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Mini Seizure during Sleep?


Sep 11, 2008
Last night i smoked some weed before going to bed, and i also took 2 Tylenol PM's. i also had 15mg of adderall around 2pm yesterday. During the night, like around 6 in the morning, i awoke into this small seizure like thing that only lasted like 5-10 seconds, but i was shaking, couldn't see straight, and i was trying to stabilize my body during the experience.

I dont really think it was a seizure though. the best feeling i could describe it too was if you've ever played the "pass out game". it felt like waking up from that.

my roommate had gotten up to go to the bathroom before the incident happened, because i heard him come back in after the episode happened. so i'm thinking maybe my body was awoken unexpectedly or something? and i had some sort of panic attack/seizure episode?

seizures do not run in the family at all, but could this experience have been brought about from the marijuana? or maybe the tylenol PM that i took?

EDIT: has anyone else had an experience similar to this?

I also read that diphenhydramine can bring out seizures? i've taken benadryl hundreds of times and have never had a problem with it.

i really hope i didnt wake up some part of my brain that is going to cause me to have seizures from now on. that would really suck.
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should this belong in the dark side maybe mods?

i'm starting to freak out. what if the mini "seizure" i had was caused by some kind of brain tumor caused from smoking pot too much? i kept thinking i was going to have another seizure last night if i lied on my head a certain way, which caused me some panic attacks/unrest. i'm even considering getting an MRI done. maybe i'm just being paranoid tho.
I think it was sleep paralysis. The drugs may have played a role but I wouldn't say for certain. If it was sleep paralysis it's not that uncommon, usually 'normal' people get it only once or a couple times in a lifetime. Some people have it occur often thought. My ex had it happen a couple times.

I don't know all the technical details but basically your body still think it's asleep like R.E.M. sleep.
It's unlikely to be a seizure: seizures where the whole body tenses occur when the subject is unconscous. What you describe sounds more like a tremor, and more specifically, one which may be related to adrenaline.

Quite often when I drink alcohol & caffeine (and thus, presumably, dislodge my adrenal system), I experience something very similar to this when trying to get to sleep or when waking from sleep. It's accompanied by what I recognise as an adrenaline "rush". It's really quite scary but, from what I understand, not something to worry about!

Hope you're alright.
wow thx for the input guys. that helps ease my mind a lot. it kind of sounds like that adrenaline rush might have been what it was, which may have been caused by my roommate opening the door or something.
No doubt in my mind. It was an episode of sleep paralysis, as someone already mentioned above.
*chimes in*

Yep, almost undoubtedly a sleep paralysis episode. No-one's 100% sure why sleep paralysis occurs but it is harmless. Even though it may cause extremely realistic and terrifying hallucinations/apparitions etc, you're not actually having any seizures or other life-threatening medical problems.