The Rye.
Damn..... I like a lot of the books being mentioned in this thread. They are not my favorites but "The Great Gatsby", "Catcher In the Rye", "On the Road", Stephen King's "It" and some Ayn Rand books are all solid. "The Great Gatsby" was actually not well received or popular when it was released but during WWII soldiers got a paperback copy through a book program and it quickly became a favorite of the GI's and an example of classic American life to remind the boys fighting of the life they left behind back home, thus cementing it's legacy and place as a classic.

It seems that I am an old soul. I'm not a fan of many modern popular authors. Could somebody point me in the right direction? I enjoy many classic novels. I see that my opinion is in the minority on this sight so I don't know if anybody will be able to help me but I would like to find a new classic and change my mind considering current fiction. I did enjoy some David Sedaris and Neil Gaimen novels I read sometime ago. I was in a opiate haze for years and missed out on a lot of time and when I got sober it was like I stepped out of a time machine in a totally different era.
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One example of a modern overrated author IMO is Cormac McCarthy. That dude was getting compared to Shakespeare and Homer but I could never get into his stuff
One example of a modern overrated author IMO is Cormac McCarthy. That dude was getting compared to Shakespeare and Homer but I could never get into his stuff

Probably not the place but what modern authors do you enjoy? You can use my post to point me towards some good lit. I liked some David Sedaris and Neil Gaimen. I tend to like satirical comedy. I just looked up modern satirical comedy novels and found that I enjoyed some of the books and the others looked very promising.
Damn..... I like a lot of the books being mentioned in this thread. They are not my favorites but "The Great Gatsby", "Catcher In the Rye", "On the Road", Stephen King's "It" and some Ayn Rand books are all solid. "The Great Gatsby" was actually not well received or popular when it was released but during WWII soldiers got a paperback copy through a book program and it quickly became a favorite of the GI's and an example of classic American life to remind the boys fighting of the life they left behind back home, thus cementing it's legacy and place as a classic.

It seems that I am an old soul. I'm not a fan of many modern popular authors. Could somebody point me in the right direction? I enjoy many classic novels. I see that my opinion is in the minority on this sight so I don't know if anybody will be able to help me but I would like to find a new classic and change my mind considering current fiction. I did enjoy some David Sedaris and Neil Gaimen novels I read sometime ago. I was in a opiate haze for years and missed out on a lot of time and when I got sober it was like I stepped out of a time machine in a totally different era.

Claiming It as being overrated is a hate crime against fiction.

Couldn't stand The Great Gatsby. Barely any plot and the characters are all incredibly vapid and dull.