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Stimulants Meth, Heroin, Xanax and Alcohol combined


Feb 16, 2016
Okay I've been doing meth for a couple (2-3) months now on a nearly daily basis. Also a bunch of other not getting into it...

So we decided we were gonna quit doing drugs starting monday. Just been on a hard binge for waaaaay too long basically. So, being our last friday and we only had about .25 of crystal left, we decided we'd smoke it all if possible to get rid of it.

So smoking that alllll day (about a bowl every 3-4 hours between two peeps). I just loaded the last of it, so prob 30 cents we'll call it, already used including a fat like .1 at least line followed immediately by puking huge hit, about two hours ago, ill explain in a min...

So shared a point of supposedly badass heroin between two. we don't have a HUGE tolerance but we can handle our shit and we've been smoking H for a few days straight. Chased that with a .25 mil xanax because I was kind of freaking out about shadows (I've been up since Thursday morning (50ish hours) I know this is stupid, but honestly, a quarter mil ain't shit and a point has never laid me out before let alone .05.

Also was drinking a beer all night. Like, literally one (1) of the twenty four oz mango redds. it's like 10 % alcohol basically.

So I started getting tired, slurring words etc about two hours into the xanax. Knew the combo is dangerous so I whipped out a pretty damn significant line of meth. It;s not that great of stuff, but average. Then I was STILL tired so took a fat rip off the pipe. such a big smoke cloud, so nasty i puked. Then I was up...

Now I feel a bit jittery and i feel like my finger tips are numb ish (Which is A)cold due to vasoconstriction hopefully or B) my high ass keeps telling myself HEART ATTACK AGGGGHHHH!) anyway, i feel like my treatment for the benzo-heroin thing might have been a bit aggressive. I suddenly go super cold like chills running all over...

I took an aspirin because I know you want to thin your blood out under the raised blood pressures induced by a possible methamphetamine overdose. Also took another .25 xanax to (maybe?) slow down my pulse..... I've heard xanax is often administered for meth overdose treatment. The H and original benzo should be gone, did those about 6, 7 hours ago, now. Should I get more aggressive on the xanax or just wait for it?

Well, I'm sure I'm being a total bitch about this shit, but if anyone has experience with this three pack of deadly drug combos, let me know alright?

Thanks, As Soon As Possible is gonna be implied

PS; Don't get on here and say GO TO THE HOSPITAL NOW! or some shit, cause my heart can't take that shit right now and I WILL fuckin go, then I'll be pissed.
It's probably a good idea to allow yourself to come down off of the crystal in order to make a decision with a clear mind. I would assume the heroin effects have been gone for a bit, so I don't see how there would be any harm in taking a low dose of xanax to smooth the come down and allow you to get some much needed sleep.
I have and your setting yourself up for danger, blacked out and on meth..
Bro, seriously stick to one drug at a time.

If you're going to mix, never mix more than one downer.

I remember being on about a 48 hour meth binge (small amounts, just stayed up and did lines every couple hours) and it was super taxing on my brain and body. You're lucky to be alive (if you even are) after that 50 hour stint and then mixing a bunch of drugs into your already drained body. If you continue on like this you're going to die real quick.
You'll be fine. I mix heroin, meth, Xanax, and whatever the fuck else quite often. I'm 5 feet tall and 100 lbs. Have fun just don't get arrested.
Do not combine those especially alcohol benzos and opioids all of those things no matter what combo of them those three combine will cause respiratory depression if your not careful and u could stop breathing and die pls for your life's sake don't Fucking do that
Just speaking from experience, xanex and Heroin are the most dangerous combo. My sister as well as 2 of my best friends have died from said combination so don't go thinking youre the exception. I'm all for having a good time and I do get a little out of hand with shit myself as I am currently dealing with a Heroin addiction myself but that is the one combination I won't fuck with. Get some sleep too, don't want those shadow ppl catching up with you.
OMG Mods, please don't ban me I swear I'm not purposefully bumping my own thread. No one else post on here, please, or it'll look like thread bumping and the mods will be pissed. This is a real harm reduction post, and to be fair, it's honestly been this long since I've been on BL. Well I got on and wrote a five paragraph essay a few days ago but didn't have time to check out this post and really wanted to, now I have, really want to respond to some detractors and also put some harm reduction into it for other users. Please if you're gonna ban me for thread bumping just erase the whole post it's old anyway...

Okay, so first off, no I'm not dead. It's touching that you guys were worried about it, especially me being as annoyingly long winded as I know I am (you really didn't do anything though, if I had been really dying I'd have been fucked, lol). I do know some things, like heroin and xanax are the most dangerous combo in the world (Hence: Why I put that in my post, "I know it's stupid, but..."). Damn everyone instantly rails me like I'm a third grader. I've been doing drugs for a minute, guys, I promise... The only person who WOULD have made me feel any better at all was Hellboundkeis, which of course was all I needed was someone to say, "You're fine Kody stop being a bitch". That WOULD have helped because of course as soon as I posted that, I fell the fuck asleep and woke up just fine. Oh, and I live like 1.21 mins from the hospital so if something ever DID happen, I could probably fall out for real and my wife would be able to get me to help fast enough to save my life, just saying....

Then for the past month or two (How long has it been?) I haven't posted because the wife and I *really DID* quit using drugs. That night. Cold turkey. Yes, you can do it, learn some willpower and self respect, stop being a fucking pussy, do your ten days of pain, stop making excuses for yourself and being an all around tool. It helps if you have a good support system too. Thank the universe for women.

So, I use drugs like an artist's pallet, "Do I want feeling X, then take substance Y," etc. Like an artist, sometimes I find the colors straight from the bottle to be quite bland for my purpose. So I tend to mix and match. THIS DOES NOT MEAN I'M TELLING YOU TO DO THUS!

Listen up, boys and gals: Drugs really are dangerous. Certain combinations of drugs are more dangerous than others. An EXPERIENCED user like myself approaches a drug using scenario with caution and intelligence. Feel free to ask yourself the same questions I tend to when approaching a buy/ use/ "WTF" situation;

A) Know what you're supposedly doing is actually what you're doing: I've seen soooooo many people buy a bag or dark and go in the bathroom and just load up 'the usual'. Even if it's your regular guy, it's not the same stash. Cutting drugs is not a very exact science (at least not for the very stupid drug dealers I tend to know). These guys can't hold a nine-to-five, you're trusting them to read a scale, correctly, involving something you're going to (NOT!) shoot into your bloodstream directly?! I don't like nurses fucking poking me! So, in a perfect world, get it tested. You will NEVER EVER EVER IN A MILLION YEARS be able to do this (in Uh-Merica). This is why illegal drugs are more dangerous and harmful than legalization and regulation. It's a box of fucking chocolates and you DON'T know what you're gonna get. I have wet dreams about a world where I can buy a package in the store that says "Heroin - 95% pure, grown in the Kandahar province of Afghanistan, processed in Thailand, USDA approved". Do you know how many dead motherfuckers would still be fucking alive right now? I'm rambling, but test the shit yourself, which brings us to-

B) Smoke a little pinch first: I don't IV. I think it's a sure road to absolute dependence upon 'X' substance. If you don't, don't let some worthless POS pressure you into it. Say what I say when people offer me a load, "No, I have too much self respect for that shit man," This will insult them and hurt them and trust me they're gonna be moderately pissed at you and NOT keep offering. Good, those drug users give people like us a bad name. Sorry, you know it's true, IV people. But even short of IV, don't buy drugs and snort a giant rail. or cram X amount up your ass or whatever people's kids are doing these days! It's really easy to say "Damn, I'm high!" and put a piece of foil down for a minute. It's harder to pick a half gram out of your asshole. You don't have to smoke it all, hey, enjoy your ROA whatever it is, I don't judge. But smoke ONE FUCKING HIT, SIT DOWN FOR TEN MINUTES AND GET AN HONEST FEEL FOR PURITY/ QUALITY! Don't say "Oh, I IV 4 points every morning and every night..." buy a bag, load up a half and blow a time bomb into your crotch, you fucking dumb shit! Especially IV heroin. In my area there's this epidemic of this shit called 'fentanyl' and I don't know too much about it, but apparently it drops seasoned IV users *dead* INSTANTLY! TEST YOUR DRUGS!!!!

C) Know what your drug does to you: I'm talking about physiologically. What it does to your body. I understand the thought processor is the intended target but all the other parts of you are in the crossfire. My situation a few weeks ago, i.e; Meth is a CNS Stimulant, does a bunch of shit, look it up. Heroin is a CNS Depressant (Or is it a Respiratory Depressant? I forgot, doesn't matter). Aside from what the fuck-tards at your local crack shack will tell you, they cancel each other out pretty well. Their combined effects "Offset". Say it with me, "Offsetting effects"... Good! It doesn't 'confuse your heart' or whatever the fuck. Your heart is an organ. It responds to the drugs that flow through it. It doesn't say "Speed up? Slow down? AAAAGGHHHH!" and fucking explode. That doesn't happen I promise. Xanax is another CNS Depressant (I belive? Shit a month away from the game I forget this technical BS). It also cancels meth out pretty good. Heroin and Xanax have "Compunding effects". They intensify each other in layman's terms. in the case of xanax and heroin, they intensify to VERY VERY DANGEROUS levels. Re-read this whole thread, look how stupid I sound. It wasn't fun. Moving to -

D) Know your SELF: If you're an ignorant newb, approach a situation like an ignorant newb. Don't think you're gonna hang with the big boys on your first try. Could you handle your booze the first time you went bar hopping? FUCK NO! You were off in the corner sick as a dog, crying, your buddies were taking pictures of it, laughing, using you as a pity party to bring the chicks over then just ignoring you making out with strange snatches while you begged to go to the hospital. Don't say you didn't. Don't fucking say you didn't. Someone says "Try this" and you want to, go for it. Drugs expand your mind, there's no reason not to experiment a little bit in a responsible matter. But when your drug addict friends say "Want another... Want more.... Have more, man" tell them to fuck off because you're not a junkie like them and you feel it just fine off what you already had. And finally -

D) Have some self respect and willpower: Like I already said, if you play ball, you're gonna run into a thousand motherfuckers who don't care trying to pressure you because they "want to see the new guy get all fucked up, look how funny he is! Did he pass out? HAHAHA!" You better have the balls to say "NO MOTHERFUCKER!" it helps to have a support system that you can utilize (family, REAL friends, spouse in my case. I have a great support system and I'd suggest you put one together, too. BTW drug friends and real friends are seldom one and the same) and stay accountable, but I'm aware most people who walk the drug landscape do so as lone wanderers and typically have to watch their own asses. So remember you're your own best friend, only you have your best interests in mind, and most drug users will roll your comatose ass out the passenger's seat two blocks from the hospital without even coming to a complete stop.

In conclusion don't fuck around, fuck around in the drug game. You can't call the cops when someone puts a gun to your head. Most of your 'people' won't walk you into a hospital and say "He did this, that and the other...". If you fall out in your 'bro's' living room he's gonna say "Get this guy outta here - No, we can't have no ambulance show up here! - They can track our phone! Where's a pay phone? Oh, there's one at the bus station down on forty first! Okay, go to that payphone, here's fifty cents, tell them you think someone is ODing up on suncrest and nineteenth! Put this fucking guy out on the corner or something!"....

The only time I ever mixed heroin xanax and alcohol all at once was the night I tried to kill myself so I will let that statement speak for itself. Everyone I know who got into mixing all three of those substances at once has died. Good luck OP, I hope you don't die.
Ummm, did I mention I'm not doing that anymore and taking ALL drugs pretty lightly from here out by my standards?

I party, I just don't life-or-death party, dude. And definitely learned my lesson on that one....

The drug world is a menagerie of learning lessons on a daily basis. We're all just studying until we learn the lesson that puts us in the dirt, essentially...

But that's fucked I'm just gonna say. Don't pre-epitaph me, man. I do that to people who will end up in a ditch and I'm not that druggie. Being an RIP (Random Internet Person), you'll have to take my word, but I promise I'm not. I work, dude. I have a wife. I own a fucking house. I pay taxes. I vote. I'm a person not a "One of those"....
I'm glad you are OK, and that you no longer combine drugs like this.

Contrary to what 'hellboundkels' posted mixing benzos and opiates, and opiates, benzos, and alcohol is dangerous. It's also not safe to take a stimulant like meth and depressants like opiates, benzos, or alcohol together.
I just had a horrible experience not even a week ago involving meth, Xanax, and heroin. I was doing Tina and h all day, then decided to take some Xanax after I smoked a . of the h. Did a line to wake me up. Not to long after my girlfriend and I started to have sex, I got extremely hot, chest pounding, vision shakey and moved slower like in a choppy way, distorted hearing, disoriented, light headed, couldn't breath slowly or deeply, sweating buckets, etc. Anyways felt like I was going to die, splashed cold water on myself over and over and my girl helped me thru the next couple hours. It was horrible. And a bit of a wake up call.
Yea that's kind of what I felt. It was like a 7 of 10 on the scare the fuck out me scale. Apparently just because you're doing two drugs that should put you near an even keel, doesn't mean you can't still OD off one or the other. especially meth and heroin speed-balling. Heroin is potent but only there for 4-6 hours. Meth is a bit more subtle but has legs like nothing else. Do some heroin, dip out, do some meth to perk you up.... But wait, you need more and more meth to overcome the heavy instant onset of heroin. Then six hours later the dark is gone but the amps going strong and now you're in an OD situation. Not because you did them both together, necessarily, but because by doing both together you fucked your mind into needing much more of them both and they have very different half lives. This is the #1 danger of that combo. Dark and blow speed-ball is the exact opposite, coke goes away in two hours and drops you right into the middle of scary time for heroin. Mixtures of nearly any kind (I'll drop some acid and do whatever the fuck else any day) ARE dangerous. They're just not dangerous for the reasons that people who sleep in the park tell you they are.