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News Mexican president to US: Fentanyl is your problem


Staff member
Aug 16, 2019

Mexican president to US: Fentanyl is your problem

Mark Stevenson
9 Mar 2023

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico’s president said Thursday that his country does not produce or consume fentanyl, despite enormous evidence to the contrary.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador appeared to depict the synthetic opioid epidemic largely as a U.S. problem, and said the United States should use family values to fight drug addiction.

His statement came during a visit to Mexico by Liz Sherwood-Randall, the White House homeland security adviser, to discuss the fentanyl crisis. It also comes amid calls by some U.S. Republicans to use the U.S. military to attack drug labs in Mexico.

The Mexican government has acknowledged in the past that fentanyl is produced at labs in Mexico using precursor chemicals imported from China. Fentanyl has been blamed for about 70,000 opioid deaths per year in the United States.

“Here, we do not produce fentanyl, and we do not have consumption of fentanyl,” López Obrador said. “Why don’t they (the United States) take care of their problem of social decay?”

He went on to recite a list of reasons why Americans might be turning to fentanyl, including single-parent families, parents who kick grown children out of their houses and people who put elderly relatives in old-age homes “and visit them once a year.”
very naive and narrow approach, tho' there is some wisdom
that being said, it IS USAs problem
My point is him suggesting using “Family Values” to solve “our” problem. He should be preaching that line of b.s. in Mexico, then see if it stops the manufacture or distribution that goes on in Mexico. It won’t stop it, and he should know that, but he is out of touch with reality.
My point is him suggesting using “Family Values” to solve “our” problem. He should be preaching that line of b.s. in Mexico, then see if it stops the manufacture or distribution that goes on in Mexico. It won’t stop it, and he should know that, but he is out of touch with reality.

That's funny that you mention that, because during one of my meditations I noticed that consumerist society has done it's utmost to make sure that old people aren't allowed to interact with young people.

Any place in your life where (as a young person) grandpa would have come in with some sage advice and said....,"Hey, don't worry about Mom and Dad. Don't worry about getting a D in math. Don't worry about getting cut from the baseball team. Hey! Do some pushups. Dance! Read a book. Pray. Relax. Don't worry about all of this stuff..." society has cut all of that out and told us to take a pill and download a phone app.


But I'll admit that I'm basing the above over nothing more than my own musings and ramblings. I'd love other people's perspectives on this.
Any place in your life where (as a young person) grandpa would have come in with some sage advice and said....,"Hey, don't worry about Mom and Dad. Don't worry about getting a D in math. Don't worry about getting cut from the baseball team. Hey! Do some pushups. Dance! Read a book. Pray. Relax. Don't worry about all of this stuff..." society has cut all of that out and told us to take a pill and download a phone app.
I’m lucky to have my grandma live with us at my dads place. Unfortunately, I’m at university now so I’m away much of the year. But getting to spend that time with her has been special.

I know my situation is not the norm for most folks my age (early 20s). But I dont think it’s as simple as blaming pills or phones. The movement towards the nuclear family began over half a century ago. Granted, they also used pills to feel better back then…
Wonder what he would say if we temporarily occupied his failed narco state?
You jest, but I could honestly see some modern right politicIans running on a platform of invading our southerly neighbors. And drugs would be a good excuse for it. At least good enough to convince large swaths of the American population that a good use of their tax dollars is to fatten the wallets of weapons manufacturers even more so than we already do…
I mean he has a point it kind of is our problem, just like meth cocaine crack heroin, mass shootings. Regular shootings...

If there wasn't a demand then the supply would be trivial. Maybe we should figure out how to get our people off of drugs. But we won't never have never will.
Demoralization of the US society in general is so BIG, that I would say fentanyl is just one of many SERIOUS problems. The fall of the 🇺🇸 is imminent.
Mexico claims it doesn't have the resources to combat crime. But when it directly affects their economy they find the resources somehow every time. It's a corrupt failed state. It's a shakedown. We give them money to combat cartels, human trafficking, drug production. I don't know what they do with the f****** money. Just like Afghanistan or South Vietnam gave them billions of dollars in weapons and ammunition and training and it all just evaporated somehow.

There's fledgling democracies all over the globe that just stick their hand out and wait for us to give them bribes to stay on our side. That's our whole foreign policy we don't have friends we have hookers.
This doesn't surprise me at all. Everything about Mexico is corrupt. Did anyone expect anything different?!
In a way I agree..... We wouldn't have a fentanyl problem if it weren't for America's lovely racist anti-hippie drug war.
But "family values" is not the answer either. lol Such a stupid response. Adults should be allowed to use drugs.

We're allowed to kill ourselves with alcohol but don't you dare use heroin to help you get up & go to work. Fucking hypocrisy all around. I'm so done with society.

Drug users are the ultimate minority. It's still acceptable to treat drug users like shit & discriminate against them.
Strange that I don't see either political party doing jack shit about this either, especially the "left". And the right just wants to go to war with Mexico.
The solution & answer is as simple as legalizing adult drug use... But it's like people can't even wrap their head around the idea of LITERAL FREEDOM.
"My body, my choice" yadda yadda....
Where's that crowd at when it comes to the drug war?

Mexico probably doesn't have a fentanyl problem because they can get actual opiates & benzos over the counter.
Even animals in the wild intentionally eat/do things to get high (dolphins, horses, etc..) Why are we still criminalizing a normal human trait?
If a person has an addiction that's destroying or hurting them, then let's provide more resources for them to stop or at least be safe as possible. For people who function just fine on their drug of choice, give them a place to get a clean & constant supply. Punishing people and allowing drugs to get stronger & stronger is the dumbest fucking path forward. Thanks America.

Not only could you get rid of the fentanyl problem by making diacetylmorphine & various other drugs legal, but you'd also be lowering overdoses, lowering crime, etc....

Literal freedom, bodily autonomy & saving lives.... And I feel like I'm screaming into a void whenever I talk about it.
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That's funny that you mention that, because during one of my meditations I noticed that consumerist society has done it's utmost to make sure that old people aren't allowed to interact with young people.

Any place in your life where (as a young person) grandpa would have come in with some sage advice and said....,"Hey, don't worry about Mom and Dad. Don't worry about getting a D in math. Don't worry about getting cut from the baseball team. Hey! Do some pushups. Dance! Read a book. Pray. Relax. Don't worry about all of this stuff..." society has cut all of that out and told us to take a pill and download a phone app.


But I'll admit that I'm basing the above over nothing more than my own musings and ramblings. I'd love other people's perspectives on this.

I’ve thought about this extensively myself..

I think the reasons older generations aren’t as revered for their wisdom are complex. But the biggest that stands out to me is technology.

Up until maybe a few hundred years ago, shit maybe even 100yrs ago. The lived experience of grandparents was very similar to that of their grandchildren. The wisdom they had gained over those many years of life was fully applicable and appreciated.

Nowadays, my life experiences were a whole different world than my grandfathers. We couldn’t have ever seen eye to eye even if we had tried.

I can only assume this problem is going to get worse at an exponential rate. I already feel old and out of the loop in my mid 30’s, what’s it gonna be like 10yrs from now? 20?

Having single parents will lead to fentanyl abuse in 99% of cases. Sure. And no, not a single mg of fentanyl has never been seen of heard about in México, of course not.
Good old Manuel Andrés, just may good bless him.
Wonder what he would say if we temporarily occupied his failed narco state?
Oh, yes indeed! We all know that when the US army occupies a country, the place gets magically drug free. We Have seen it in SE Asia and Aghanistan. Those places are like Singapoore, very hard to find drugs there.
But anyway you should try and occupy México. Go for places like Texas LA, San Francisco, San Diego, El paso, Albuquerque... what? You already did?? Oh, sorry, my bad😉
(Nah, just joking. No political bullshit, just joking😎)
I think social decay does play a prominent role in the opioid issue. If you read the book "In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts" by Gabor Maté he writes that almost all of his patients suffered significant trauma early in life. It's my belief that I would have never been a serious addict if I had come from a loving family and a supportive community. It seems a lot of people believe drug users are chasing pleasure when in reality they're medicating different forms of pain; sometimes physical pain, sometimes emotional pain in the form of depression, anxiety, and trauma, or sometimes "social pain" which results from loneliness, isolation, alienation, ostracism, or ennui.

Every addict is different and there's no single cause for addiction. However, building more inclusive communities where people do not feel unwelcome and dehumanized would benefit everyone.
I’ve thought about this extensively myself..

I think the reasons older generations aren’t as revered for their wisdom are complex. But the biggest that stands out to me is technology.

Up until maybe a few hundred years ago, shit maybe even 100yrs ago. The lived experience of grandparents was very similar to that of their grandchildren. The wisdom they had gained over those many years of life was fully applicable and appreciated.

Nowadays, my life experiences were a whole different world than my grandfathers. We couldn’t have ever seen eye to eye even if we had tried.

I can only assume this problem is going to get worse at an exponential rate. I already feel old and out of the loop in my mid 30’s, what’s it gonna be like 10yrs from now? 20?

i wish u to to know what is feel like 50(my age)....but in good condition.....personally me feel growin older about 45.at 30 was invincible yet.top of the strenght.👍
No fucking shit. Of course our recent “Open Borders Policy” probably isn’t helping the fent crisis. Along with the many “Sanctuary States and Cities” The cartels are making hundreds of millions of dollars trafficking humans and drugs across our borders. And all those people and drugs gotta pass through Mexico.

Would the president of Mexico be apt to change his mind if we closed our borders off and he ended up with the drug and refugee crisis instead of us? I bet he fucking would.

It’s also a well known fact that most politicians, in America and absolutely most countries south of us are on the take with cartel cash.

Thank you Crooked Joe! Fucking dipshit.
The Mexican government actually donst have it's hand in Fentanyl, in a way which makea it so much more likely to be transported illegally, it's nuts how much safer it would or wouldn't be if they did