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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Molly/Methylone? / .5 grams - first experience - worst experience of my life


May 2, 2017
I've done Molly several times. For years actually. Well this past weekend I bought what I thought was Molly.. I did a few finger dips around 1030pm. Snorted one line of it, and slowly did more throughout the night. I had a pretty good high from it, but wasn't like a Molly roll. It was a lot more chill. When I got home, I did the last bit of it. It was a half gram. Started taking it at 1030. Finished the bag off around 3am. I started to get really spacey after that. Just staring straight ahead. I couldn't look at anyone in the eye and had a hard time even creating sentences. Bout an hour later, it got worse. At this point, I couldn't barely talk at all. If I wanted to say something it took me like 10 minutes just to finally blurt out what I was trying to say, and when I did, it still was very difficult to speak clearly. My heart rate got up to 150, and my blood pressure was high. Hands and feet were freezing cold. Had the worst anxiety of my life. I had to hide under the covers completely. Couldn't peek out bc I felt like everyone was staring at me and I didn't want them to see my face bc I felt like a crazy person and I felt that I looked it too. Couldn't close my eyes either. When I did, everything would start shaking under my eyelids really bad. It's hard to explain. The vision I got when I closed by eyes was just like really bad shaky and my heart would start to feel like it was about to explode. This lasted until the next day around 5pm when I finally found a xanax bar to take to calm me. I went to bed that night, I was able to sleep fine (hence I had been awake for over 48 hrs) I thought it was all over. I was so happy when I went to bed that night thinking it was over. Well woke up the next morning, still felt kinda spacy. So I went to work. When I got there, I still couldn't make eye contact with ppl. I felt like they knew something was wrong with me. And when I tried to just sit at my desk and work, no talking, my hands were shaking my heart was racing, I had a Very hard time breathing, I began to cry and had to leave. I am now at home trying to find more xanax to get through it. The anxiety went down some but as I stand up or talk to someone face to face it comes back again. I've never in life had a drug give me these awful effects, esp not for this long. It's lunchtime here now. Someone I know said it could've been metholyne which I've never heard of! Has anyone else ever experienced anything like that when doing this drug? I did read something ab it saying you should only like a small small amount... so doing a whole half gram in a night might've caused it? I've read up on stuff and it said a lot of those ways I felt were signs of overdose. Should the dose of this drug been taken differently and this not of happened? Please share your experiences with me so I can be informed in the future! (Also I take Wellbutrin 300mg daily and blood pressure meds)

Tagged by Xorkoth
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It's impossible to tell what it was that you took. It might have been many things. Have you tested the powder with a drug test kit beforehand (such as Mandelin or Marquis)? That would give you a pretty good idea whether or not what you have can be MDMA at all, such drug tests can differentiate by the produced colour and speed of the reaction between MDMA and amphetamines, cathinones, benzofurans as well as a few other common compounds that are put into ecstasy pills or sold as MDMA. Granted such a test doesn't tell you the purity and isn't a 100% reliable method to identify substance(s), but does give you valuable information nonetheless.

Also, I understand that you are under doctor's control taking Wellbutrin and a blood pressure medicine at the same time as they may counteract each other with respect to blood pressure, right? So taking a stimulant/empathogen that does increase your blood pressure as well is not safe for sure. Your reaction might have been in part caused by the drug interactions!

Start looking for information before taking drugs and test them as properly as you can beforehand.
It's impossible to tell what it was that you took. It might have been many things. Have you tested the powder with a drug test kit beforehand (such as Mandelin or Marquis)? That would give you a pretty good idea whether or not what you have can be MDMA at all, such drug tests can differentiate by the produced colour and speed of the reaction between MDMA and amphetamines, cathinones, benzofurans as well as a few other common compounds that are put into ecstasy pills or sold as MDMA. Granted such a test doesn't tell you the purity and isn't a 100% reliable method to identify substance(s), but does give you valuable information nonetheless.

Also, I understand that you are under doctor's control taking Wellbutrin and a blood pressure medicine at the same time as they may counteract each other with respect to blood pressure, right? So taking a stimulant/empathogen that does increase your blood pressure as well is not safe for sure. Your reaction might have been in part caused by the drug interactions!

Start looking for information before taking drugs and test them as properly as you can beforehand.

This this this ^
Hey I just posted this on another post! I'll post it here below. Same thing exact thing happened to me and I took the same amount..it's 1pm on Sunday now and I've been up since 11am Friday! My friend told me it is prob very little Molly cut with Methylone. I had very similar things happen to me like being stuck staring off. I luckily didn't have anything too bad happen just was a little shaky and got hot easy. My friend took some too and his legs are hurting him, so I guess it's different for everyone. I actually feel better today, besides being up for over 60! My friend told me to eat fruit even if I'm not hungry and I did and that made me feel better and I should be able to eat later. She said it shouldn't last more than 3 days. I'm ready to sleep! It's terrible people are selling that as Molly! I was excited because I haven't done it in a while and it wasn't even Molly..it's literally the devil! I'll post my other post here of my story: And PS my pupils are STILL big omg I'm terrified my family will notice.

Hello, Friday night my friend and I bought a gram of Molly. It looked the normal crystals, it was the pink kind but seemed pinker than previous kind I got. When I put the first piece on my tongue, it didn't taste as bitter as it normally does. I didn't think too much of it at the time because I haven't done it in a while. I started feeling good, happy when it first kicked in. But looking back now I didn't really get the typical rolling feel like I get from Molly. I felt like I was stuck and didn't wanna move most of the night, which I've never felt like that the whole time I'm on Molly. I was also very jittery and my heart rate seemed faster than when I normally do it. The first few pieces I took Friday night around 8pm. Then I took a few more throughout the night with the last little bit at 6am Saturday morning when I got back home from being out. My friend and I took about a 1/2 a gram each. During Saturday afternoon I felt very jittery and didn't want to move out of my bed, like I said I felt stuck and just focused on my tv watching YouTube. Usually if I take my last dose at 6am, I'll be able to sleep shortly later in the late afternoon. I felt very strange like I know it wasn't just Molly. I got so shaky and jittery I was lucky enough to get 2mg of Xanax to try to calm down. Absolutely did not feel the Xanax at all! Which is strange because 2mg always calms me down. My friend was able to fall asleep for a few hours early Sunday morning. I tried as well,no luck at all. I took 3mg while he was sleeping to see if it would help this time to sleep because xanax makes me sleepy always. So I have been awake since Friday morning and it is now Sunday morning. And I'm not able to eat! What the hell was in my Molly? I feel normal now but cannot sleep or eat. My pulse does seem higher than it should be still! Please someone help! And how can I find a way to sleep! I've tried liquor and Xanax but nope, nothing works! I just want to know what it was that's kept me up for so long! I've haven't seen anything weird or hallucinate. Really just can't sleep or eat. Someone told me it could possibly be Methylone?
Methylone lasts a very short time, only a few hours, shorter than MDMA. Also methylone is a good drug, I sometimes prefer it to MDMA depending on the setting, it's stimulating and quite euphoric. Methylone is MDMA as a cathinone, instead of an amphetamine (methylenedioxymethcathinone, where MDMA is methylenedioxymethamphetamine), and is one of the best empathogenic stimulants out there, I've found it to have very few side effects. However, there are a huge variety of RC stimulants out there, could have been anything, and there are plenty of shitty ones.