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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Meth 7g Binge - Actual or Paranoid Overdose


Jan 10, 2014
Hey everyone.

I am pretty new to meth. I snorted cocaine for about 9 years before I exchanged for meth.

3 days ago, I was on the last leg of recovering from a stomach bug, and then 2 nights ago, I thought I was coming down with another bug, because new symptoms started to pop up: I all started with feeling nauseous..enough to make me vomit a couple of times, that switched to severe diarrhea, I start to feel really hot and began to sweat...more and more, I mean I was like dripping sweat, my lungs and chest felt "heavy", my heart was pounding hard- not necessarily fast, I started to cough because I was producing the weirdest phlegm that was just super slimy and thick - oddly enough, I wasn't coughing the phlegm up from my lungs, and my nasal passages were clear, didn't fell like the phlegm was coming my nose. It was always in my throat...It got to a point that I couldn't get rid of it...it just didn't want to coughed, or blown out, no matter how hard I tried. I was kinda feeling achy all over, but when I went to pull my hair up into a pony-tail, I was immediately concerned. I thought that this is not a flu or cold circumstance....I noticed that the both sides of my head hurt (not like a headache). Starting near each temple extending to just behind my ears, including behind each ear, I felt a pain that felt like a deep bruise that was tender. I was already seeing and hearing things that weren't real, but sadly enough, hallucinating was normal for me, finally abdominal cramps travelled up to my chest. Without any warning, I felt a sudden, sharp pain in my chest that jolted me...I actually remember my jaw dropping to the floor. Was I dying, having a heart attack? Then I noticed the intensity of the becoming less and less, and it was over about 20 seconds later.

I had never been so terrified, ever, in my career...even though I could recall some occasions when I remember thinking, "I might die tonight" I would feel some of the symptoms above, but this experience felt different....It literally stopped me in tracks.

My binge ended 2 nights ago.

Ok, so what did I ingest? I was on a meth binge, which I've done before. I smoked meth for 5 days and 4 nights...a total of 7g. I am still experiencing the symptoms, but it feels like they are improving in severity, and some symptoms, like the chest pain seem to lessening in frequency.

So, I guess I'm saying that, yes, I believe that someone can definitely smoke their way into a meth overdose. Has anyone else shared a similar experience?
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Wow. That's a lot of meth in a single sitting, though this was over 5 days. I hope that your wares weren't very pure. You were clearly pushing into physiological toxicity, though it's unclear that you were on the edge of death.

Hi ebola?,

Thanks for replying! I agree with you 100% I had to make sure I always focused on the distance of my lighter to the pipe...there were a few times that I'd burn it when the goods in my apparatus go low! ;) Oopsie!

Based on using pattern, I naturally exhibited a lack of rating with regard to using cocaine and meth. I have done an 8 ball of meth in a day or less a few times. With blow, I peeked at consuming 1 ounce of cocain in two days, or less. It wreaked havoc on my nose. Impulse control, in my case, a lack thereof, has created way too many occasions when I was absolutely living on the edge. I went to an IOP about 6 months ago, And I did find it to be helpful...my biggest mistake, at that place in time? I starred to miss meetings.... practice, and then my sober boundaries naturally expanded..them before I know it....I'm actually scared out of my mind, and I am not ok with dying right now - I have not felt that to with the intensity that I did a couple nights ago....

Thus prompted me frantically research symptoms of meth overdose, and I came across this site, and decided I would share. :)

I don't very much room for error with regard to using, how I use, how often, how much....everything. Over the course of the past 18 months, I acknowledge that I have tendencies of using excessively far too often and too easily. I say this based on listening to people who shared their stories...I was too embarrassed to share for so long, because in my home group i hadn't heard anyone share a using personally, pattern, style....you know what I mean, that was similar to mine. I thought people would not believe me. I rarely used with others, because I didn't want people to know about my addiction. But, all I have to do is shine a flashlight into my stile...It's not pretty....If I am in a mind set of contining to abuse drugs, I will not last long, and only a handful of people know that I did/do "have a problem" I had always been overly secretive and kept a safe distance from people could that I will continue to use, even though a just chunks of my nose out a week earlier. I do have a string desire. I don't want to pick up another pipe again
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I suspect this was more likely a psychosomatic anxiety attack more than an NDE overdose - not to discount the severity of your binge but in my experience it nearly always is with meth.
Hey bit_pattern,

Thanks for the input, I will most definitely keep that in my thinking, especially since you are basing it on your own personal experience. That is the main reason why I decided to post...to see who has experienced something, anything similar to what I shared.

I had been diagnosed with Panic Disorder a long time ago, and I am pretty good at being able to manage it now, but that diagnosis may very well manifested itself differently n this last binge for me. :) Do you suffer with any Anxiety Disorders that contributed to your experience as well?