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Most Inapropriate times to do drugs.

its been way too long since i bought weed. at least two years or more ... whats .1g equate to then
its around 1/3 of a cone
in other words 1 sachet of weed is around 1 gram
and 1 gram equals to around 12 to 15 cones maybe 20 if your lucky
so 0.1 gram would be around 1/3 of a cone
Ritalin_boy said:
one tenth of a stick = .1g? you're getting shitty shitty sticks...

but thats not the point here, is it...

i'm thinking, a meet the parents dinner on shrooms, or like a high DXM dose. or amphetamines, since you'd struggle to eat anything. Though im sure you'd chat the mouth off even the most story-laden father.

Or anything before appearing on "'Wheel Of Fortune".

On that note, I PROMISE to pay anyone who appears on a game show on an amusing substance (shrooms, PCP, E, etc.)


that'd be absolutely choice to see.


LOLOLOL, dude that takes the cake eh...I actaully fully cracked up sitting here stoned thinking about the most fucking hilarious facial expressions somebody would have with all those bling bling lights on them absolutely tripping the fuck out on shrooms or something
I once got busted by coppers in a lane in Melbourne doing crystal in my car, got arrested and all that bullshit....the day before I had to go to court I managed to snag myself 4 or 5 points of the above mentioned drug of choice and proceeded to get well spun on the shit.....needless to say I got WELL spun and ended up going to court with a good 36 hours with no sleep, chatty as a motherfucker and and managed to talk my way into a bargin in which I only had to pay a $50 fine and an apology to the copper who arrested me.......meanwhile FLYING HIGH on the very same drug in which I was summonsed under.....hehe

Dunno if thats inappropriate but to a square it may have the same connotations...

Sorry if I seem drunk at all.......its because I am...

I broke my #1 rule (as I seem to often)......NEVER post drunk....

Oh well

SIM-1 said:
My boyfriends, best friends brother took an E while his wife was giving birth!!! I'd be shitty. Cos he was so euphoric & she was in pain! That sucks!!! :\

My father was on mushrooms whille I was being born, reckons it was the most profound experience of his life...
kinda off topic but i have also been done for 0.1 of a gram. but i got drug diversion :D
Ritalin_boy said:
Or anything before appearing on "'Wheel Of Fortune".

On that note, I PROMISE to pay anyone who appears on a game show on an amusing substance (shrooms, PCP, E, etc.)


that'd be absolutely choice to see.


You owe this guy a $100.


ihaq4weed said:
benzos when going doctor shopping for benzos... :)

Done this one and seen the psych who prescribed me dexies while coming down after a night on em.

Ritalin_boy said:
i'm thinking, a meet the parents dinner on shrooms, or like a high DXM dose. or amphetamines, since you'd struggle to eat anything.

A friends parents had a barbeque to meet her new friends i took a high dose codeine and at the table i sat there and looked at the food for about 5 minutes before going over to the couch and taking a nap in full view of the friends parents.

These two times though aren't really what i would consider inappropriate myself the times i have felt i got high inappropriately have been like the time i was meant to just have a normal beach day with a friend and got smashed on alcohol benzos and weed. Not only did she have to stay sober and 'just watch' because she had to work that evening but i ended up making her late for work coz i was still pulling cones when she wanted to leave and she knew she couldn't just leave me there like i insisted because i would need to be babysat the trip home. In general i think its been inappropriate when i was meant to do something with just one of other person and i got high when they couldn't/wouldn't, there are exceptions of course but it tends to make people cut coz your meant to do something together and you just have your own private party that and it can give the impression that the persons company isn't enough for u to have a fun or possibly even bearable time.
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^(a few posts back)^ have a look at that link, the bloke is gasing of his head =D
Holy Shit!!! I totally crapped my pants laughing at that guy on 'The Price Is Right'!!!!
He's a downright state! hahaha. He can't sit still for 1/2 a second =D

I began to wonder if he wasn't "all there" =D =D =D
I dare anyone to go speed dating on ecstasy.
If anyone does this I will pay for the pill.

If I can get to you that is. :D
dabb.. that dude on the price was so funny LOL... hahahahha!

Imagine this one, Deal or no deal!
Strawberry_lovemuffin said:
I think this'd be more interesting as: the most innapropriate times *you've* ever done drugs ;)

Who out there has taken drugs at weddings, family events... god forbid... funerals?

I've done the wedding thing; numerous times. Mostly friend's weddings (and only at the reception), but I did take pills at my boyfriend's sister's wedding, with my 'future mother & father in-law' there. I danced up a storm on the little dance floor in front of the dj that night =D *

*read: embarrassed myself totally

I don't see a problem with taking drugs at a wedding. It's a PARTY afterall! The alternative would be making a drunken fool of myself and ending up under the table which is infinitely worse!
TripsterC said:
its around 1/3 of a cone
in other words 1 sachet of weed is around 1 gram
and 1 gram equals to around 12 to 15 cones maybe 20 if your lucky
so 0.1 gram would be around 1/3 of a cone

You must be delusional. There's no way in hell you would ever get 12-15 cones, let alone 20 from 1g. I don't know how big your cones are, but i'll get maybe 6-8 cones from a stick (which for me is generally about 1.3g) and thats pushing it. I don't pack my cones overly tight, but I do pack them well. I think 12-15 cones is a bit ambitious, but hey, if you're getting that for $20 then hook a brother up.
comf0rtably numb said:
You must be delusional. There's no way in hell you would ever get 12-15 cones, let alone 20 from 1g. I don't know how big your cones are, but i'll get maybe 6-8 cones from a stick (which for me is generally about 1.3g) and thats pushing it. I don't pack my cones overly tight, but I do pack them well. I think 12-15 cones is a bit ambitious, but hey, if you're getting that for $20 then hook a brother up.

completely off topic, edit your post

I think during a wedding ceremony. I went to my best mates wedding about 5 years ago, this was when I was use stimulants everyday and I had heard second hand that the wife to be would tear me a new one if I turned up on speed. Seeing I did'nt think I could make it in one piece I decided to drink a bottle of champers before getting there.
Now I don't really remember too much after that, but I was apparently on my best behaviour, apart from the one incident where I gave the middle finger to my mates uncle.

Going to a job interview trashed is probably not the best idea.

Or when you work at a highschool. I was working in the IT dept of a highschool and going completely wasted on dexies and speed everyday, one teacher commented and asked if I was on any medications so I told him I had ADHD and I was on dexamphetamine. He then asked me if I was meant to be speeding from it, to which I replied "If you were on the dose I was on you probably would be too" lol
TripsterC said:
its around 1/3 of a cone
in other words 1 sachet of weed is around 1 gram
and 1 gram equals to around 12 to 15 cones maybe 20 if your lucky
so 0.1 gram would be around 1/3 of a cone
Uh, actual cone sizes aside, given those figures the maths there is pretty wrong. If you get 15 cones out of a gram, then 0.1g = 1.5 cones. Or the other way to look at it, is that for 15 cones each cone is 0.0666(recuring) of a gram (66 2/3 milligrams).

Heh, stoners... ;)
that depends if you add spin to your cone
most ppl add about half a ciggy or full ciggy to each stick
which will round off to around 15 cones
pills and death

railed 2 pink panthers at a club be4 they came on felt like going home came on on the way home and when i got home check my mobile cause i left it at home and found out my granddad passed away at the time i felt liked comeing home took it not bad sat up by myself sinking cans took it bad the next day
i went through 5 pingas(from arvo to night) the first time i met my fiances parents to help me relax and talk. they had no idea
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