Methamphetamine eventually brings out the worst in people who use it!


Apr 1, 2010
I've been an on and off meth user for going on 12 years now...and it has brought its share of problems for loss of emotional control, violence, eviction...but it has never made me turn against my own basic morals...I've never betrayed anyone because of, or for cystal meth. This, in my experience, makes me a member of a tiny minority amongst meth users.
Almost everyone that I know that uses meth has betrayed their family, friends, or significant other while high. It could be something as simple as stealing from a loved one to support the habit...but usually it is the grand betrayal: cheating sex or abandoning a good loving relationship in order to be "in the lifestyle":p:?
The decadence becomes too tempting for even the most loyal honest people...I recently lost my girl this way: We were together for 3 years!! One minute we were both working, and getting ahead, and using only on a part time basis, the next I was out on my ass while she proceeded to hook up with a close mutual friend for sex and junky times together. Needless to say she immediately was full time into the daily habit..and she acted like she'd done nothing wrong "I'm much happier now than I was with you":?
Now, two months later, she has no job, no phone, the power has been cut off at the house she lives in, and she is no doubt facing eviction. Yet she talks about the fiends she live with like they were her family...and still she acts like she made a ratoinal decision when she betrayed me and turned her back on me.
And this was the chick who (before this happened) I considered to be the most loyal, trustworthy, honest, and solid females I'd ever known.<3
I wonder why, despite many opportunities, I've never been able to make myself surrender to the act of laying down my morality....Self-Esteem, I has to hold on tight to THAT when one uses meth =D
I'm a heavy meth user (addict) and I'm much the same as you. I've never stole or hurt anybody to support my habit, and never cheated on partners when I've been in relationships. I'm not exactly an upstanding citizen of society, but I do have some ethics. I don't think we're in a minority either. I know quite a few addicts who also have morals which they don't ever break. But any drug can bring out the worst in people once they become addicted to it - not just meth.
Meth brings out the worst...

Weed brings out the worst...

Dope brings out the worst....

Coke brings out the worst....

HMMM! I think a life-engulfing addiction involving substance abuse of any kind is likely to amplify a person's negative traits :\

The question is: what have you learnt from all this?

(that unless you address the underlying issues behind your behaviour, you stand to lose.... a lot.)
I've learned that I was much happier when I was the only speeder that I hung out with...I had my shit delivered and I religiously avoided hanging out with other users...I was high all the time, but I hung out with a fairly straight crowd...NO BULLSHIT!!! In fact, I was the KING of that particular social scene....everyone thought that I was just naturally like that!!!
Also, I broke my cardinal rule: NEVER DATE SPEEDER CHICKS!!! But alas, I fell for the girl; and after three years together I felt safe from the kind of shennanigans that i recently endured!!!!
So yes! I have learned from all this!!!