methadone maintenance and reduction - advice/personal experiences?


Bluelight Crew
Nov 2, 2005
ive been on MMT for the last 3-4yrs now and at the beginning of the year i decided id had a gutful and started to wean; im doing it pretty slowly but so far its a mess - i feel sick all the time, never seem to 'stabilise' and keep ending up using, but itd be awful to go and put it back up again, as i found the side effects unbearable (amotivation, heavy sweating, chronic constipation, nausea, inability to eat anything but sugar + it seemed to be the cause of symptoms of severe mental illness, to a degree i had never suffered from before - these have bettered as ive lowered my dose)

when i first went on the program i was stabilised at 250mg (5mg/ml, in split doses), which was, strangely enough, being 5"2 and very slight build (at the time), just too much; i felt really sick and the serum level tests showed, when last taken, that there was leeway to go higher but that was where they stopped me, sick or not, cos it was just getting ridiculous, and, as i was battling with meth(amphetamine) at the same time, i was booked into detox to be stabilised while i was treated for the other.
just prior to going into detox, i was put on 25mg seroquel, which id had before, for meth psychosis, and i became even sicker. it didnt make a hell of a lot of sense but i was told it was just dopesickness and, as thats what it felt like, i went with that.

when i went into detox they took another serum test and it showed me to be completely toxic. they said the seroquel possibly raised serum levels. so i was dropped to 175mg that night (while still waiting to crash from the last hit of meth, cruel world it is) and slowly, over 2 weeks, i recovered. however serum levels always seem to show the same thing - that unless they bloody overdose me, it doesnt hold me; the doctor said if they could split doses by 3 itd be effective, but of course thats not possible.
so ive spent the last couple of years getting mildly dopesick at some stage during the day. id have started weaning long ago but things were just too messy; i had other habits to kick and if there was 1 thing methadone did for me it was totaly minimise the desire to use opiates, and the few times i tried using enough to feel anything, i had to go over to do so.

sorry for the long exhausting history; methadone also made me unable to be succinct - everything i say becomes a novel, and ive heard this is pretty common.
the wean was easy at first; i can have my dose dropped 2.5mg weekly and dont often go without insisting its dropped - i just want it over and done with, though ive tried sitting on a single dose for up to a month, a few times, and found that it makes no difference to how sick i get. im on 97.5mg now and its getting more or less unbearable - i cant sleep, im on the toilet so often i keep magazines stacked in there, everything hurts, i cant sit still but am too exhausted to get up, so i spend most days i dont give in and use, lying on my bed, rocking back and forth. ive been through heroin withdrawal enough times now to know what makes it easier, but while 'done withdrawal isnt half as physically nasty, it seems to be equally emotionally hellish, and i assume it only gets worse. once i reach 75mg i can be booked into detox, theyll switch me to suboxone and wean me off that for 2 weeks. they make it sound so easy but i cant imagine hanging on for much longer - i dont have much endurance when it comes to this kinda shit!

i duno what effect using on top of it has. i only tend to blast homebake/heroin maybe every couple of times i drop (so on average 2x a month), but i take pills (usually oxy) in varying doses daily for about a week, before then going another approximate week or so clean (largely cos my ex, also my closest friend, who i dont like keeping anything from, comes from another city to stay over that time - shes aware i fuck up but going into it wouldnt be fair on either of us as i dont wana be talked into 'getting help'). when i dont use i do notice withdrawal but physicaly its not much worse than when im just trying to minimise taking pills; its the emotional BS that drives me insane and these days nothing short of totaly nodding realy relieves that, which is, i spose, why i seem to function without anything but 'done when my ex is here (i dont sit there thinking about how shit i feel unless im alone). to what degree would using on top of coming off the 'done actualy have, if any?
is this unusual or just what coming off methadone is like?
has anybody had any similar experiences (including to the ones i had actualy being on the program, as surely MMT wouldnt exist if it was like that for everybody)?
and to those whove been there done that and survived it, how the fuck did u do it????
any advice welcome!

again sorry for the long post - mods, feel free to chop it down if need be
hey, at least ive spelt it all (i think) correctly! =D
I haven't ever taken methadone but I have faith you can do it, if that is what you really want.

thanks - wise decision! :)
i certainly know people who have done it but both were originally on lower doses and were using on top of it the whole time. one friend whos done it was in detox with me last time i went in (so just at the beginning of the year when i first started dropping), and hes been largely okay but says the biggest problem is when you jump off your still in withdrawal, so going back to the original drug (or the methadone) is more than tempting - and he uses about once a week, more than he seems to be comfortable with, and personally id find hard to stick at even that! from memory, he was still pretty sick even a good 2 weeks after leaving detox.
he too found that when on the program he still started hanging out, physically, at some stage every day, though he wasnt on split doses.
i dont know anybody who has got off it, for a decent amount of time, and not gone back to the junkie lifestyle, which is depressing.
surely there are people here who have experienced life on/coming off methadone?
drug_wench -- I don't have a lot of first hand experience but know a lot of people on MMT and a lot of theory behind it, plus I'm from New Zealand as well so might be able to give you some information that's a bit more specific to your exact situation?

What exactly would you like to know, and I'll try answer as best I can.

*Side note: I've been reading your blog and it's tear jerking stuff, and really emotively written. I think you have a real hidden talent there! Great to meet another NZ BLer, there seem to be quite a few though you're mostly all from Auckland and I'm down here in Dunedin hehe
Also, I'm going on MMT myself in 14 days time, and I've done a lot of research, so while I haven't come off of it myself I still believe I can answer at least some of your questions. Ask away, I'll be happy to help if I can.
I watched my ex go from 160mg to 0mg in 2 months' time. He was dropped 5mg every 3 days. He had a little suboxone which lasted about 7 days.

During the suboxone week and a week after that, he didn't sleep much. He'd toss and turn. Get settled for half a second, and toss and turn again all night long. After a few weeks he was sleeping.
That's quite impressive Mami, that's a really huge reduction in very little time. The suboxone would've helped a bit I imagine, but still a very solid effort on his part.
2 months - now that is promising!
i wouldnt know cos ive never experienced methadone withdrawal any other way, but i think id probably prefer to get it over and done with at that rate. im the kind of person that can bear fairly disgusting amounts of pain as long as its short-term (ive been through heroin withdrawal CT twice, without more than immodium, panadol/ibuprofen, and metacloperamide for nausea/vomiting, before i knew you could stay in a medical detox without paying shitloads; id say it was, in some ways, more attractive than this - and much more 'do-able'). the idea of feeling lower-grade-but-still-nasty-as-fuck sick, emotionally volatile and exhausted, for as long as it would take, doing it at this rate, doesnt seem possible.

i have a doctors appointment next week, and i spose i could try asking if the process could be sped up. every time the chemist or my case worker ask how its going i lie; my case worker thinks im still riding daily! im always afraid theyll try to convince me to stop dropping my dose or get me to stay on the same dose for awhile. i dont know why im worried - they always say its 'my program' and i can do it as i like, but dropping 2.5mg/week is how theyd said they thought i should do it, and tbh i find trying to argue with them exhausting; IME so far it hasnt been 'my program' unless i really push for something, and the doctors arent very approachable, neither is the whole system at all organised (i have ended up having to go through withdrawal twice, while in hospital, as it took the doctors days to even find me in their files!). the chemist tried to talk me into staying on my dose, at the time, just the other week, cos she saw my hands shaking a little. i was hardly going to say that that was because id just tried some strange RC that was making me feel like i was melting into the rack of reduced items, but it took ages convincing her that i still wanted to drop, as discussed at the beginning of the week, and my friend, who was completely straight, said he had to look pretty hard to see the slight tremor. they dont appear to be very encouraging about having me get off the 'done; i spose the theory is 'put the junkie on methadone and it solves the crime problem'.

thanks for the replies, and your kind words, oxycodrone - i wish you the best on going on the program; i wont advise you not to as you have obviously done your homework, and things could be a whole lot different in dunedin (it helps to have a friendly case worker, approachable doctors, and good communication between you and the service providers - unfortunately, i have not found this to be the case up here, though i like my case worker when shes not trying to convince me ill die if i dont do an NA meeting every day! :\); the one thing i will say is, if your looking to go on MMT, be aware that theres a high possibility you could be on it for life, that it doesnt, by any means, successfully keep everybody from continuing to hang out for opiates and can become 'just another addiction' especially on a lower dose (and the higher doses come with some nasty side effects that most people dont experience on other opiate-type drugs) - for these reasons, id make sure youve exhausted all other options before starting the program, and if, as your dose is being raised, you find that the negatives are outweighing the positives, and that its not really helping with the original problem, id suggest having yourself weaned down again straight away! sad is it may seem, i was happier, and lived a more functional life, being hooked on IV heroin/homebake...not that i am saying that you should give up and just stick with the addiction; it could be the best decision youve ever made, its just one id take verrry cautiously! i would be interested to know how its going for you while youre on the program! :)

i have no specific questions about the program in general, as ive experienced years of it now, i was more looking for peoples personal experiences with being on it and coming off it.
id definitely like to know:
-has anybody found it to successfully stabilise them, to the point that they lead a normal life while on it, other than going through the usual side effects, without having a moment every day where they are physically/mentally hanging out?
-has anybody else experienced developing symptoms of mental illness, or worsening previous mental illness, that appear to have coincided with MMT?
-has anybody got off methadone, after having been on the program, and managed to stick with their goals surrounding opiate use for at least 6 months afterwards?
-can anybody give any tips on what helped get them through the long process of reduction?
I think tending to your life passions (music, reading a good book, enjoying the outdoors, etc.) is quintessential to getting off of opiates. Focus on what makes you happy.