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Morphine - OoD


Apr 9, 2023
Hi everybody,

Long time lurker (4+ years). First time poster.

Things are bad.

I really hurt myself last night. I was drunk. I'm gonna stop drinking. And I was almost a week into a lope detox following codeine addiction. I was down to 6mg a day.

It's all gone to shit now. I am stopping. But I'm relapsing. I'm really sore and I just had 200mg codeine

It still hurts. I have some pharmaceutical morphine ampules. They're dated best before 2016. Will it kill me? I don't wanna die. I just want it to stop hurting.

Yesterday I had 0.5mg etizolam and 5mg Diaz. 2mg clonazepam the day before.

I've never Iv d before. I probably won't do it again. I just want the pain to stop. I have all the gear it's clean n sterile. Dead relative.

My tolerance to codeine is high, and benzos medium. I try to be sensible. Try, right? Hahahaha. We all know that one.

So my question is...
1) will the out of date morphine kill me?
2) and if not is it ok on the tail end of the last few days cocktail?

Thankyou in advance.

Thanks. But what about seven?

It's been kept in a drawer out the sun.
Morphine is an incredibly stable drug, it can easily last several decades if properly stored.

I wouldn't IV it though.

Fine to take with the benzos on a prior day
Iv never IVd and probably never will again. Just seems like the perfect way with the proper gear only its out of date?

I know how to iv so that shouldn't be a problem.
Will it be ok with all the codeine I took? I do have some tolerance. Not mega. But I was taking 300mg tram at once with codeine.
Yeah you should be fine as long as you don't overdo it. But I wouldn't IV for the first time with other drugs in your system.
I mean not today. But previously. 300mg tram 50mg that tram like stuff and 100mg codeine at once.
Look, no one in their right mind would recommend you to do anything I.V.

Pharma vial might be as good as it gets as a choice for using something I.V, but even with 1 tiny dose, even more so as a part of drug cocktail, there’s a probability you’ll, some time in the future, decide to use I.V. just once more, than just once more, than just once properly, than just once a year, well a month and so on, until you come to conclusion, fuck needles, I’ve should have listened
Yeah, you make good points. Thanks for the input.
I recall reading that morphine is just as good if you boof it as it is IV,if you never crossed the line an did IV drugs don’t start dude, i IV”d coke at 16 and here I am at 58 with fresh track marks ,I had no clue the can of worms I was opening.

It got done in the end. I haven't had urge to repeat the experience. It got me through a hard day and now I'm moving on sorting other issues. Maybe I will repeat experience one day. Maybe not. I don't like to rule anything out. I can say I won't be doing it again anytime in near future and if I do ever I would only use pharma product. Barring maybe a war/apocalypse situation.

Thanks for all the HR advice from everyone. I appreciate yous taking the time to answer me.