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Molly water?


Dec 25, 2013
Okay so I got about a gram f really high quality Molly.. And I don't wann drive around with a Baggie full of crystals so I thought about just dissolving it all in a bottle of gateorade or water and just giving out shots toe and my buddies. Would the Molly dissolve and distribute evenly? And how long would the Molly stay good in this state?
Make it completely powder before putting it in water. Then you need to measure out the doses in the liquid. You can't just give out shots of it, people will either get not enough or way too much.
it should dissolve easily if it's pure, even big crystals. if you have 1 g. then fill a bottle with 1 L of water. then you'll have 100mg MDMA of every 100 ml you drink.
^ Make sure to measure 100ml as well, if you're just drinking random amounts that can be a real recipe for disaster.

It will degrade quite a bit faster if you tried to store it for long periods of time, and not to mention it would taste NASTY... so I wouldn't do it. Seems like a novel way to redose yourself into oblivion, nothing more.
I realize it's not the best method, but yeah it beats having a cop or parent finding a bag full of crystals..
Ugh...studies have been done that show that while driving on MDMA, skills remain the same, but reaction time is significantly slowed (compare this to alcohol, where skill level as well as reaction time decrease). So you're totally fine to drive, PROVIDED no person or animal shows up unexpectedly on the road, no car cuts in front of you, and no other driver does something you weren't anticipating. Some people would think those are good odds, but some of the people who think that are the ones who end up dead, or in prison because they hit another vehicle and killed a family of four.

Only assholes who don't take innocent bystanders into consideration drive under the influence, dude. Not to mention that if a cop sees your ridiculous pupils, it doesn't matter if you have any drugs on your person, you can end up in jail, fined, and without a license after they take you in and test your urine.

Get a cab or a sober driver, for the sake of yourself and everyone around you.
I don't condone driving while on drugs but driving on MDMA is pretty damn easy IME.

what? you've never had good mdma then. eyes rolling into the back of your head, crazy eye wiggles that make everything a blur, an attention span of around 3 seconds and traffic lights that have large auras and send beautiful spikes of light through your field of view make driving safely impossible.

Get a cab or a sober driver, for the sake of yourself and everyone around you
what? you've never had good mdma then. eyes rolling into the back of your head, crazy eye wiggles that make everything a blur, an attention span of around 3 seconds and traffic lights that have large auras and send beautiful spikes of light through your field of view make driving safely impossible.

Oh, I've been there. I'm just not stupid enough to drive while peaking.
MDMA water is fairly common and LE is aware of it by now, so it's not that much safer than having pre-made doses stashed somewhere. IMO MD water is a sure way to fiend and never reach the same high as bombing it, so you basically do more damage and get a weaker high. Not to mention that personally I wouldn't feel very comfortable not knowing exactly how much I took.

For the sake of everyone involved, please don't DUI. MDMA is a relatively short high, there really is no excuse not to wait it out and drive after you're down.
Nothing like being pulled over by LE for a random drug swab while driving. Don't know if it's common practice in the states but in this country it sure fucking is. MDMA and you'll test positive, lose your license get a criminal conviction and have to walk home from your NY eve bash...
Yeah I really hate driving on Molly, the only time ill do it is if I have mostly highways to drive.. But trust me being a 17 yr old kid with a curfew will give you plenty of reasons to drive home Rollin. On another note are there any ways to enhance your high? As in activities, trains of thought or supplements? I already know about vitamin C but what's the best way to take the C, and the best way to space out the doses to keep that rush going and what's the Max vitamin C you can have in one night?
There is absolutely NO excuse for driving while rolling. None whatsoever. I don't care how old you are. If you have a curfew, make arrangements before hand. End of story.

Vitamin C doesn't do anything for your high. It helps alleviate the comedown. Not much is going to help the high all that much. Its not like MDMA really needs any "help" to do its job, its one of the most complete drugs out there in terms of its spectrum of effects and its consistency when you keep your tolerance low and have high quality product each time.

There are supplements that can help alleviate the comedown, however. See our supplements MEGA thread for more info.