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Benzos Mirtazapine?

Zopiclone bandit

Jan 25, 2018
What do people think about them?
What are they like etc?

I got some yesterday off my friend but I didn't take any last night as he dropped me quite a few of the Sandoz Zopiclone which I personally love (huge shock there huh folks)
I'm planning on taking some tonight with a few cans of nice strong English cider & the guy I got them off is well into the same kind of drugs that I am & he said before he got a script for them he would hunt them down on the street & buy them so they must be good.

Thanks in advance folks.
Mirtazapine is an anti depressant, with zero recreational potential. Not sure why you think this substance is a benzo.
i find it quite funny that your friend would go hunt down anti depressants on the street :ROFLMAO:
Zopiclone is much more recreational mate so just stick to that. I certainly wouldn't mix them...
Horrible stuff. It knocks you out, but not in a nice way.

That kinda fits tbh, I was thinking by the name they may be in the benzo family but if they just fuck you up his also into Seroquel so what you said sounds right.

God knows why he would hunt them down on the street & pay cash for them but I know some weird people.
i find it quite funny that your friend would go hunt down anti depressants on the street :ROFLMAO:

As FUBAR said "Horrible stuff. It knocks you out" so if his after a really monged out, fucked up high it sounds about right.

The guy I got them off likes to crush up / chew small doses of Seroquel & drink strong UK cider to wash it down with.
Those are the kinda people I get my pills off................go figure.
i’m on this drug as an anti-depressant. causes vivid dreams for me, or did when i first started it. i think the sedative effect, which quickly fades, is the result of anti-histamine action. this does not increase with dose or something, and people often say lower doses are more sedating. definitely zero recreational potential. i’ve heard of people taking huge doses to get a deleriant effect — like too much benadryl— but that’s toxic, dysphoric, and desperate.

was never very sedating, in my experience.
I take mirtazipine for depression and anxiety and all they do is put me to sleep.
Zero recreational use.
Probably not the safest to play around with antidepressants and antipsychotics
What do people think about them?
What are they like etc?

I got some yesterday off my friend but I didn't take any last night as he dropped me quite a few of the Sandoz Zopiclone which I personally love (huge shock there huh folks)
I'm planning on taking some tonight with a few cans of nice strong English cider & the guy I got them off is well into the same kind of drugs that I am & he said before he got a script for them he would hunt them down on the street & buy them so they must be good.

Thanks in advance folks.

They're exactly like Quetiapine and Olanzepine. Knock-out type sedative, but not in a nice way like Zopiclone or benzo's. More of an unpleasant lethargy. If you're an underweight insomniac I'm sure they're great. Basically they'll make you binge on simple carbohydrates and then sleep for 16 hours. You'll feel really worn out well into the next day too.
No recreational value. Nothing enjoyable about them. Like Quetiapine, smaller doses are much better for sleep. 15mg will knock you out more than 45mg.
Yeah dont bother. Made me eat uncontrollably and sleep for 14 hours and i felt groggy as fuck mostof the next day.