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More Harm Reduction Advice

pally pete

Feb 21, 2010
im currently taking Lorazepam,nimetazepam,Alprazolam,Temazepam,Diazepam (Resoril/Norvatis 30mg (underdosed?) albeit only small amounts.

now i have taken oxycontin whilst under the influemce of these medicines with no adverse effects,yet i had some 50mg MA HOLDER: ATHLONE PHARMACEUTICAL LTD TRAMADOL HYDROCHLORIDE CAPULES and also TRAMAZAC 50MG TRAMADOL HYDROCHLORIDE BP TABS (zuydus alldac).

also are my tabs instant release or slow release? and how often should i redose?

my question is? is it safe to take these medicines whilst under the influence of the sais benzos?

will it enhance the experience or put me in unneccasary danger? you see im still feeling slightly anxious (suprisingly)

it did plan to try the tramadol on there own but was persuaded otherwise.(the seizure risk scared me of)

sorry if this is in the wrong section and once again apologies if there are wholes in my post)

for me its just about less damage to me and those others around me.

thanks all :)
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i read maybe half cause u suck at writing but ive seriously taken lotsa benzos.