MOM told me....


Dec 21, 1999
i had a very odd conversaaation with my mom at the dinner table tonight, plus the fact that i was high didn't help any, but anyway i didn't think my mom even knew what xtc was but all of the sudden tonight shee started asking me if i had ever heard about it, then told me that one of her friends sons just dies from an od on it.... man that sux ass, i thought i t was weird how she just all of a sudden new what it was...
I'd be a little suspicious if I were you. My mom was asking my little sister if she knew what "e" was ("could this be the drug they call ecstacy?"). Said she overheard some kids talking about taking it at some party they'd gone to. In reality those kids my mom was talking about were me and my friends. Turns out she read an email I'd sent to my sister about a crazy experience on the blue TPs.
"Reality is just a crutch for people who can't handle drugs."
-- Lily Tomlin
Ok first off, this whole thing probably does mean your mom is on to you but just does not know how to confront you with it. So what you need to do is be prepared for when she does. get all the info you can on E and E related deaths, not to mention show her you know exactly what E does to you and you have decided its a risk you are willing to take. There are risks everyday and everyday you make a decision on whether you want to take those risks. Now granted maybe taking E is a greater risk than driving down the road, but the only reason it is viewed as a greater risk is becuase it is illeagal and driving is legal.
So anyway be prepared for the questions, and try to show her you have been responsible and you know what you are doing. She most likely wont buy it, but give her the literature you have found, I am sure in her own time she will read it, and than maybe she will understand what you do. Probably never be ok with it, but at least understand it.
Hope this helps.....
um.. my advice: lie. lie like you've never lied before.
While getting all the info about e is a good idea, most likely your mom wont buy it. if she does some research on her own, even if she just asks around, she'll find out that not every pill is alike and that you can't really tell what's in the exact pill you're taking.
Hopefully your mom is an ex hippie. And hopefully, you don't have a bad drug track record with her.
If this is the case, tell her you were curious. Tell her, and this is important) that none of your friends do it. (REMEMBER: your mom will forgive you. you're her child. However, your mom WILL NOT forgive your friends.) Tell ehr you were curious. you wanetd to try it. So you asked someone who graduated from your school (also important - don't pin blame!!! It will come back to you - guaranteed).
Anyway, tell her you did it once because you wanted to try it so you would know what you were missing. It was curioisity. you did it by yourself. And you HATED IT (important!!) You hated it so much.
Go on about how you hated the feeling of not having control (brownie points: your mom will think you're straight edge) and how you never want to feel that way again.
Also, if you don't make a big deal out of it, your parents wont either. if you get all nervous and freak out, they'll think they have something to worry about.
I sympathize with you. I've been in your position before. A while ago my parnets found my herb paraphanalia. Being pot heads, amongst other things, themselves, I didn't think I had anything to worry about. however, my parents seemed particularaly concerned. Apparantly I had some xanex in that bag which i had forgotten about and it happened to have been crushed into a fine white powder (white xanex? I don't know..). Well, as you can imagine, they were none too pleased. But since it wasn't coke (and oh did I find out some interesting things about my parents through that accusation "how do you even know what coke looks like, dad?...") I didn't act like it was. I challenged them to take it to the lab and eventually everything was dropped.
But you have to make sure you don't accuse your mom of invading your privacy or something. she'll just think you have more to hide. Anyway, hope I helped some. best of luck!! Don't worry too much - worrying solves nothing! PLAN!
I'd have to agree with RoLLerGirL. I wish my parents had never found out about the drugs. Because of the content of the email I did not have the option of lying my way out of anything. I didn't even have the option of pretending that I only tried it once or that it was the only drug I'd ever done.
While in some respects the person who my parents thought I was was a lie, they don't and can't understand why I do drugs. It has changed everything between us, unquestionably for the worse. At first I was optimistic that because they found out about it I would no longer have to pretend to be the person they thought I was (essentially someone who was perfect and had everything together). It was getting a little hard for me to continue with it anyway. But I found that my parents after the initial confrontation weren't really interested in talking to me about it or trying to understand me. Instead, they went for the old faithful tactic of denial which they had perfected over the last ten years (example my sister who is really drunk is being driven home by my dad. she asks him to stop the car so she can puke. dad not only says nothing about her obvious intoxication but remarks that she must have the same flu my brother had the week before). No one ever mentions the drugs to me, but my mom constantly critisizes me and my friends, sometimes with snarky comments to me or else behind my back to other members of the family or her friends. Mom now thinks I'm pathetic and going nowhere in life. This of course is rediculous because I am still in school (third year university) and am still getting As. Really nothing has changed except their perception of me.
Drugs had nothing to do with them. They are a part of my life that they can never understand. The worst part about it was that it was a glimpse of my life that was taken so out of context. But it is a context I can never explain...
"Reality is just a crutch for people who can't handle drugs."
-- Lily Tomlin
Who dies from an E overdose> seriously-- the worst thing that "really" happens is you look like an E'd out idiot---with HUGH EYES and a shakey jaw.
My mom found out about the e once - and never mentioned it to me, which I think is even a little scarier. I mentioned it to a girl I've been friends with my entire life - we met through our mothers who are also close friends. She felt the need to run and tell her mom about it, who told my mom, who NEVER brought it up with me. She did call my older sister in a panic - "you're sister's *on drugs*!" but it was never brought to my attention until my sister told me months later. Ai. Anyhow, needless to say I really don't say much about my drud use to that friend any more.....