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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Methoxphenidine (100mg) - warning.


Apr 13, 2015
I wouldn't ever usually write a post like this, I'm not a very experienced user too so please allow me a bit. I just want to warn all of you.

Yesterday, 10 pm, before I went to bath I swallowed about 50mg of mxp powder. Very nasty taste.
Approximately 30 mins after i started feeling first effects, nothing special, just a bit of overall pleasure in whole body.

At 12 I decided to take another 50mg and the shit started getting real. I was lying in bed literally going crazy. I didn't know where I am, what's going on, I was thinking I did something stupid, put up a post on Facebook or something and I was keep checking. I couldn't control anything, i felt like I'm falling into some kind if space.

Then paranoia started.
I was sure I'm going to die. I just knew I'm dying and I was so scared. I called the ambulance. I told them what happened but the whole experience felt Unreal.
They came to my house and I started thinking they're going to kill me. I didn't want to get into ambulance, I tried to call the police to make sure it's a real ambulance. I feel so ashamed. This is the worst thing that ever happened to me in my life. a wake up call I guess.
Now I feel dizzy, tired in my head, weird, like a hangover.
Is the way from your child's room to your parents' bedroom such a long one, that it was the right decision to call an ambulance ?
I'm 25 years old, far from being a child. as I said I'm not a experienced user, I tried some legal highs but not many, this one scared the shit out of me. I just wanted to warn people how bad it could be. I feel so stupid for accusing ambulance crew for trying to kill me.
At that age you should be able to read through the corresponding thread to gather infos about the substance of interest (ingested orally it has a comeup-period of 2,5 - 3 hours), instead of taking arbitrary amounts as a neurologically naive user.

Bluelight Methoxphenidine Big & Dandy Thread

Furthermore did you calibrate your scale correctly, is your scale of sufficient quality ? Is your source legit or could it be, that you got another compound ?

Legal does not mean safe, quite the opposite is the case when the RC-market has a drought.

TLDR; ? You simply took too much because of your recklessness. Good recovery.
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Nice mature response there matey. You do understand the purpose of this website is to reduce harm, rather than to belittle people for not having the same level of knowledge and understanding about drugs as you do, yes?
When someone posts about a difficult experience they've had, whether their own fault or no (and let's be honest here, we know that we are at least partly to blame for having a horrific time when we've purposefully ingested a drug) rather than take the piss out of them, you could, oh I don't know, offer harm-reduction advice and support.

I cannot find the part where I did take the "piss out of him" or belittled him. My initial sarcastic comment was intended to move him from the "ouh dis drug is evil, I have to try a less evil one with the same lousy preparation" pov to the "I have to read through the whole BL-thred before I try a new substance" - pov, nameaan ? I offered a bunch of different error scenarios in order to help him to prepare better for the next experiments with (for the person) unknown substances. I cannot see any useful tipps, that you offered, that would follow the harm reduction paradigm of this site. Can you pick them out for me ?

Besides, mistakes and bad trips can happen even when all necessary precautions are met. We're talking about taking powerful mood and mind altering substances, which do not always act in the way we might expect them too. In cases such as these, self-control can be lost very quickly and we may find ourselves doing things that we later regret.

Yeah of course it can happen if you do not have experience with a drug and spontaneously decide to take some. Some people do take eyeballed doses of unknown psychedelics/dissos purposefully, but they don't complain, because it was their decision and they can handle it due to their experience with other compounds of the same class.

Bottom line : If you are not experienced, you should prepare yourself. Sometimes your preparation can decide between life and death. Hence a harsh tone is appropriate, when someone puts the main blame on the substance instead on their reckless behaviour.
I think the problem is tactfulness. I appreciate what you're saying now but the comment came across as condescending and harsh to me as well.
has anyone really enjoyed this stuff yet ? i almost killed when i had it
You almost died or you almost committed murder?
I think the problem is tactfulness.

Unfortunately that is not one of my strengths, I guess the ironic tone got lost in translation and what was left was pure grumpiness.

As long as "servemechilled" will come to the conclusion, that he needs a (better) scale and an appropriate attitude for the matter (of ingesting unresearched chemicals), I see my intention implemented.