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Opioids Morphine Mega Thread & FAQ'S

I heard you can heat pills if you keep it below 70C. There is a sweet spot where the wax melts but the morphine wont dissolve.
Does anyone know if the coating on MSContin is fast release morphine or if its just an inert coating?
I have little blue 15mg morphine sulfates

I'm going to plug them but not use a syringe..

Should I take the coating off before I do it? Should I crush it up or will it work whole?

And are these a good combo with Valium?

Thanks BL
almost 48 no ones helping me out..

i ended up just plugging 3/4 one last night without the coating. Didn't feel anything after about 45 mins and was getting pissed so I snorted some and smoked some buds and did valium..

i think it did work to some point but idk really im really constipated right now too .. prolly the reason
I have an instant-read thermometer. Does anyone know what the perfect temp would be (F) for melting the msContins wax but NOT DESTROYING the morphine? This is for plugging.
I'm so confused about the biaA % of railing IR Morphine pills in comparison to oral ROA.

A lot of people have said intra-nasal ROA of Morphine is a waste, esp when its M-sulfate and not M-HCL which is absorbed much better when railing.

I think it all depends on the individual; I feel 20mg (IR) Morphine intra-nasal ROA to hit harder and longer than taking 20mg Oral ROA. Does wonders for my pain mngt as well.

Anyone else experience this? thx
Sweet thread,

I only got bout halfway through so far, but haven't seen mention of Chitosan for intranasal potentiation.

If you can isolate morphine from your pills (CWE), and combine your nasal dose with this substance Chitosan it increase bioavailability by something like double.

This might have been mentioned already but if not yeah, look it up... Chitosan ;)

it's mentioned in the original post with a link:)
I'm so confused about the biaA % of railing IR Morphine pills in comparison to oral ROA.

A lot of people have said intra-nasal ROA of Morphine is a waste, esp when its M-sulfate and not M-HCL which is absorbed much better when railing.

I think it all depends on the individual; I feel 20mg (IR) Morphine intra-nasal ROA to hit harder and longer than taking 20mg Oral ROA. Does wonders for my pain mngt as well.

Anyone else experience this? thx

For me when Oral use seems a bit more potent than Intranasal, but try PLUG IT up your arse ! First time I did that I was a bit desperate but It worked fucking well and much better than Oral !

And if you dont have needle you can just put the full cap of 20mg IR up your ass... but avoid farting :)
Who here has tried multiple forms of time release morphine? Without crushing them or trying to defeat the time release?

How would you compare them?
Just wanted to post a new (and better) way of snorting Mscontin or regular morphine that I just recently found.

First with mscontin you need to crush them up and then dissolve in warm water in a spoon ( it will turn into a waxy ball of goo in the water).

Then you have to heat it but dont let it boil, and once you see the whitish foam start to come off the wax start moving the pieces apart with a paperclip (try to break it up a little) and once you've done that move the waxy pieces to the sides of the spoon.

Then you suck up the liquid with a eyedropper or oral syring and squirt it up your nose, since the morphine is in very warm water it will be more water solubule (sorry for bad spelling) and you will get a much better high then you would just snorting the powder trust me.

Then if you want you can also eat the wax thats left on the spoon, it will taste like regular wax since all of the morphine has been taken out of it.

And if its just IR morphine just dissolve in warm/hot water and squirt it up your nose, you get a really nice rush from it and im almost positive you get more than 30% bioavailability.

Have fun :D
I'm about to do morphine (liquid, 2mg per ml) for the first time, it's aslo my first opiate.
should take it orally or plug it? if so what's a good dose?
I'm 110lbs (dunno if that relevant)
Cheers :D
is it weird that I keep the spoon scrapings on foil in one pile, and filters in another on it for when everything is gone.

After I do a shot of the IR morphine I save whats left over in a little medicine cup. I get the 30mg IR morphines. If you put together like 4 or 5 of the left over shots and do it up like you would a regular shot you do get somewhat of a rush. Not as strong as a regular shot but it works if you have no pills left. So I always save my scraps bc yes there is still some morphine left in the stuff left behind. But its deff not worth doing a wash with just one or two pills. Its got to be 4-5 or more of them. and thats for the 30's.
Now as for the time released ones I find it a huge waste of time and pills for that matter trying to beat the wax shit in them. I just chew and swallow them. Unless someone knows a fool-proof way of beating the waxy shit. And im not about to cook it bc heat ruins the morphine. and I have also read that the wax actually traps the morphine inside it when water is added. and yes I have tried a few times to beat the wax and I just dont feel that comfortable injecting wax into my veins.
What causes the 'pins & needles' rush?

So I am curious as to what causes the 'pins and needles' rush/feeling you get when injecting morphine?

I have read through this mega thread and have searched and searched but cant find the answer. What I got from what I did read was thats its a histamine reaction. Not too sure if that is correct tho. Or would it be its the histamine in the morphine that gives this type of rush?

Either way whatever it is I love it. Some people do not but I sure do! :)

What indrediant or what causes this heavenly feeling when morphine is injected?

Anyone that knows I would sure love to hear you knowledge on this.

Thank you!!
It seems some people like Morphine while others dont. I myself like it as I tried it for the 1st time. 50mg SR orally & enjoyed the sedating feeling very much. I actually like it more than oxycodone. Oxycodone is also good for pain but is good when you're at work or need to do stuff & what not. Morphine is good to chill out & just watch a movie or roll in the bed with your partner.
Same. Morphines old school and ya gotta appreciate that. Whenever I do morphine I feel like Im ingesting a little piece of history Haha

Yeah man.....morphine also lasts twice as long for me than oxycodone or hydrocodone, dont know if thats the case with others. The only down side for me is it makes my body feel like jello. If you take morphine, make sure you will be relaxing at home but I do find driving on a sunny day very nice or if someone else is driving, I like to take in the scenery as long as its sunny out, amazing!
Is it safe to plug the generic ABG Morphine Sulfate ER (generic for MS Contin) pills? Would there be any weird side effects or dangers due to the other non-morphine ingredients, or can I just crush the pills into a fine powder and plug them?