• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Microdosing LSD for various reasons


Jan 26, 2015
I don't really know where to put this so I will basically post it everywhere I think it could belong.

Microdosing psychedelics seems to have gained popularity, with a good reason, I just got a constant and tustful LSD contact, which makes Microdosing possible to me. The thing is that I have been taking LSD every week the last 3 months, at doses from 140ug to 980ug, which I think makes my tolerance pretty obvious. Altho I know microdosing consist of subpsychoactive supplementation, from 10ug to like 40ug. So I was wondering if a tolerance to higher doses would make a microdose inefficient. Like 2 days ago I took 210ug, could I start microdosing now? or wait at least a week like I would do with a normal trip?

Now that the question is out there, I wanna explain a little about what I feel LSD can do cognitively speeking.

First My issue,

I Have ADHD, my problem is represented by not being able to do something that is not instantly rewarding once done for a sustained period of time, I also have a tendency to stop thinking about what I do and how to do it, and instinctively start wondering about the implications and uses of the what I am learning/doing, like when I learn I drift from reading/exercising to thinking about what is the use of the subject I am learning, what I can do with it, how can this give me an advantage in any situation I can imagine I can live which.
Then when I am done seeing what the subject is and how I can make it an advantage, I get back to studying/doing but since my short term memory isnt that good I loose track, and it frustrates me.
This "cycle" happens nearly every 10 minutes that my brain doesnt feel free, like when I force myself to do something I don't come to the conclusion I need to do.
Whats frustrating is that I know I need to finish school, but it seems that my brain doesnt see it as something that I need to do, which makes me face this "cycle" everytime I try to keep going in school.

Now what I feel LSD can provide,

I think LSD can help center the being by teaching control.

My theory is that we are build from 3 beings that is all the same person or Identity but with different avaible memory bank and that our mind is build from 2 of those beings.

The first one I think is our attention (no identity, no ability to think, no ability to act, basically it just percives, Temporarely memorise and transfers informations to the other being, but I also think it is the part of us that percieve pleasure, emotions and physical sensations. His memory bank would be our short term memory.). What would make sens is that he is the one that usually stares at the world to acquire informations without making any complex connections or understanding anything, acting only as to process percetual informations, memorise them to transfer them, while either enjoying or enduring the emotional and physical result of the environment (mood, physical comfort etc).

The other one would be our Subconscious, (carry identity, his memory bank would be long term memory, carry thoughts, make decisions to act, responsible for connection making and understanding) well basically he does everything that our attention is not doing to make us present and able to follow what is going on. I think we can call the first one Consciousness instead of attention and the other one Subconscious, those would be the best way for me to name them.

The last one would be our body, but he doesnt really have anything to do with cognition other than adapting the brain to follow what our mind wants to do. So the 3 being would be Conscious, Subconscious and body.

Now I said LSD helps center the being, what I meant by that is that I think LSD helps your conscious not to go too far within an idea, your subconscious to adapt more flexibly to what your conscious is doing, and your body to adjust more profoundly to what your mind is doing. LSD helps to stop understanding when you need to see, helps to stop seeing when you need to understand and helps balnce the 2 when you need to just be.

IMO, ADHD is a representation of a overactive being between Conscious and subconscious, like when the subconscious is underactive you have Innatentive type, because all your brain is doing is percieving and feeling, and when you have the hyperactive type its the consciousness that is underactive, because all the brain is doing is thinking and doing. ADHD meds work by restraining the freedom of one of those 2 beings to make them run at the same speed, act eaqually. So we treat hyperactive by giving them something that will force them to percieve and feel, which restrain the part that think/do. Or when we treat innatentive we give something that forces to think and do, reducing the ability to percieve and feel.

But LSD doesnt force anything, in fact it makes you live as both Conscious and subconscious in an alternate manner until you as a spiritual being are able to act instinctively as to balance both equally regardless what you are free to do, so I think it doesnt cure ADHD, it makes us understand how to live not to produce it anymore, it makes ADHD a possibility instead of a fact that is present or absent. It works through control of one's action to create balance, instead of forcing balance to control one's action.

So I started this thread for 3 reasons; Asking if I can start microdosing after a medium trip (2 days after a 210ug), if not how long to wait? Asking if you can dose 2 times a day like taking 15ug morning and 15ug at like 12:00 without reducing efficiency?
And asking for opinions about my theory of how our perception of our intellect is structured.

Thanks for reading and possibly answering, Have a nice day :).
You can start microdosing after a trip immediately, IIRC. The effects from small doses of LSD are quite unlike the 200ug trips you might take. Of course, the effect is strongest if you don't trip before starting microdosing, but it's not like a trip will make LSD totally inactive the next day, or the day after.

Dosing 2x daily is also acceptable. LSD does have a long duration in general, but it's hard to judge the effect of such low doses. Just don't take any in the evening or you might not be able to sleep :) Another thing to keep in mind is there is no set-in-stone protocol for microdosing that everyone should follow. It's the sort of "dynamic pharmacy" that relies on you makiing decisions as to how you feel and adjusting accordingly.

As for your theory of mind, I'm not so sure I consider my conscious and subconscious mind two separate entities. (I'm not really a subscriber to the whole dualist theory of mind either) From my perspective, LSD is really not much more than a sense-enhancer and mild stimulant. I find it effectively just "turns up the volume" on my senses and thoughts. To be honest a lot of what you wrote seems like just a bunch of buzzwords to me. In my experience, yes, LSD does have a "centering" effect on some, but for others it can be quite destabilizing if they don't know how to handle or interpret the trip.

Also on the topic of AD(H)D... most people don't like sitting and reading textbooks with intent focus, nor do they enjoy most schoolwork. I would hardly call having a wandering mind when you're doing homework a problem, as long as you can finish your tasks within a reasonable time limit. Rather than calling that ADHD, I'd call it being curious and inquisitve, a quality most people lack in this modern age. Besides, if you think about it from a strictly pragmatic point of view, you really don't need to have a high school diploma to live on this planet - it just helps things along with employment. Same with university/college degrees: the amount of people that have one now has effectively diluted what having a bachelor's degree means any more.

If you are distracted a lot normally, you can give LSD a try, but don't be surprised if it doesn't improve your concentration in the same way a dopaminergic stimulant would. I also don't buy the old rumor that "only people with ADD will get focused from ADD drugs" - that's a rumor to stop people sharing their amphetamine pills. In reality, most people will have their task-salience improved from taking amphetamine!
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Thanks for the answer,

About the how our mind is structured, I think I was a little unclear, I don't see them as 2 entities, but as 2 point of view, Like you see time as linear but that is because you alternate so quickly between the 2 points of view that you have no ability to percieve that you pass from one to another constantly. Like a mirror immage, when something moves so quick from one place to the other that you see double. BTW I am pretty sure our eyes work that way too, we se one eye at a time but alternate so quickly that we see 2 immages that we blend together in the visual cortex. Anyway disgressing, I think there is 1 entity, but an entity that is constantly moving from points of views avaible in our body, but doing it so quick that we do not see that there is more than only 1 point of view. The reason I said being is because I relate being to life, and entity to universe, so I think there is 3 being but are all one and the same enity.

Aside that, I have finished high school, I have a goal a motivation and all, its just that my brain isnt my slave, it does what he wants to do which is why with LSD, when I am more able to switch from observing and wondering, to doing and thinking in clear thoughts (usually words). I don't have to force my brain to do anything since I know how to produce it myself.
As for stimulants, I might have a different kind of ADHD but I am only efficient when I have taken enough to have some insomnia and reduce my sleep time of 1-2 hours. But with LSD I do not have trouble sleeping in fact when I am spent, I am able to nap when I usually never am.
I am going to start microdosing tomorrow and see what happens, I think I will start at 20ug.
I don't really feel my ADHD at all in the way you describe it, although I've often wondered how interesting it might be to see how the two hemispheres would behave if my corpus callosum was severed. Not enough to actually want it to happen, mind you ;)

I found getting into a rage, smashing my head against a wall - violent physical, adrenaline inducing things - usually restore executive function enough for me to study, revise etc. Dopaminergic stimulants don't work particularly well for me.

BTW closed your other thread since you'll get more responses here.

My description is really far from what it feels to have an ADHD or what it feels to be human, I am using a angle in which every aspect of our perception has his dimention of time where every thing we percieve has to be build up by our attention, then we analyze the patterns,then we transfer the data to the part of the brain that is able to locate itself in the universe then this part is where the reaction decided, like seeing what it feels like to be a being that is going as slow as his neurons, so I am seeing time as really fluid here. What it feels to have ADHD is quite know depending on which type between inattentive or hyperactive type.

And since we are talking about parts of the brain, I see the conscious as an angle to see the world from the limbic system and the subconscious as an angle from the frontal lobe. Making our subconscious rationnal and the interaction with this rationnal side would result in emotions. I do not think hemispheres are really implied here.

I guess what I think is alot more visual than anything, nearly ineffable, but I am pretty sure that it is the only conclusion I can make to explain everything I have observed.
Thanks for the answer,

About the how our mind is structured, I think I was a little unclear, I don't see them as 2 entities, but as 2 point of view, Like you see time as linear but that is because you alternate so quickly between the 2 points of view that you have no ability to percieve that you pass from one to another constantly. Like a mirror immage, when something moves so quick from one place to the other that you see double. BTW I am pretty sure our eyes work that way too, we se one eye at a time but alternate so quickly that we see 2 immages that we blend together in the visual cortex.

There are two problems with that explanation:

1. The brain wouldn't be able to process depth if that was the case. For 3D visual processing, the brain has to receive visual input from both eyes simultaneously.
2. It wouldn't be possible for processing to alternate between the two eyes because visual input from both eyes gets mixed together before it reaches the brain. The circular retinal image is broken into two separate hemifields (half-circles); each hemisphere processes visual input from both contralateral hemifields. So, for, example, the visual cortex in the left hemisphere of your brain processes visual information from the temporal hemiretina in your left eye and the nasal hemiretina in your right eye.
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I don't see how it would hurt, though IME lower doses produce more anxiety than anything, compared to a full dose.

True ADD/ADHD is related to lower levels of Dopamine in the brain & nervous system.

At least for me that's what it is.

What works for me is; 1 part Adderall, 2.5-3 parts Ritalin, and 3 parts of an Mu-selective Opioid.

Most productive, clear-headed, & focused as I can be.
"3 parts of an opioid" is very vague... which opioid? also, taking opioids daily even if you think they help your concentration... that's a recipe to get addicted. Nobody recommends speedballs as a therapy except in palliative care...
I do not know alot about the structure of the visual neural system, thanks for the precision,

Altho I think I can't make you understand the angle from which you need to see it to make sense of it, I am not really talking about what is happening but what we are percieving, I am trying to describe what is happening through what our body has to percieve and overlook to make what we percieve and remember existant, I know both our eyes see at the same time, but if you split this time in 2, one for each eye, and look through them one at a time, well when you get back from analyzing what existed is only the 1 direction of time, but what you percieved was the dimention of time separated in 2 which were lived independantly but forgotten because its not useful information. For us to see depth we need to have both information at the same place at the same time somewhere, it doesnt need us to pay attention to both at the same time.

I guess what I am saying is that if we look at time like a linear thing, everything happens at the same moment, but if we look at what we percieve, we must be percieving everything one at a time, splitting all this informations into small analysis to make it less of a big chunk to swallow, to do that I think our consciousness follows things one by one, then come back and start again, and only when all this is done that we start percieving time again, like before we can percieve every moment we percieve every information within this moment and forget what happened when we only percieved.

All of what I am talking about cannot be related to, nor proved or contradicted by science, as I am talking about what us as programs in the universe live within a moment. Everything that happens before we start navigating into thoughts, decisions actions, the part that is related to just being and seeing. A place where time is only the road that the observer take to analyze its immediate environment and not the fluid world in front of us.
I think Ima stop tryin to explain it I am barely even able to translate the pattern I see into words. I think it was wrong to call it a theory as its more oof an angle to see the same thing, trouble in the information input or output off the brain.

Anyway, about the one that said that ADHD was a lack of dopamine, if this was true then why is Atomoxetine used? I think that there is chatecholamine representation of ADHD, and its not a lack of anything other than balance between DA and NE.
When Ne is favored, we face an hyperactive type, when Da is favored, we face an innatentive type, and when both are desynchronized, we face commbined type. Thats how I see ADHD regarding Catecholamine Levels in the brain. Also some studies have made the link between Phenylethylamine and ADHD, saying that people with ADHD had loower PEA levels and that PEA levels improved with stim medication.
I do not know alot about the structure of the visual neural system, thanks for the precision,

Altho I think I can't make you understand the angle from which you need to see it to make sense of it, I am not really talking about what is happening but what we are percieving, I am trying to describe what is happening through what our body has to percieve and overlook to make what we percieve and remember existant, I know both our eyes see at the same time, but if you split this time in 2, one for each eye, and look through them one at a time, well when you get back from analyzing what existed is only the 1 direction of time, but what you percieved was the dimention of time separated in 2 which were lived independantly but forgotten because its not useful information. For us to see depth we need to have both information at the same place at the same time somewhere, it doesnt need us to pay attention to both at the same time.

I guess what I am saying is that if we look at time like a linear thing, everything happens at the same moment, but if we look at what we percieve, we must be percieving everything one at a time, splitting all this informations into small analysis to make it less of a big chunk to swallow, to do that I think our consciousness follows things one by one, then come back and start again, and only when all this is done that we start percieving time again, like before we can percieve every moment we percieve every information within this moment and forget what happened when we only percieved.

All of what I am talking about cannot be related to, nor proved or contradicted by science, as I am talking about what us as programs in the universe live within a moment. Everything that happens before we start navigating into thoughts, decisions actions, the part that is related to just being and seeing. A place where time is only the road that the observer take to analyze its immediate environment and not the fluid world in front of us.
I think Ima stop tryin to explain it I am barely even able to translate the pattern I see into words. I think it was wrong to call it a theory as its more oof an angle to see the same thing, trouble in the information input or output off the brain.

Anyway, about the one that said that ADHD was a lack of dopamine, if this was true then why is Atomoxetine used? I think that there is chatecholamine representation of ADHD, and its not a lack of anything other than balance between DA and NE.
When Ne is favored, we face an hyperactive type, when Da is favored, we face an innatentive type, and when both are desynchronized, we face commbined type. Thats how I see ADHD regarding Catecholamine Levels in the brain. Also some studies have made the link between Phenylethylamine and ADHD, saying that people with ADHD had loower PEA levels and that PEA levels improved with stim medication.
Unfortunately, analyzing how the brain works based on experience and intuitition doesn't work. If it did, then people would have been able to figure it out long ago!

I think you are confounding attention and perception. It is true that we can only really attend to one stimulus at a time. However, that has nothing to do with the process of sensory perception -- it is a factor of how attention is directed on the brain.

Thinking that the senses are processed individually and sequentially completely ignores the fact that the brain processes everything in parallel. Cortex contains multiple association areas that are responsible for generating multisensory representations. So once the visual world is analyzed, the association areas gradually combine that visual representation with auditory, introceptive, and tactile representations. The generation of these multi-sensory representations occurs in stages, so the representation of the world is first head-centered, then body-centered, and finally there is a representation of space around the body. The multi-sensory integration requires simultaneous processing of all the individual sensory streams. The idea that individual senses are multiplexed (ie, only one is processed at a time) is completely antithetical to how the brain actually processes information.

In terms of how atomoxetine works, dopaminergic terminals in prefrontal cortex do not express the dopamine transporter, so dopamine released in PFC (which controls executive function, attention, etc) is taken up by the noradrenergic transporter. That is how atomoxetine can actually block dopamine uptake in PFC.
Like I said I don't think I can actually put what I see in words really, because its far too complex for me to formulate it, but it takes into account that the brain doesnt work in a specific way, it is based on the theory that what happens in our brain is merely an addition of actions that provide possibilities and that neurotransmission is a way that ourselves as a being have to restructure the probabilities present in the brain to make the thought we are pursuing or the action we decide to pose possible and that every thing we can see similar in 2 brains of the same species is a representation of the similarities that this spieces has regarding psychological/intellectual/emotional aspects. The specific actions happens to create the desire that is either a thought or an action. I will obviously put some time into trying to deconstruct that pattern that I see but that is the best I can give for now.

Oh I get it now, I do not say that your brain separately analyse perception, I am saying you do. You As a being. You analyse everything your brain does at the same time one by one, but the only thing you remember from this experiance is the information you gained, hence you don't get lost in your senses. Because if you could remember yourself paying attention to everything you would be lost because to you the present (1 time unit, the now) would include and infinity of time units (everything you can percieve) and you would BUG like a computer in front of a paradox. So what I do think is that we have 2 attentions, one in which we remember our identity, so something that we can remember paying attention to, and the other in which only the information is remembered. You know the DMN in the brain? Well lets say you decode an information in the visual cortex from this network, then you know you decoded it because your brain did it while still in contact with your Identity, but if your brain decodes an information in the visual cortex from somewhere that is not the DMN and then relay the information to the DMN then you did decode it who else would have? But you can't remember that you did because the place where your identity is located is not linked to the data that was analyzed so you cannot access the memory of decoding it, making it instantaneous to your perception. Mabe thats a little more clear. Mabe not hehe.
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Oh and thanks about atomoxetine, did not know it was specifically in the PFC that it could block the reuptake of DA, but I knew it could, just conidered that since NE is also an active neurotransmitter the reuptake of this one would be far more present. So I saw Atomoxetine as a Primarely NE and secondly DA reuptake inhibitor. That Is why I thought it had a link in ADHD but it still can even if Atomoxetine act also through DA it acts majorly through NE. How to tell which is actually helping, since cognition and memory are controlled by a combination of DA and NE, not only DA.