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Methadone and its effects on the body


Sep 13, 2010
Ok, Ive had several threads on methadone, being that its the only drug I take now I want as much Info as possible. This question is "what does methadone do to your body in the long term" and I want to know does it still hurt you if you take it as prescribed. The doc told me that I would more than likely be on methadone for most of my life if not for the rest of it, so I wanna know what impact is it gonna have. Ive talked to a couple of people from the med field an I'm getting mixed responses, one says nothing bad will happen, the other says it messes with the brain. So I'm asking this forum.
Ok, Ive had several threads on methadone, being that its the only drug I take now I want as much Info as possible. This question is "what does methadone do to your body in the long term" and I want to know does it still hurt you if you take it as prescribed. The doc told me that I would more than likely be on methadone for most of my life if not for the rest of it, so I wanna know what impact is it gonna have. Ive talked to a couple of people from the med field an I'm getting mixed responses, one says nothing bad will happen, the other says it messes with the brain. So I'm asking this forum.

Assuming you are taking the Methadone for pain, the main long term issue I believe would be tolerance. Of course, this could fall to dependence and addiction issues, as well.

But I see no difference in taking Methadone vs. say OC, Opana, ect, as far as some problem, specific to the 'done.

It's not like Demerol, which I do believe can cause problems down the road.

Well, the withdrawals can last month(s) after becoming addicted which is very easy to happen due to its ability to quickly become you tolerant. Much worse withdrawals than any other opiate. Believe me, I suffered them.
well I take methadone due to chronic pain and opiate addiction, I had spinal surgery a while back and It hurts like a bitch most of the time. I'm only 25 but I'v had a few operations witch started me on opiates and I eventually got on heroin. I got off heroin a while ago, then I put a big ass screw through my foot and had to have another surgery witch got me back on opiates, morphine and high mg percocet. This time I decided not to let it get out of control again so I took the methadone route. It definatly helps me, Ive been addicted to opiates for years and Ive never been able to quit for any amount of time until now. Im just worried the methadone is gonna hurt me down the road. I know withdrawl, and I know its worse than heroin. And I know doing the drugs I was doing was hurting me alot worse than this will,( I think ). Im just curious if its gonna hurt me down the road.
Well, the withdrawals can last month(s) after becoming addicted which is very easy to happen due to its ability to quickly become you tolerant. Much worse withdrawals than any other opiate. Believe me, I suffered them.
how many days are yopu physically sick? when does that stop? the puking?
well I take methadone due to chronic pain and opiate addiction, I had spinal surgery a while back and It hurts like a bitch most of the time. I'm only 25 but I'v had a few operations witch started me on opiates and I eventually got on heroin. I got off heroin a while ago, then I put a big ass screw through my foot and had to have another surgery witch got me back on opiates, morphine and high mg percocet. This time I decided not to let it get out of control again so I took the methadone route. It definatly helps me, Ive been addicted to opiates for years and Ive never been able to quit for any amount of time until now. Im just worried the methadone is gonna hurt me down the road. I know withdrawl, and I know its worse than heroin. And I know doing the drugs I was doing was hurting me alot worse than this will,( I think ). Im just curious if its gonna hurt me down the road.

After more info. about yourself I will add this. To me, Methadone is a very sedating opiate. I found it hard to function at all while taking it. Of course all opiates have a way of making the time pass, while we are content gazing at our feet, if you know what I mean. But "done is the worst, for me.

The main thing about your bio. update, that I underlined, I see as a potential problem. You may, just as easily get out of control on the Methadone as you have any other opiate. Since you have had problems in the past with opiates, I'm afraid Methadone will be no different.

And then this leads to the fact that you may want off opies some day. Methadone, IMO would be the absolute bitch as far as WDs go.
I have read they last for weeks and for me, 4-5 days at peak is about all that I can take.

I would probably go with a short term opiate, i.e OC, Opana, Dillies, etc However, I do realize this may not be an option, be it for cost or other reasons.
So I have no good answer. I don't believe you will be any worse off taking the 'done in the long term, compared to any other opiate. But things change over time and if you wake up one day wanting off opiates, Methadone may not be the one to jump off with. Of course, you could at that point jump to a short term opiate or subs.

So, I guess, as for now I would say that if you can function with it, Methadone is as good as any. Just be real careful and not let it get out of control .

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thanks for the advice, what are opana, and dillies? are you referring to dilaudid?
yea tell you the truth those were one of my favorites to shoot up, I liked them better than morphine or fentanyl. but not as much as heroin.
how many days are yopu physically sick? when does that stop? the puking?

Erg, the puking started for me after 4 days without it and lasted up to a couple weeks. However the physical withdrawals literally lasted me a little over a month, maybe 6 weeks.
Erg, the puking started for me after 4 days without it and lasted up to a couple weeks. However the physical withdrawals literally lasted me a little over a month, maybe 6 weeks.

God, I don't see how you stood it. You must be one tough SOB:)