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Jul 22, 2015
I've asked this in the pain management mega thread but haven't really got a super definitive answer so figured I'd start a thread specifically about this. I suffer from chronic pain due to a spinal injury and have been on various meds for it for about three years. Currently on Norco 10s 6x a day. I find I have trouble staying within my dose. This is mainly due to tolerance and the fact that the meds help tremendously with my medication resistant depression. I have been offered by my PM doc the chance to switch to either oxy or methadone. I lean more towards the done as it is pretty long acting from what I gather and is sort of a stabilizing medication reducing cravings etc.

My questions are for those on or who have been on methadone whether for MMT or pain. Mainly I'd like to know how it makes you feel personally and for those who have used for pain how well it works for that. I know it's subjective but would like to know others experiences. My goal is to have pain relief as well as if possible the depression relief opiates in general seem to provide without the ups and downs oxy and hydro give. Just a stable level of relief.

Any and all methadone users personal experiences would be highly appreciated. Thanks for your time and for reading my post.
Wait so you take 10 mg norco spread out 6 of them a day? Is that what you're saying ? Or is that at once ? I'm confused on your dosage status what's your daily intake of hydrocodone and Tylenol basically how many norcos or Vicodin you taking a day and how do you take them ? 3 at once and 3 at once again later or 6 at once? Thanks I'll be posted
I'm scripted for 1 every four hours but due to tolerance it can be more than that leading to running out early. That's why I'm so curious about methadone as it is long acting and is supposed to reduce cravings so I wouldn't be experiencing the ups and downs and have to redose all the time. I want to be stable. Wondering if the done produces the general wellness feeling similar to other opiates and want to know how good it is for pain.

Really Im just looking for all the experienced done users opinions/personal experiences I can get both MMT or pain patients, I'm interested in the opinions of both on how it works/makes them feel. I know everyone is different and person A won't react the same as person B but Id still be grateful to hear peoples experiences.
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Methadone doesn't produce the same type of euphoria as opiates do, but it does produce an opiate-like feeling..some like it, some don't..But it does have a long half life and is more stable and consistent.

Based on the information you provided, I would recommend giving methadone a shot. I think switching from hydrocodone to oxy probably won't be the change you're looking for.
The nice thing about methadone is along with being an opioid and relieving pain and all that, it also has NMDA antagonism. (The L-methadone is an opioid; the D-methadone is an NMDA antagonist). So for many people, that also helps with the depression. It does something with pain as well, at least in studies, you'd have to look into that as my brain doesn't recall everything lol

I have been on methadone before, have been off for a long period of time and I am now back on it again, though slowly tapering. I have been on it for MMT. It is a great mood stabilizer, for me anyway. I still feel relaxed and can nod if I kick back and do nothing, but it doesn't interfere with work or anything. Which is nice, kind of gives me the ability to sit still and chill and feel slight opiated but can still function. I was up to 95 mgs, currently on 60 as I'm slowly coming down. Those effects for me are not dose dependent either. Even at lower doses I still have a bit of the warm fuzzies.

For pain, to be most effective, methadone is actually dosed different than for maintenance. Methadone will keep an opiate dependent person out of withdrawal for 24 (avg) hours. It's analgesic effects however are maxed out at around 6 hrs. Doctors prescribing methadone for pain generally have the patient take lower doses several times per day.

In your situation, given the choice of oxy or methadone I'd probably go with the methadone. Because as you are seeking to be more stable and methadone will provide that. Even if they have you dose 3x per day, it doesn't have the up and down feeling of Norco or oxy with the needing more. You won't feel you NEED more methadone as it holds you. You just may dose more often for max pain relief. But it's not the up and down --feel great/feel shitty/feel top of the world/feel the agony cycle.

Oxy is a very fast wearing off medication. It only lasts like 3-4 hours til you kind of crash. So if that is the effect of Norco you don't like, definitely avoid oxy. Methadone will make you more stable and not craving.

Good luck with whichever way you go!
please for the love of god stay away from methadone. always go with oxy always (it has always been there for me in my time of need). this will not only help yer pain but depression as well. and if you dont mind me asking, you are a CPP why the fuck does yer doc have you on norco for maintenance and not have you on something such as one of the "Contins" or "Ers"? see this way the meds will be steady in there levels. same way docs shrinks prefer klonopin to xanax. sorry im coming off my fent and a bit drowsy. hope whatever decision you make turns out to be the right one.