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morning glory didnt hurt


Sep 22, 2011
Male 5,10 170lbs 30+ yrs old 250 Morning glory seeds ground then CWE set for 1 hour then strain and drank at 6am. Within two hours he had leg cramps and felt sick. At this time he ate some dark chocolate and B vitamins to help counter the vasoconstriction. The pain in his legs continued to get worse to the point where it was much more than just uncomfortable it was downright painful and made him want to just lay still. he had read that staying active should help but it felt as if moving did nothing but make things worse. he is vary thankful this was a mild trip and was expecting this as a side effect. I can see how this could be scary as hell had he not known. 6 hrs after ingesting the mild tripy effects subsided but all side effects were still there till about 12 noon the next day. 30 hrs later his legs were sore the next day then felt better for 5 days then felt sore again and are still sore now 13 day later. I have read meny reports and see a lot of people have had leg pains but havent read any with lasting effects. I am wondering if anyone has had this lasting leg pain and how long it took to clear up. Also hes going to the Dr. but havent decided what hes going to tell him. Is there somthing other than Morning Glory he could say gave him such vasoconstriction. Any feedback would be cool I hope this helps others know what to expect and maybe find out how dangerous this is to ones health. I will update after DRs next week. Thanx all this is my first post,
I heard they put i coding on morning glory seeds to where if you ingest them you throw up. did you both not throw up?
Hey I am going to move this to the Psychedelic Drugs forum, we may be able to help you there. I believe you will get much better responses there.

TR -> PD
I think people selling these seeds hardly care enough to poison people on top of the intoxication and that the reason for the side effects is just the alkaloids (and arguably some of the cyanoglycosides that are naturally on or inside the seeds or seed husks), since side-effects vary between individuals you may or not get nausea or vasoconstriction, or to different extents.
Maybe there are some fungicides and stuff on there to increase the shelf-life of the seeds, next time remember so that you can wash them off with different solvents. And rinse thoroughly of course.

We are not really here to help you lie to your doctor, there is no point going to your GP anyway if you won't tell him what happened otherwise the conclusions he will draw won't make any sense either. If you want to know what you can expect from having ingested something that causes vasoconstriction, you should tell him that. I doubt he will report you to the cops. That's a joke, even.

I really think (and know from experience I guess) that this kind of soreness and tense achy feeling can last for days since muscles can cramp up and do unhealthy things during the action of the drug. It seems normal and there probably isn't a whole lot a doctor can do for you anyway IMO. Get rest, but carefully move your limbs so that there is good blood flow and exchange. Eat well, get some vitamins and anti-oxidants in you. Just treat it is if you would having over-exercised.

Also please don't talk about yourself in 2nd person (i.e. he did this, he did that), it is confusing and it helps neither us nor you. Just don't worry about it. Thnx
Do your legs hurt more while exercising (e.g. walking)?
Is the pain alleviated by stopping walking/taking a rest?
Does elevating your legs intensify the pain?
Are your legs sore at night also?