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Opioids Methadone Mega Thread and FAQ

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Does anyone have any information about the bioavailability of smoking methadone? No, this is not another 'CAN I SMEWK DA P1LLZ' question, I have pure methadone hci I am just wondering if I need to adjust my dosage. I am not opiate dependant, but I do have a tolerance and experience with recreational methadone- I generally take 30mg orally and an extra 5mg if I am impatient and plug it.

If anyone does have any general experience/advice regarding smoking PURE methadone hci I'd be grateful.
I have taken 100mg of Methadone (my normal daily dose) I have been given a 20mg Adderall (my birthday). Do they work together (I have never done Adderall Before). How much can I do on top of the methadone?
Are you crazy?? Methadone is nothing to play around with, and to tell someone that it is only slightly stronger than Hydrocodone is beyond stupid. I am a methadone Maintenance patient, and the highest MG that is given on the first day for even a hardcore heroin addict like me is 35mg. Whoever is reading this persons post, 40mg can kill a non opiate tolerant person in a heartbeat. In fact, the 40mg tablets are no longer available to pain patients, only for maintenance. Please be careful with using this medication, especisally if you are using benzos or anyother medications like that. Methadone IMHO is not even a good recreational drug because it doesnt make a person high like other opiates. Hence, people OD because they don't feel anything. Again this is only MHO. But I am sticking to my guns concerning how deadly this drug can be when abused.
I agree fully. I am a lifelong (40 years) opiate user and abuser. I am also on MM. 40 Mgs of methadone to the uniniated is a death sentence. First time user no more than 10 mg NO Alcohol. This is just my opinion from many years of experience 3 overdoses of my own: even if you survive it is no picknic. A charcoal flush and a shot of Narcan is not fun believe me.
Thanks guys for your replies! I was just curios because my methadone start to wear of somewhat in the evening about 12h after the dose. This can be just purely psychological though.
It isn't really a big problem because I go to sleep shortly after anyway and take medication for that so I get sleep so I just sleep through it anyway.

My methadone tends to wear off in the evening also. But, in my case I am high during the day so when I say that my dose has worn off I mean I am no longer high like I want to be. Are you having withdrawal symtoms or you just not getting that buzz anymore?
I have taken 100mg of Methadone (my normal daily dose) I have been given a 20mg Adderall (my birthday). Do they work together (I have never done Adderall Before). How much can I do on top of the methadone?

drop the 20

shouldn't be a problem
Hello I have a question about Methadone and ROA.
I have 100mg/day of Methadone, 20ml = 100mg.

What do you people think about taking your methadone in 2 doses over the day?
Like if i would take 10ml
If anyone has tried this and maybe can write a few lines please do. Whatever you think of it.
whenever i get takehomes i always divid it up. Tbh the only reason i ever upped my methadone is because it wouldnt hold as long. Im actually basically half ass needing some in the next hour. I just hate the big wave of insta sedation. Sometimes on weaker ups its too high of a dose im on to feel it and when i do i pissed all the wave out so im barely holding.....i hate not having takehomes. ... As much as i hate methadone i need love it...... It works but i am seeing depression down the road. Its been hitting me into a walll
My Tampa dr is no longer prescribing methadone for me and I am starting serious wds!!! I have been on a high dose for 4 years!! I haven't been to work in 3 days! Methadone clinic in ocala fl isn't doing intakes till Monday a.m. I am an LPN so I have tried all the things that are suppose to help take the edge off and none of the shit works!! HELP!!!!
thats what i hate about it. Not even a bag of the best heroin could take the edge off. Fucking walk in there and demand help. I heard about floridas gay pill mill busts. I really wish people would mind their business....personal business because now look. Your fucked and you live in florida were now all doctors.are probably scared shitless to even give oxy. Terrible. Try..........clondine and hydroxyzine and diazepam go to the clinic mondqy or make the choice say fuck it when u get sick in three days is usually it and ahh gosh no i feel so bad for you........
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My methadone tends to wear off in the evening also. But, in my case I am high during the day so when I say that my dose has worn off I mean I am no longer high like I want to be. Are you having withdrawal symtoms or you just not getting that buzz anymore?
Its not really withdrawal but more like you said - not having that slight "mood stablizing effect", I wouldn't call it a buzz in my case. And starting to fiend a bit more than usual. Stuff like that that wears on me after a while.
I don't get much of a buzz of methadone anymore anyway, I am in the process of going to a higher dose. I guess I will be getting 110mg in a couple of weeks. Hope it does good.
I mean I wouldnt say no to a little buzz of my medication you know.
It's not meant to provide any sort of high but I don't think it's possible whatever dose you take. The sedative hit is there after an hour or so and it stays for a couple of hours. Methadone is different for pain and it's different for maintenance. While pain is countered with 2-3 doses a day because the analgesic effect wears out, one dose should hold most of addicts out of withdrawal. I'm in a different situation. Methadone doesn't hold me out of withdrawal for the whole day, I need to take another dose after max 16 hours. So I take 2 doses but it has nothing to do with getting high, really. It's actually a pain in the ass when you need 2 doses and you're not given methadone at the clinic because when you have to do split-dosing, then you use up more methadone. So in my case it means more money spent on this damned syrup given to some junkies who then go and exchange my clean money to dirty money by buying stims and heroin on the streets.

This is a lesson how you can do the opposite - turn the clean money into the dirty money when most who play with these turn the dirty money into the clean money. So this way I feel I'm f*cking helping some people turn more dirty money into clean money because there must be some equation mark put there, right? The dealer then pays some bills, taxes etc. Voilà! My money are clean again but it had to go through at least hands of 5 people. Someone from my bank, me, the stupid junkie getting 'done at the maintenance but preferring to sell it and bang heroin, the damned dealer, and whoever gets his money then. It's "at least" because he obviously gets only some cut from the income of what he sold so there are guys up there who can do some crazier things with my banknotes exactly! Darn it...

Sorry, I had to vent a little. I've been turned down like 5 times at different clinics in different cities so I'm unwillingly helping the black market function. What a strange feeling when you realize it.
Don't tell me to UTFSE
I have and most of the posts are people who are on methadone, or are talking about equivilincy with other drugs

I am on 'done myself so I have no idea what a good dose would be if a non-opiate user wanted to get smashed

Please any help would be apppreciated,
sooner the better, as it may stop someone i know doing too much

Before i every got into opiates my exboyfriend was on methadone due to a severe car accident. 10mg was more than enough to have me messed up for 10-12 hours, easy. and i found that taking a tylenol the next day would bring a little of it back. so best advice if you u dont do opiates dont do anymore than 10mg,
Well, sure methadone is a strong opioid for opioid-naive people and it's got that advantage of high oral bioavailability. Now as I tapered down to 6ml (it's a 1mg/ml syrup) in the morning and twice that dose every two days, when I drink 30ml at one time, it gives me that sedative high of methadone.

And concerning my taper-down plan, I've got a question.

I've been tapering down methadone since July when I got turned down for the maintenance program again. Well, it's almost October and I'm still drinking the syrup but it's eventually coming to its end. However, as I know myself even though my last dose is going to be 1mg I will shake as if I had a light withdrawal for quite some time. BTW I'm getting off it because I'm moving to the UK and without a program I wouldn't be able to afford methadone financially. I wondered, although I'm of course aware of the risks and effects of this, if dihydrocodeine in OTC doses could be of some help. There's no villa with a swimming pool waiting for me there and I'm afraid the very first weeks there are going to be kind of a shock switching my mood to depression from mania (BPD). And I've got to work of course, now I don't sleep at night, I'm exhausted during the day and the morning drags on endlessly before various offices are open and I can take care of the things I've got left to do. Well, sure, I'm not hiding the fact that at this moment my moving there is actually the only option because I've been vegetating here for some time and I don't feel well knowing I'm living off my mum right now.

I know it'd have nothing to do with DHC maintenance treatment as the only OTC medicine in the UK also contains paracetamol and I guess they use ER pills with DHC if it's used at all for maintenance. But when I arrive, I'll have no option to relax even a bit but this. Now the question of course:

Would it be wise to use over-the-counter DHC/paracetamol (it's 238.72mg oh DHC per 1 pack) to fight the urge to shoot up morphine when I'm in the UK (and it'd be heroin actually as I don't have any contacts there so what I'll be able to afford will be from the streets). I know using DHC also means the possibility of moving closer to shooting up again but at the moment when I'll have an urge to use an opioid, it'll be better to use DHC instead of heroin/morphine or even methadone (from what I know the syrup is pretty much cheap on the streets in London, so salary/price of street methadone = even better than where I live now). So the question again because that's the point - will it be reasonable? Will it be sane?
Long Term Methadone Maintenance 10 years plus

Hi i'm intrested in any one who has been on longterm MMt.
I've been on MMT for 15 years with only one break (8 months )of an significance.

So if anyone would like to share their experiences with me i would welcome this .

will taking pod tea on top of methadone bring on the withdrawals?

And why would it? There are no opioid antagonists in opium poppy. At most you will feel no effects from pod tea or they will be diminished.
Can anyone help me please. im new to B.L and have a question not a reply. im 39 years old and have been addicted to H for almost 20 years, been on MMT for six and got kicked off the program. i was at 50mg. before they detoxed me. they took me down 10mg. every 3 days. im now off and feel like shit. will pod tea help alleviate my w/d s or not? thanks keep up good work/b safe
Yes, it will help for withdrawals but it will get you into physical addiction again in no time. Pod tea contains alkaloids present in opium poppy so it contains full opioid agonists. Ask yourself a question "is it worth it?". You would take a full agonist and in the end it would make your withdrawal worse. 50mg of methadone is not much and a 10mg every 3 days reduction isn't hardcore either so it's probably all in your head now. I know how creepy methadone withdrawal can be because I've been there and in my case it was no methadone after a day of taking my regular dose. When you taper down methadone, you will always feel weak withdrawal symptoms for a few days up to one week. If I were you, I would wait it out. It's a full blown withdrawal so you're going to feel better shortly. Physically I mean (chills, loose stool etc.), the psychological part is another thing and this is what you have to work out yourself and I'm aware it won't be easy after a 20-year long habit + 6 years on the program. But that's the truth.

I know how it feels after tapering down methadone to 0. Although I've never been on MMT because they had always turned me down a lot of times having stupid excuses every time and I've been addicted to opioids for over 7 years now, tapered down on methadone to 0 numerous time but then I went back to shooting up... I decided to taper down methadone myself again in June and I was really close because I took 6mg in the morning (I need split-dosing) but I've increased my dose lately and as I'm looking at my organizer I took 30mg+ during the very latest days. I don't really know what to do know because I don't think I've got enough methadone to taper down from 30mg+ and it's crucial for me to taper down as I'm moving to the UK in November... (without being on the MMT I have no papers stating I need methadone treatment so nobody's going to take me on the temporary treatment in the UK and I've got no contacts in London to have a good source of methadone from "the streets").

Beside the fact I'm worrying about my taper-down regimen right now, I think it won't take long before I begin feeling so shitty in London that I start feeling an urge to start shooting up. And as I've been clean from opioids like morphine or heroin for over a year and a half, I will probably first run into dihydrocodeine because it's over-the-counter in the UK.
Rustydusty, I'd recommend something like kratom if you're trying to avoid getting re-addicted. Pod tea is very addicting. Buprenorphine is another good option IMO if you're in an area where it is available.
are kidding me ? methadone = hydrocodone? hahahaha I take 80mg done a day, and if i wait 2-3 days not taking methadone and shoot 300mg oxycodone i still dont feel ANYTHING so does that make u chance ur mind, I can shoot 15 30mg ROXIS and not feel ANYTHING cause 80mg methadone..
^ Define "extremely tolerant." This is a drug forum, so it is not uncommon for people to have a tolerance of say, 320mgs of oxycodone, or 15 bags of heroin a day.

Will 10mgs keep you from being sick? Well what do you usually take per day to keep the sick away?
only have 3 30 mg oxycodone pills left 2 10mg hydos and 3 1mg xanax. i usually take 6 30s, 6 h10s, and 4 1mg x's per day. I have 4 10 mg methadone to help me. got ten days till doc. how should I take em? Will taking one last me all day or do I need to take more? or am I just totally F**ked??????
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