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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Methadone / 40 mg)-Experiences-Through My Other Mouth


Bluelight Crew
Apr 15, 2010
Through My Other Mouth
A Tale of Light, and a Dark, Dark, Tunnel

Brought to You by Znegative

So I was sitting around this Sunday morning, finishing up the last sip of my coffee, feeling lethargic as I looked hopelessly out my window. The sun was shining bright, and though the birds were chirping, I felt lifeless and alone, motivation was gone, apathy had prevailed. There seemed to be only one solution-I needed to get high.. Problem was, I had no money, and no drugs, other than my weekend take home bottle of Methadone, 40mg.

I usually get a nice little mood lift for a couple hours after I dose, but nothing compared to that honey moon period I and so many people experience their first week or two on the clinic. I began to wonder if there was anyway I could get more out of my dose and bring a little light back into my life. I went online and did a search on "Rectal Methadone".

From my research, the consensus seemed to be that the BA was actually slightly lower than oral, but that it's onset was much quicker, and duration just as long. Seeing as the absorption rate was not significantly lower, and I was clearly not going to IV my dose, I thought I'd give it a try. After all, the worst case scenario would be that I'd feel the Methadone a little less, or get caught by my mother with a syringe dangling from my rectum...

So I went upstairs and pulled the tip off of a clean 1mL rig, and drew up my methadone (which is 10 mg/mL). I had to administer my dose in four different "squirts", but 4mL is not an unreasonable ammount of liquid to plug, and it didn't feel uncomfortable in the least. I continued to lay on my side for about three minutes after the Methadone had been consumed by my northern orifice, and then got up to go outside and have a ciggarette, exiting the inner sanctuary of my Brooklyn brownstone, and basking in the warm light of the urban outdoors.

Two minutes into my ciggarette, I began to feel a warm heaviness blossom inside my head. I envisioned a flower spreading its petals like some lame Georgia O'keefe painting, and then experienced that familiar "dope taste" that all IV opiate addicts know. Before I knew it, I was feeling beyond content. I took the last drag of my cig, and went back inside, walking up the stairs into my room, where I called my girlfriend on Skype. All the while the pleasant lift of the methadone seemed to intensify, until it had erupted into full blown euphoria. The experience was such a surprise, that I felt a strong urge to tell my girlfriend (another fan of opiates) all about it. I was a little bit embarrassed explaining at first that I had just squirted Methadone up my ass, because like many other macho IV drug users, I'd never want to admit to putting anything up my anus (though shooting a bunch of dope into my veins is completely fine-sarcasm of course.)

Anyway, my girlfriend found the whole thing funny, and I actually suspect it quite possibly turned her on (no, that's probably a stretch..). We continued to talk as she got ready for work, and I began to experience that deep sense of empathy which had made me fall for heroin/opiates in the first place.. Now I love my girlfriend regardless of whether I'm buzzed or sober, but I was really becoming overwhelmed with emotion at this point, The fact that she'll be living across the country for the next month began to really bother me, because I wanted more than ever to reach out and touch her face, and do all sorts of other things as well.

Eventually she had to leave for work, and after a short continuation of our conversation on the phone, we said our good byes, and I was left once again by myself. This time however, I felt full of passion, energy, motivation, feeling, positivity, purpose and MEANING!

So what did I do? I logged on to bluelight and proudly moderated to the best of my ability, helping those in need, sharing my wisdom, infecting the web with experience, lying on my mattress like a slob, overcome with pleasure. I was cloud surfing, riding high and feeling fine.

And now it's been about four and a half hours and I'm still going strong. Over the course of writing this Trip Report I've nodded a little bit here and there, and I'm still filled with light. For all those on a relatively low dose of methadone that are looking to recapture some of that "induction-phase magic", I recommend this ROA. Of course some might frown down upon taking a medication in a way other than prescribed, but IMO, plugging is a much better alternative to shooting, which sadly many people on methadone do with their take-homes. Obviously don't mix with benzo's or other CNS depressants due to the risk of respiratory depression, and If you're not a chronic user of methadone, I would also not recommend this ROA, as if hits very fast and hard. In the event that one has dosed too high, there might not be an adequate ammount of time to seek help whereas oral consumption does give you a slight window of opportunity...Besides, I'm of the school of thought that methadone is really not well suited for recreational purposes, but when you're on it for maintenance, switching up the ROA here and there can be pleasant and keep one from returning to their DOC.

So that's the end of my Trip Report. Rectal Methadone works, or it did for me.

Be safe, and be happy.
Your loyal comrade,

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