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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Most Complicated Movies you've ever seen (intellectual)


Nov 1, 2011
My personal favorite is Donnie Darko, every time I watch it, I see it a little differently.

I also liked Primer, and Memento.

What are some of yours?
Those are some good ones. I think "Last Year at Marienbad" is my personal favourite. It's sort of similar to Memento/Inception, but entirely different. I still don't understand that movie.
L'Imortelle/The Immortal One is also a brilliant movie that deserves more recognition/views.
Waking Life seems to get a lot of it's stature for being an intellectual movie.
Timecrimes is, as you may have guessed by the title, similar to Primer. Pi is another one I'll mention, even though I hated Black Swan.
Then there are movies like Cube and Fracture which have you guessing but provide you with a definitive conclusion.
All I know is everybody should watch Last Year at Marienbad. Multiple times.
I forgot to mention Abre los ohos (Open your eyes) Also a bunch of movies I've heard of relating to this subject but haven't actually seen:
Monster a go go
The Pervert's Guide to Cinema
La Moustache
La Jetee
We Live in Public

There are also some "dissociated" animes like Serial Experiments Lain and Ghost in the Shell, which can get you thinking.
I'm not sure if you're looking for recommendations or our opinions on movies.
Oh yeah, I also left out Dark City (The Matrix series cooler, better, badass grandpa)
Donnie Darko is up there, definitely. Even after watching it 15 times, you're right, you still notice some subtitles. Pi is also really good, as is Memento.

I also hear Mullholand Drive is really confusing; I downloaded it but have yet to watch it.
Donnie Darko is pretty crazy

I thought Crash was good in the way it connected all the characters
^is the movie any good? I heard that it's confusing to the point that it's not that great, but the guy who was telling me about it has very different views on movies than I do. And he's not the brightest guy I know heh
It's quite subjective GABA, you'll find there are Lynch fans, Lynch haters, and people who simply don't care for him. I don't believe in love/hate because there's always disdain/apathy!
Give it a watch, you might fall in love and you might feel stupid for actively taking in the stimuli that is Mullholand Drive.

Definitely putting From Justin to Kelly at the top of my to-watch list!
A lonely, sexually repressed man. A shitty movie. A night at home. On this fateful night, they will meet... and his time will be wasted.
The Saragossa Manuscript (holy meta-fiction freakout!).


It was reportedly Jerry Garcia's favorite film. I believe it has 7 plot layers that are tucked in each other like Russian nesting dolls but my memory could be off. The characters get lost themselves and comment on the convoluted plot. It's pretty enjoyable just to go along for the ride. I think knowledge of Tarot card symbolism is needed to decipher it properly.

Malpertuis was also pretty complex. It's about a house that's a labyrinth with mythological characters trapped inside. It's probably easier to enjoy tripping or stoned than The Saragossa Manuscript since it's got lot's of surrealist imagery. Still, be prepared for a headache by the end (but it hurts so good).

For more current fare I'd recommend Synechdoche, New York. There's a thread on it here and I still think I'm the only one who has ventured an interpretation (which was annoying because I really wanted to talk about the beastly thing).
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meh to all the mentions so far (except from justin to kelly or saragossa manuscript, as i haven't seen those). sure they might be high concept, but this doesn't necessarily mean structurally complex.

the complexity of jfk blows my mind. i can't fathom writing or shooting or editing that piece.
The Jacket was one of my favorites. I saw that in the movie theatre with some friends when it first came out and we all felt a bit out of touch with reality afterwards. I understood almost all of it the first time, but it took a few more times before I got it all.
I found Inception to be pretty straight-forward if you paid any attention to the first half where everything was explained. Jim Jarmusch flicks I find complicated because he pays so much homage to the most obscure shit that it's hard to figure out why something is being shown unless you know the work influencing it. One movie that really stuck in my mind was Twelve Monkeys. That ending changed me.
It's very subtle, I had to watch it a few dozen times but I agree.

Pi does a pretty good job in balancing the intellectual with the insane.

Beat me to it.

but probably the most complicated film I've ever seen was probably three ninjas 2, or ninja turtles:turtles in time

I found Inception to be pretty straight-forward if you paid any attention to the first half where everything was explained. Jim Jarmusch flicks I find complicated because he pays so much homage to the most obscure shit that it's hard to figure out why something is being shown unless you know the work influencing it. One movie that really stuck in my mind was Twelve Monkeys. That ending changed me.

I didn't get it, and by I didn't get it I mean I didn't get how anyone who is able to breath wasn't able to understand the film. It was annoyingly straight forward.
memento is awesome. i made up a knock-knock joke about it:

memento the movie!
memento who?
who's there?
knock, knock
