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Mickey mouse heroin?


Oct 18, 2005
This is really strange, I have never heard of this before but someone told me today that they had mickey mouse heroin, does anyone have any idea what this could be? I dont know if its a kind of heroin or if it just means great heroin or what, it greatly confused me. I suppose the logical thing to do would be to ask him but he was drunk and I couldnt get a word in hehe, ill ask him next time I see him but until then, any ideas?
Not 100% but I think 'mickey mouse' just another way of saying 'grouse'. So im presuming it was good stuff. Has anyone else heard of it used that way?
Although I'm not in ther heroin scene, I've never heard of mickey mouse heroin

And yes mickey mouse is general lingo for good or "grouse" so that would be my tip.
yeah, mickey mouse = grouse..

or heythatsmybike might be right, maybe its a mix of afghan and china white..
maybe it's in black and white?

I always did think Michael Jackson's speaking voice sounded a bit like Mickey Mouse, come to think of it... ;)

but yeah, pretty much slang rather than a 'branding' term... and after the ridiculous run of (often wrongly called) mighty mouse pills last year... the term mickey mouse fails to arouse much faith from where I sit!
This is really strange, I have never heard of this before but someone told me today that they had mickey mouse heroin, does anyone have any idea what this could be? I dont know if its a kind of heroin or if it just means great heroin or what, it greatly confused me. I suppose the logical thing to do would be to ask him but he was drunk and I couldnt get a word in hehe, ill ask him next time I see him but until then, any ideas?

Mickey Mouse = grouse

Rhyming slang (ie. speed = lou reed = louie, or gram = single = jingle = jinga etc)
^ Funny it was another BLer who told me not long ago that the slang term louie for speed came from lou reed as a rhyming slang for speed.

I would agree with others here in thinking that mickey mouse is just rhyming slang for grouse and not any specific type or brand name of heroin. I am not in the heroin scene at all though so I could be totally wrong.
Maybe some dealer watched american gangster and thinks its cool to label his smack by using a mickey mouse printed baggy.

who know.
we live in different continents, therefore one thing here might mean the total opposite there;)

anyway, yeah, i've always heard mickey mouse = grouse

It seems you're right.

Here's the definition on an Australian slang website.

Mickey Mouse : excellent, very good. Beware though - in some parts of Australia it means inconsequential, frivolous or not very good!


And in England.

Mickey mouse: Adj. 1. Stupid looking, comical. E.g."I'm not wearing that in public! It's a Mickey Mouse hat."
2. Second rate, of poor quality, cheaply made.
Noun. A person from Liverpool. Rhyming slang on 'scouse'. Also Mickey Mouser rhyming on 'scouser'. Cf. 'scouse' and 'scouser'.


BTW, why does 'grouse' mean 'good' in Australia?
He could have been referring to the stamp. Where I'm from that is how heroin is branded, different dealers have different stamps. I actually used to buy heroin with a Mickey mouse stamp.
I've never heard of heroin "stamps" over here.
More likely rhyming slang (which is kind of obscure australiana i guess)

Either way, this thread is over 7 years old...
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