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meth cut with vitamin d???


Oct 8, 2010
i was told that someone used vitamin d to cut down or fake meth..... right after melted on foil waiting to for it to crack back it stayed like gel for a min before hardening i thought it was fake! no high at all my boyfriend i think is but i am pretty sure its the placebo effect because i dont feel anything!! i dont even believe there was an percentage in it of drugs...... the bag that was bought with it same time.... was different and smelled like burning something but tasted like the chemically taste... was ripped off dont care was curious if anyone knew anything about that
I think its been recently published that most americans have a vitamin d deficiency; so I imagine these meth dealer's are just doing their part to society buy giving out vitamin d supplements
Its a steroid derivative I believe, and not an ionic compound I believe, hence somewhat unlikely and I just bothered to read the origninal post describing what apparently occured, melting then hardening, sounds like some desperado rip-of and _ keep well away__ fandango
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I read about this in a book once. They cut some good shit wit vitamin D and it came out funny and when they sold it people were sayin it was bunk. That was in a book tho