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nods said:
Thoes lucky 70s College kids with their Ludes N Meth N all:(

And PCP =D (In 1980 like 20% of high school kids had tried it, LOL)
"Well, there's still meth around. "-Yer dude, but not scrit Methyamphetamphetamine (Desoxyn 5mg tabs)-at least as easily as in the early 70's USA, (mid 70's here in NZ-discontinued)

I regreat the 'problems' with Methylphenidate which lead to discontinuaction, AHAHAAAA-demon alcohol.

Well i got Diaz and the drink:S
"Apparently it was smoked as well."-This is SA, MAIN drug problem
"Well, there's still meth around. "-Yer dude, but not scrit Methyamphetamphetamine (Desoxyn 5mg tabs)-at least as easily as in the early 70's USA, (mid 70's here in NZ-discontinued)

Methylamphetamine you mean? ;)

It's still prescribed in the USA, only rarely though and for severe cases of ADHD, narcolepsy and maybe severe weight problems I think.

I didn't know methylphenidate was discontinued in NZ?
I was one of the 70s kids who took Methaqualone in the form of Mandrax, or Mandies as they were known in the UK. Combined with alcohol they provided a state of euphoria far superior to barbiturates or benzos. They had a justified reputation for causing sexual disinhibition so were often referred to as randy mandies. For the benefit of American BLers randy is UK slang meaning the same as horny. They weren’t expensive either - they cost about the same as a pint of beer.
I dont think luudes are prescribed anymore in Canada, same with barbituates. The only barb I ever done was phenobarbitol, but it was when i was less than a year old. My mom said the doctor gave it for Johndos (sp), was some old remedy. I wish I could remember the high.
The only barb I ever done was phenobarbitol, but it was when i was less than a year old. My mom said the doctor gave it for Johndos (sp), was some old remedy. I wish I could remember the high.

Early starter, eh? =D

You should have posted in the 'At What Age Did You Start Using Drugs' thread, can't remember where that was, Australian Drug Discussion maybe? You would have beaten everyone else there hands down!
Lol, yah no doubt eh. I honestly think I was only a few weeks old because I had Johndos(sp), that shit that makes your skin yellow, its some liver disease.

Jaundice is what you're thinking of, yeah it's a symptom of liver problems.
"I didn't know methylphenidate was discontinued in NZ?" Mr Blond-it isn't, was given it from 04-07.

Dex too.
Theeey'reee Greeeaaaat! Got to to try it with amobarb in India. Anxiety relief better than any benzo Ive seen, and the best sleep I've got in like 5 years.

Just don't have Quaalude parties in the jacuzzi ;).
"Theeey'reee Greeeaaaat! Got to to try it with amobarb in India" OTC? cool, i hear any drug is available there?
Well no, not really. All the really dangerous are still illegal. It's just that you can get what you want with some gentle persuasion ;).

I'm half Indian/white so I dont stick out too much. I can only speak so much of the language, but it's nuff to get me good shit anywhere :D. Like I said it's technically illegal to sell the stuff I got w/o an script, sometimes they might be weary of you --even there. But hey, money talks. I didnt need to worry about any of that cuz my family knew the pharm owner really well for years.
seconal and placidyl

Thanks everyone for the posts. Sorry, I have been away from my computer for several days. Nods, Never tried ludes that why I asked the question. The seconal I didn't have a script for but bought off someone in 93' in San Diego. Placidyl (Ethchlorvynol) was available on Rx and obtained several scripts in mid to late 90's. They were a liquid in a gel cap and were the ones that would feel warm when they disolved in your stomach. Where really fun. May they RIP.
Ressurecting thread- Anyone else ever experience this intriguing material?
LOL, words can't describe how much I want to try this drug! I guess its cos there's relatively 0 chance of ever getting to do so...

I'd be more interested in trying different benzodiazepines (like temazepam, flutrinazepam, triazolam, midazolam, etc) to be honest.
Yeah, I'm looking for new benzos. I just took 120 mgs of temazepam (equivalent to about 4 MGs Klonopin), and it is really nothing special. I've had a steady supply for about a few years, and the long-acting ones like clonazepam and diazepam (approx. 60 mgs) I prefer. Temazepam Is short acting like xanax, so withdrawals are an issue. Plus it tends to knock you right out. As for midazolam and halcion, I've always wanted to try those.
Apparently one can still obtain methaqualone as a formulation called toquilone
by Rx from that prescription drug paradise Switzerland.