• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Morphine rush but no high while under effects of Bupe

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Aug 23, 2013
*tl;dr at bottom*

Before my questions, a little background info. I have been a user of various opiates for a few years, and lately I have been trying to get away from the dependence. To do so, I acquired an 8mg Subutex and have been taking it in tapering doses over the past week. I have not been a heavy user, but I have been using for a long time. A typical day for me is 30mg of roxy first thing in the morning, then 60-120mg of Oxy or morphine (depending on what is available to me) throughout the day. Like I said, I'm not doing a ton, and my tolerance doesn't seem to go up very much so I've never had a need to do much more than that. Occasionally on a weekend I might slam a few extra roxy and morphine a day, but that's not often.

I'm 6'0'' and about 150lbs. 25 years old. Fast metabolism and I stay in decent shape for my size and age.

I tried to do a good amount of research into bupe before going into this, but there still seems to be a lot that I don't know, for instance; the amount of time the blocker stays in the receptors, which is the issue I'm having right now. I know that it has a 36 hour half life, but I wasn't aware that even after the glow subsides and the wd's start again that the blockade continues.

So I started with 4mg insufflated on Monday. On tuesday, I did 1.5mg (again insufflated) and .25mg IV. Wednesday I did .5mg insufflated and .25 IV. Wednesday was 1mg insufflated. Thursday was .5mg insufflated. My last dose was at 1pm yesterday. Based on everything I read, there is still some blockade going on in my brain, but I was beginning to feel some WD symptoms so I didn't think it could have been that much. About 1 hour ago I did 60mg of morphine (IV) and I got the full rush, pins and needles, intense pressure in my chest, funny taste in my mouth. All of it. But even though I felt the rush in full, it only seemed to stop the WDs and I don't feel any high whatsoever.

Would this be more of a product of tolerance increase from taking Bupe for 4 days? I honestly didn't think it would have that great of an effect after doing so little throughout several days. Or would this be a product of the blocker still being present in my brain? Sorry if I'm bringing up questions that have been answered. I tried to search around and have been lurking here for a few days in my continued research of Bupe, but I can't seem to find anything that gives me a straight answer. I was fairly certain that I wouldn't get the full effect of the Morph, but I thought I would at least catch a little buzz off of it. I also wasn't sure exactly what forum to post this in, so sorry if it's in the wrong place. I'm new here so please forgive my ignorance.

I just don't understand why I would get the rush in full, but no high. I was hoping someone more educated than I might enlighten me about what is really going on with the rush effect as opposed to the high itself. Thanks for taking the time to read and answer.

TL;DR: Taking Bupe all week (8mg in tapering doses)started monday, and yesterday was my last dose at 1pm, Today at 2pm I did 60mg Morphine(IV) and got the full rush but no high (only WD subsided). Why did the rush happen but no high?
the bupe is still active in your system. thats why.

morphine does have other activity at sites other than mu-opioid (e.g. histamine release) that are responsible for its "rush" as well.
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