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    Welcome Guest!

  • Words Moderators: Mysterier



Jun 16, 2000
Hi. My name is Marek Wiszniewski, and I used to be a loser just like you. Nowadays, though, I go
sailing on my 60' yacht whenever I want. I have over fifty wives in seventeen different
countries. I have three mansions; one in Bel Aire, California, another in Berne, Switzerland, and
the third in the beautiful wilds of the warm, sunny Colombian rainforest. I have one example of
every Mercedes Benz ever manufactured, from the least prestigious to the rare custom models. My
garage, in which the Benzes are kept along with my other cars, has a floor area of over two square
miles and is kept at a crisp, constant temperature of 55 degrees Farenheit. As a matter of fact,
I have just about everything I could possibly want. I have two or three sex sessions every day
with some of the most attractive and skilled women in the world. After my hour and a half long
"workouts" are done, I chill in my hot tub.
By this point, you must be thinking that I am an ego-maniac. After all, I have spent a lengthy
paragraph boasting about the luxury of my lifestyle. My goal was not to boast, however. By
describing the pleasures that I enjoy each and every day, I am in fact revealing only the smallest
part of what awaits you, if only you chose to reach for it! Using my patented "Wealth BuildingÓ"
method, you too can enjoy the very same luxuries...and more. The world stands before you, ripe
and waiting for you to pluck it. It is yours! To learn the secrets that will unlock your
money-making potential, that will open up for you a lifestyle that you have not yet dreamed of,
and that will free you from financial worry for the rest of your natural life, all you have to do
is send 79.95*, check or money order, to the address printed below.
Marek Wiszniewski
700 S. Halstead St., CMW 7314
Chicago, IL 60607
*three easy payments of 79.95.