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Mixing cocaine with mdma


Apr 2, 2022
Can anyone describe how this feels or works?

I read that by the time the mdma kicks in the cocaine effect will have worn off a bit.

Is it a good or advisable combo?
ime it is not fun or advisable. It feels overstimulating and weird. the mdma outweights the blow, the heavy SERT dump with the triple reuptake inhibition feels gross. IMO do them seperately, you won't gain anything by taking them together and in general mixing heavy stims is kind of uncomforatable.
So could take some coke then about 2 hours later take the mdma?
sure. The coke would be well good and worn off... imo the mdma can overpower the coke comedown and make you feel a lot better about it, ive had that experience several times, but also it's kindof going into the roll drained.
Honestly I'd just forego the coke, enjoy the roll and save the coke for another night out, but if you're insistent on doing them in the same day, taking some mdma a full few hours after your last line / when the effects of the coke are very much wearing off should not present any problem, assuming you are doing a reasonable amount of both. (a few lines of cocaine, 120mg of mdma..) if you're talking about smoking rocks and IVing coke into eating multiple high dose mdma pills, obviously that's going to be a much more dangerous scenario.
sure. The coke would be well good and worn off... imo the mdma can overpower the coke comedown and make you feel a lot better about it, ive had that experience several times, but also it's kindof going into the roll drained.
Honestly I'd just forego the coke, enjoy the roll and save the coke for another night out, but if you're insistent on doing them in the same day, taking some mdma a full few hours after your last line / when the effects of the coke are very much wearing off should not present any problem, assuming you are doing a reasonable amount of both. (a few lines of cocaine, 120mg of mdma..) if you're talking about smoking rocks and IVing coke into eating multiple high dose mdma pills, obviously that's going to be a much more dangerous scenario.
Only snorting coke, and just dabbing or taking a pill.

Im trying to avoid taking any alcohol at all. I know that it's not a good mix with coke health-wise even if it does feel good
I would more recommend to take ketamine to level out cocaine comedown. There is no risk for serotonin syndrome which I imagine must be very real with coke plus MDMA, it is shorter acting etc. Not exactly safer use but safer than the OPs intended combo.
Can anyone describe how this feels or works?

I read that by the time the mdma kicks in the cocaine effect will have worn off a bit.

Is it a good or advisable combo?
Cocaine is some sort of SSRI or SRI, so it actually cancels out MDMA. Couple that with the rapid hardbeat, sweating and totally different vibe. Not a nice combo.

Cocaine after coming down of MDMA did work. Opposed to coming down of Amphetamine which makes MDMA shine. Couch lock shine with crossed eyes. Bad advise, both just stick too one drug when dealing with these kinda substances.
I like the two. But only taken in the same day, not to enhance one or the other.
It's good to feel both if you have both. spaced out a bit.
I like the two. But only taken in the same day, not to enhance one or the other.
It's good to feel both if you have both. spaced out a bit.
I'm waiting till the coke wears off before I take the mdma
When I mixed them I suffered a severe panic attack, I would not recommend this combo.
yeah, but it's kind of like eating an marijuana edible and smoking. can be unpredictable at times. Like oh I'm not high. Take a puff. then it's too much.
Coke is short lived, but a lot of people like the combo. And there are those that have unpleasant times on them.
Still not a good idea to take coke for a bit then take mdma to finish the night?
This my worst advice in ages, harm reduction wise.

No, do it the other way around. If you are keen on the combo. Cocaine is among other's, a SSRI. These are, Fluoxetine Setraline and Paroxetine (Fluvoxamine is toxic imo).

But they are al known known to completely blok MDMA. And also used in studie's about serotonin and MDMA induced damage.

Cocaine is a short lasting one (SSRI or SRI), with way to much unwanted ed side effects and I doubt it would better the situation.

Save it :)
Well I did the mdma first , no alcohol, and was quite nice, then redab too. Then took small amount of alcohol but then a line of coke.

Once that wore off took a few more drinks

Then more lines ... more drink.

Was a good night