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Meth tolerance affecting adderall performance


Dec 16, 2015
I was recently prescribed 20mg adderall ir for foggy thinking and lack of focus, but already had a significant tolerance to methamphetamine. Thus the adderall doesn't seem to have any effect on me at all. I'm unsure of what to do. Do I increase the dosage of adderall, or do I have to stay clean until my tolerance reduces? And how long would that take? Please advise..I honestly don't think I can be without either drug for very long without losing my mind. Thanks
Welcome to BlueLight Kandi! :)

Suggest you talk to your doctor.
You have already been prescribed with something that might help you.
Try to see it as a medication. It should work at some level.
If you increase you dosage now that you have a prescription you'll lose the chance of having this worked out.

Good luck!
Well meth is like the heroin of stimulants. Once you've done heroin it's kind of hard to go back to popping a Norco every now and then, isn't it?
As long as you keep doing meth, Adderall is going to feel underwhelming. So my advice would be to quit using meth.