

Dec 4, 2011
For people suffering the morning can be the hardest part of the day, what do you do to help prepare yourself for the day and stay sober/sane? do you have any rituals you would like to share?

My personal regime is: Wake up, take medications, turn on kettle and make a strong cup of English breakfast (two extra strong Dilmar's in a pint mug ;) ), then i go out to my chill out zone for a couple of ciggies, once I'm satisfied i proceed with my Sanskrit mantra "ong namo guru dev namo" which i say three times (this means to acknowledge the wisdom within), followed by some yogic style meditation, then hours of my favorite tunes (i have a lot of free time when not studying) So please do share, ya never know ya might learn something new. =D

edit: I see Coffee and Tea play an important role in preparation for the day, tell us about it, are you a connoisseur? or do you make 'super cups', with 5 servings of the cheap stuff inside and a whole load of sugar!

*Please no mention of illicit substances or self harm practices, medications are fine as well as nicotine, coffee, herbal tea's and health supplements. This is supposed to be a positive thread <3

Much Love and Peace...............
"Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." -Friedrich Nietzsche

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I try my best to avoid hitting the snooze button and get moving once my feet hit the floor (when I lie in bed I tend to want to stay there).

Coffee and nicotine are the first two things I go for (the nicotine has got to stop again soon though).

I've found that going to the gym first thing in the am is a huge positive for my mentality for the rest of the day. It clears my head, gives me energy and provides an opportunity to get another good workout later in the day.

I like the idea of having tea in the mornings as opposed to coffee. It has much more healthy properties associated to it and gives a different type of energy.

Yeah, the mornings set the tone for the rest of the day so I need to be mindful of how I start them. I can get into dark places in my head real quick so its important for me to be constantly aware of this and incorporate some sort of preventative maintenance schedule to avoid the possibility of ruining the day early
I've gotten in the bad habit of hitting snooze, in the past four months or so. 25-some years of using an alarm to get up, and I've never really bothered with it, but then one day I decide: "fuck it"; and now I'm in the terrible habit. And really, it's not like I get any real sleep during that time, and I'm usually somewhat awake for up to 20 minutes before the alarm goes off anyway.

The big thing that gets me going in the morning is water. Before I even go to the bathroom, I down a half-liter that I pour for myself the night before. Then after the morning hygiene and grooming (got to look good for the computer monitor at work :\), I'll have another half-liter, split between a glass of freshly squeezed lemon juice (diluted to a cup's volume) and a cup to chase that and take my probiotic and vit d.

Oh, and a nice cup of aeropress coffee, sort of like a pseudo-americano, with a splash of either coconut or soy creamer, depending on what I have in the house. Fast isn't broken, technically, until 9 or 10 when I'm at work and have my smoothie.

I keep saying this, but some day I'm going to start doing a yoga practise in the morning before going to work. I get to work at 7:30, which isn't really necessary (and I'm usually one of the last to leave too), so I figure that if I keep getting up when I am, sans snooze, and come in for closer to 8:45, I'll have plenty of time for a short practise. Hell, even 5 of each Sun Salutation would be of huge benefit. Tough to change the morning routine though...
Schiz, what a great idea for a thread.:)

I try to wake up as early as I can and not get up! I love to have the luxury of lying in bed, thinking over my dreams, maybe writing a little, checking BL=D and snuggling with my cats. My husband gets up earlier than I do so it is precious alone time. I think about what I need to do and lately I have been trying to prioritize just a couple of things that I have to accomplish. As a habit, I heap my days with more than I can ever hope to do, end up being in a constant state of feeling overwhelmed and then stress about everything I didn't do. I am really trying to change that by thinking about the most important task or tasks and then making sure that no matter what else happens, I get those done before the day is through. It sounds obvious but for us scatterbrains that is major!
^Yeah i have always been a scatterbrain all my life (despite meds), as i got older i had to teach myself to make a plans and be efficient about them, but then half way though my plans i forget the next step/ or get distracted, when this happens i have a built in response, i go straight for a smoke then come up with even better ideas, I'll never give up ciggies, but i have an e-cig on order should arrive next week all the benefits without the unhealthy side effects, i hope it's all it's promised to be......
Wake up, and then have a relaxing shower. I enjoy the shower as a zen place. It is just you and there are no distractions, just the peace and calm of flowing water.
I'm not working at the moment, so getting up is a little harder then it was when i would be waking up at 5am.

I stick to a regular sleep schedule because i really don't enjoy sleeping during the day, even if i'm tired i force myself to stay awake. I'll usually wake-up and go straight to the shower; i don't drink coffee so the shower is my source of waking up.. once i've had a shower i'll go back to my room and make my bed and fold up any clothes (I spend a lot of time in my room.. and i feel more peaceful when the room is clean) i'll then go make a cup of tea and open the window and blinds to let some air and light into the room.. put some music on and relax while i go through bluelight and check any other updates.

I enjoy taking my time, even when i was starting work at 6:30am i would wakeup at 5am so i had time to enjoy my cup of tea and some tunes.. it really does set the atmosphere for the day.
If I get enough sleep I enjoy mornings. Have some coffee tea, browse online, do some reading, yoga. My "morning" does seem to vary anywhere from 8AM to 6PM, however. But I've always found it to be the quiet comforting time before having to head out and enter the world.
I like to wake up, grab a big glass of cold water, make my breakfast and then make a cup of coffee. Breakfast is the only meal of the day I can actually call a meal, for the rest of the day im basically just munching on this and that throughout the day.

But before all of that I like to stay in bed for a couple minutes and try to remember my dream, then i tell myself that today is going to be a good day and im going to feel good. Repeatedly.
....drag a comb across my head.
My morning routine depends on the day. If I am well I wake up around 6am-7am so thati can take my medication, when I am well I go to bed at 8 or 9 pm and tend to fall asleep sporadically and sleep for a maximum of an hour uninterrupted and on a good night can get 3 or 4 hours on and off.

Mornings are highly distressing so I tend to drink some water, then have some hot cupsof tea to try and get my body working as well as I can, have some cigarettes and try to be as relaxed as possible before my boy comes in at 7.15. It is difficult as he is hyper straight of the bat and next door is screaming at her kids :S

If I can get out of bed I have to lie back down on the sofa to supervise breakfast, dressing and washing/brushing teeth. When he is taken to school by whichever family member can, I am usually highly stressed and in pain so I have decaffeinated sweet tea back in bed or on the sofa depending on my movement. I then spend as long as intakes recovering with meditation.

I try and do small household tasks in 15 minute bursts, then have to rest etc until itis time for him to get home from school. Then the stress really begins and I normally have to stay in bed while trying to keep him entertained, do homework, read stories, talk about school, persuade him to eat his tea.

By 7pm I am usually ready forcreal rest and havevto drink as much water and hot drinks as I can.

When I am bed bound I try and sleep whenever my body will allow me, which isn't veryoften. And spend all of my time trying to meditate or distract myself from the pain and stress,

I am now going to meditate as next-door has been screaming for an hour. I feel sorry for her kids :S
Something to take your mind of those problems and worries....................
scizaphonic said:
strong cup of English breakfast (two extra strong Dilmar's in a pint mug)

Coffee seems to aggravate my conditions, but if I'm in just the right mood I love the stuff, (It's a rare treat for me) so here's my process: Two standard tablespoons of 'Harris espresso' (their strongest blend) into a French plunger I with 400mls of boiling water, I stir into a cyclone, then push the plunger down till it 'just' reaches the top of the water level then I let it sit for 5 minutes, after I press the plunger all the way to the bottom and it's ready, I then fill my prized pint mug (568ml) with the precious brew and about 120ml of full cream milk and two teaspoons of white sugar, done! pure bliss.

then I go back to avoiding invisible objects and focussing on not hearing a running commentary of every action and thought I make (now that's a dark sense of humour :\)
first of all, move out of Melbourne! nah just kidding with you the weather sucks, but the culture and 'scene' make it worth it. Develop a plan through safe experimentation and research, you will find something that suits you :)
That is me also, I love starbucks, at Uni I was survivng on a 20oz mocha with 3 double expresso shots added and about 4 packs of brown sugar with vanilla and cinnamon on top, but I cannot drink thatkind of stuff anymore unless it is amone off when I am not too I'll

You should try peppermint tea to wake you up, very refreshing and no caffeine.

@ FLF- you could do with a routine very very important for mental health sugar. I can give you some tips when you nextpm me if you like?

My boy is back andluckily he is fair chilled and he understands that he cannot kiss me or touch my water bottle because of the oramorph. He is so clever I love him to bits, he is on my big bean bag on the floor next to ,e watching kids tv I am dying to give him huggles but I can't :(

Something to take your mind of those problems and worries....................

Coffee seems to aggravate my conditions, but if I'm in just the right mood I love the stuff, (It's a rare treat for me) so here's my process: Two standard tablespoons of 'Harris espresso' (their strongest blend) into a French plunger I with 400mls of boiling water, I stir into a cyclone, then push the plunger down till it 'just' reaches the top of the water level then I let it sit for 5 minutes, after I press the plunger all the way to the bottom and it's ready, I then fill my prized pint mug (568ml) with the precious brew and about 120ml of full cream milk and two teaspoons of white sugar, done! pure bliss.

then I go back to avoiding invisible objects and focussing on not hearing a running commentary of every action and thought I make (now that's a dark sense of humour :\)
I lovee this thread! Im a big fan of starting the day off right. I am with malakaix on the taking your time part. I absolutley HATE being rushed and it fucks up my whole day. I like taking my time in the shower and getting dressed while leaving a good amount of time for some coffee, music, bluelight and food.

Music and food are the most important for me in the morning. I love just blasting euphoric upbeat trance/dubstep/techno music to help wake up. I also eat as much as possible in the morning before i leave to get that extra comfort and feelgoodness inside of you, plus i believe what they say about it being the most important meal.Then after all that im ready to go out into the world.
^ yeah, cant be rushed, too much shock to the system, i have to prepare my system for take off slowly, or i'll will be irritated all day

@Doomed2pain: i love a Gloria jeans voltage, double-shot of espresso, vanilla syrup, ice and milk, no cream or beans, why would you put crushed beans in a beverage anyway? feels like gritty shit in your mouth, BTW your in-box is full cause i cant pm you :)

"All you need is love" - some guy from the Beatles ;)