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Methadone for a complete newb

You shouldn't be trying to use methadone if you have no opiate tolerance. It's not very recreational(read: low euphoria, lasts too long). Not to mention dosing is tricky, due to its strength and long half-life.

I've gotta say I'm surprised most people feel this way. I don't have any kind of tolerance, have tried many different opiates over the years, and methadone is still one of my favorites. I get the same euphoria as morphine basically, and it's duration is a bonus to me because it's more bang for the buck.

I'm with johanneschimpo on this one.

Unless overdosing, going into cardiac arrest, having a stroke, alongside complete respiratory depression, seizures, permanent heart damage, and waking up two days later in the ICU from a coma sounds fun to you, then I advice you to leave methadone the fuck alone.

Damn... I mean... I've taken methadone so many times around 5 or 10mg and loved it. If he just doesn't take too much these things aren't a problem.

But of course he needs to be super careful. Don't get me wrong, I'm not contradicting that.

I say try 2.5 or 5mg, and don't take anymore for at least 2 days. And bump up based on what you felt the first time.
^^ My psychiatrist told me a story of one of his patients who was supposedly tolerant to opiates and he died after taking 30 mg.
Well I dunno, it could be me and the other non tolerant ppl who like methadone are just an anomaly. If anyone thinks 2.5mg is gonna kill the dude I've got no problem opening my mouth and stuffing my foot in it.
wiggi said:
^^ My psychiatrist told me a story of one of his patients who was supposedly tolerant to opiates and he died after taking 30 mg.
I doubt it. Unless your psychiatrist forgot to mention the patient had NO tolerance. If you were opiate tolerant, 30mg would do far from killing you.
Methadone just sedated me. No euphoria. Kinda like a high dose of aprazolam.
canj00feelit? said:
I doubt it. Unless your psychiatrist forgot to mention the patient had NO tolerance. If you were opiate tolerant, 30mg would do far from killing you.
Throw in a heavy, heavy dose of benzo's and drink a shitload of liquor and it's possible. Especially if the patient was hardly tolerant to opiates at all.
wiggi said:
^^ My psychiatrist told me a story of one of his patients who was supposedly tolerant to opiates and he died after taking 30 mg.

It COULD Happen, BUT it's HIGHLY doubted................ When you join a Methadone Clinic and they dose you for the 1st day the Highest mg they can give you is 30mgs (Ive Re-joined my clinic and they started me off at 40 mgs though but for New comers ists 30mgs or less). They start everybody out on 30mgs (or less) because 30mgs isint really a toxic dose and if its messing with your body that bad, the nurses and your counselor would recognise that and lower your dose.........................
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Well, this is a little later but I thought this thread deserved an update. I did 1.75grams the first day and felt a slight relaxing, mild euphoria. After 48 hours, I took another 2.5 grams and felt the same sedation but more euphoria. All of the time, no nausea or negative side effects.

I took a whole day off and then finally stepped it up to 5 grams which I think is my dose. I finally got the euphoria was looking for and it seemed to be as high as I needed to go. I honestly don't think what I did was dangerous, but people can correct me if I'm wrong.
for me (an opiate noob) methadone is real enjoyable. 5mg gets me pretty high for like 2 days. I like it because you never have to redose. and yeah, it is dangerous the way it builds up - you wont peak for 4 hours or so after taking it, so dont redose. also it is very powerful mg for mg just because you take 20mg of hydro to get high doesnt mean you need 20mg of methadone. try starting with only 5mg and wait 4-5 hours before redosing.
Newmoonrecord said:
for me (an opiate noob) methadone is real enjoyable. 5mg gets me pretty high for like 2 days. I like it because you never have to redose. and yeah, it is dangerous the way it builds up - you wont peak for 4 hours or so after taking it, so dont redose. also it is very powerful mg for mg just because you take 20mg of hydro to get high doesnt mean you need 20mg of methadone. try starting with only 5mg and wait 4-5 hours before redosing.
Yeah exactly. 5mg got me as high as I wanted to be, and I don't think I will go much higher considering how dangerously potent and long-lasting methadone is. I heard that the effects wear off before it's completely out of your system so I'm going to wait a full 3 days in between doses.
antischsm said:
it was not me, this isn't a case of the stupid "so AFOAF wants to..." it was really my friend. Asd you can see I am doing my research and treating it with the utmost respect. I thinkm I will actually start out at 2.5 mg and wait 3 hours before taking another 2.5 mg. I want to play it extremely safe.

Anyone have suggestions for combating the nausea?
It took about 6 hours for Methadone to kick in for me. Had the doctor not warned me, I would have re-dosed several times before I felt the first effects.

Unless you are dealing with opiate WD or you doctor scripts it for pain -- you need to stay away from Methadone. Its just not a party item.
Will01996 said:
It took about 6 hours for Methadone to kick in for me. Had the doctor not warned me, I would have re-dosed several times before I felt the first effects.

Unless you are dealing with opiate WD or you doctor scripts it for pain -- you need to stay away from Methadone. Its just not a party item.
I disagree, I was incredibly cautious (who really takes 1.75 grams as a dose?) and I did all the research I could before dosing. I was extremely cautious with it and had no problems at all. I think that for the average joe, I would agree, but for someone who is as cautious as me I would say it is safe if done correctly.
antischsm said:
I think that for the average joe, I would agree, but for someone who is as cautious as me I would say it is safe if done correctly.
I always do plenty of research before ingesting any foreign substance, but methadone managed to bite me in the ass and nearly cost me my life. Don't fool yourself, any drug user can overdose and/ or die. You are no exception to the rule.
wiggi said:
I always do plenty of research before ingesting any foreign substance, but methadone managed to bite me in the ass and nearly cost me my life. Don't fool yourself, any drug user can overdose and/ or die. You are no exception to the rule.
Obviously any user can die, and the average joe I reffered to probably won't apply to any frequent posters here. All I was saying is that I believe I handled it completely safely. Where exactly did I go wrong?
antischsm said:
Obviously any user can die, and the average joe I reffered to probably won't apply to any frequent posters here. All I was saying is that I believe I handled it completely safely. Where exactly did I go wrong?
Sorry, I didn't mean to come off as a dick. These first 90 days of sobriety have really been a beast. You handled your first methadone use perfect. I just thought you were saying that nothing bad could happen to you. I'm not quite sure why I thought that now.
haha, no worries man, I can only imagine what you are going through right now. good luck with your withdrawals, I know they can be an absolute bitch but you will ge tthrough it eventually.
antischsm said:
Well, this is a little later but I thought this thread deserved an update. I did 1.75grams the first day and felt a slight relaxing, mild euphoria. After 48 hours, I took another 2.5 grams and felt the same sedation but more euphoria. All of the time, no nausea or negative side effects.

I took a whole day off and then finally stepped it up to 5 grams which I think is my dose. I finally got the euphoria was looking for and it seemed to be as high as I needed to go. I honestly don't think what I did was dangerous, but people can correct me if I'm wrong.

I assume thet you mean milligrams, as anyone doing 5000mg of methadone would be dead, unless you had been upping dose by 5 mg for a long time.
mikemikemike said:
I assume thet you mean milligrams, as anyone doing 5000mg of methadone would be dead, unless you had been upping dose by 5 mg for a long time.
Yeah, definitely. I was doing chem homework at the time...:)