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Miami face-eater thread

^That many benzos would put the vast majority of people to sleep/would make you completely lethargic and would take away all your energy, unless mixed with something maybe...
with benzos I know there's a time window where the rush outpaces the sedation. Like if I take a Xanax before running 3 or 4 miles them I'm flying like Hussein for the final 800 meters; but if I stretch it out to 6 or 7 miles I'm lumbering through the finish.

I've never experienced paradoxical aggression, but I've seen it. I was at a dealer's house and this kid that had taken 5 mg of Xanax came back half an hour later with a lead pipe, screaming about getting himself short-changed. A friend of mine who does MMA went out to subdue him and got his arm broke, and the pipe kid kept on pounding against the house and nearly got himself shot.
Interesting theory on the benzos. Back in the 90s there was a great deal if rohypnol going around the Texas area. Many of my friends became heavy users with accompanied physical addiction and shockingly high tolerance. I can confirm states of amnesiac wakefulness with violent irrational behavior. That being true though in this case we have several of this mans closest friends claiming he had no drug habit known to them.
I think"that they know of" is media prehype so as to say this happens to first time users... i think thats where its heading... i could be wrong... but a big bath salt ban will take effect soon... about the timethis guys tox screen comes back if they do in fact find any... 8)
Uhh, yeah pretty sure this killing was justified - seeing as the guy was chowing down on somebody elses face. I'd put the killing pretty low on the list of bad stuff thats happened..

took the words out of my mouth lmao
He didnt have any "bath salts". Just a bible. And this is only a ruse to blame "bath salts" (always just called a "drug", like one substance). So now all main 2c's will be federally banned, along with a bunch of cannabinoids. And thats it. Thats the Zombrex. Fuck you

And of course there will be plenty of sites supplying them still (as is true with B and T7) along with the newly attractive but further deviated (from dopamine) nbome counterparts. Easier to OD on and more toxic potential. Yum! Thats the solution.

I <3 2c-c. Doubt its ever hurt anyone.

Who has read the actual FDA bill? they even got rid of the cathinones and MDAI but fucked the 2c's.
The very day it happened they said it was "a new kind of lsd that burns ppl up alive from the inside" 8)

This sounds worse than anthrax
The very day it happened they said it was "a new kind of lsd that burns ppl up alive from the inside" 8)

This sounds worse than anthrax
You didnt know, drug dealers around the world are genetically modifying the Ebola virus by attaching an LSD molecule around it. And then releasing it into the public.

Be afraid!!
^^ Why do people keep seeing this as the "miami cannibal" vs a homeless guy? This is a false front for something else, and bath salts are only a scapegoat
Interestingly final copy of the bill I read had omitted MDAI.

Most of the cathinones are gone too. But yet, even 2c-N and 2c-H will be schedule I. what a shitty idea. The real drugs of abuse are the caths lol. What assholes. I thought the 2c's were an interesting class. I say they just don't like psychedelics

Legal question: I wonder what the risk of ordering a 2c-x in say 1g quantity will be from 3 months ago to when this bill becomes law. I see this as the only real difference this bill will make, as well as hopefully making rc sources a bit less..uhm...stupid and all slash and burn and whatever
Face-chewing victim 'awake and alert'


Dr. Wrood Kassira gestures as she speaks on the condition of Ronald Poppo, pictured at left, during a news conference. Picture: AP

Does one know what the contents of could-9 are? afaik mdpv has been sold as it, but it's already banned in florida, right?
^id questions are pointless, especially in that case. Nobody's even sure if it was a stimulant powder or a cannabinoid blend. Oh and it wasn't Rudy Eugene with the Cloud 9; that was some kid in North Miami Beach that said he was gonna eat a cop.
How the fuck as a doctor do you explain that to the guy??! Uhm, sorry to inform you but someone bit your face off
According to the Miami Herald, the autopsy on Eugene found there was no human flesh in his stomach. The autopsy did reveal a number of undigested pills in his stomach, according to the Herald.

.... reported earlier this week that marijuana was in Eugene’s system at the time of the attack. But, a more in-depth toxicology screen for any other possible drugs will take another couple of months to complete.

Miami to Outlaw Sale of 'Bath Salts': http://miami.cbslocal.com/2012/06/20/bath-salt-ban-approved-on-1st-reading-by-miami-dade-commission/

Miami-Dade Commission Approves Bath Salt Ban

“Bath salts” have made headlines ever since it was rumored Rudy Eugene may have been under their influence when he chewed off half of Ronald Poppo’s face on the MacArthur Causeway before he was shot and killed by a Miami police officer.

On Tuesday, Miami-Dade commissioners gave preliminary approval to outlaw the sale of “bath salts,” the synthetic drug that can make users aggressive and often violent.

“Bath salts” can be easily purchased at convenience stores, along with synthetic marijuana, which has also been targeted by commissioners to be banned.

The “bath salts” ban is up for final approval on July 3rd.

The county ordinance would also ban sales or advertising displays for anything structurally similar to a list of banned compounds. Violators could face $500 in fines and up to 60 days in jail.

Bath salts are a toxic cocktail of stimulants Methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV), mephedrone, and pyrovalerone. The Drug Enforcement Agency groups bath salts with mescaline and ephedrine, while dealers market the drug as a replacement for cocaine or a synthetic form of the hallucinogen LSD, according to CNN.

The main problem for law enforcement: Manufacturers have managed to sidestep state law banning dozens of the stimulants by slightly altering the drugs’ chemical makeup.

Bath Salts can be inhaled, smoked, or digested and have names like Blue Silk, Hurricane Charley and Ivory Snow
^they may call it a bath salt ban, but it's really a local analogue law. The cops will probably throw you in jail now if you have anything, any herb or powder, on you, and then drop the charges two months later in case the lab tests show it's part of some exotic chemical group.

Or maybe they'll prosecute it anyway. I'd hate to face a jury of my peers and argue to them that a certain chemical is not structurally similar cuz most of my peers would be like, "Que carajo esta diciendo este tipo?"