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Metcoloperamide, Diphenhydramine & Loperamide interaction ?


Apr 30, 2019

So i am a recovering opiate addict going on for 2 months clean now.

I have had some difficluties with PAWS which are still happening today on and off some days are good some are bad. (Dhiarrea, Nausea and Insomnia, RLS).

Last week I went to my Docs and got prescribed Metcoloperamide (sickness) & Loperamide (dhiarrea highest dose possible). They woIuldnt give me anything for RLS. I take OTC Diphenhydramine to try and help me sleep.

I have notcied if I take all 3 at once I get a mild opiate high (which I'm trying to avoid)

Has anyone else experienced this ? I am trying to work out which one is interacting with the Lope.

The diphenhydramine is the one that is interacting with the loperamide you are currently taking and is also what is causing the opiate high you are getting when combining the 3. You might want to think about switching to melatonin for sleep while you are on the other 2 meds. I know that it helped me when I was going through the same issue. The other option you have is to talk to your doctor about something for sleep.
Loperaminde is an opioid. I'd imagine the diph is potentiating it. Metaclopromide has a sedative effect very similar to atypical anti-psychotics which may also enhance the effect.
All three meds are included in my opioid-withdrawal cocktail.
You need to do your research a little more because loperamide also known as imodium is not an opiate. It is an opiate blocker of sorts. There is no way that you could go into a public store and buy any kind of opiates in the hope of treating diarrhea. Something would have to be seriously wrong for someone to even try to combat that condition with an opiate.
You need to do your research a little more because loperamide also known as imodium is not an opiate. It is an opiate blocker of sorts. There is no way that you could go into a public store and buy any kind of opiates in the hope of treating diarrhea. Something would have to be seriously wrong for someone to even try to combat that condition with an opiate.

It does not block opiates. Loperamide is an opioid receptor agonist and acts on the mu opioid receptors in the myenteric plexus large intestines, but it does not affect the central nervous system like other opioids (even though its an agonist) ie. hydrocodone. It can also help with withdrawals in high doses. If it was an opiate blocker (like Narcan...an opiate antagonist) people would go into withdrawals if they took it.

Someone correct me if im wrong.
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You need to do your research a little more because loperamide also known as imodium is not an opiate. It is an opiate blocker of sorts. There is no way that you could go into a public store and buy any kind of opiates in the hope of treating diarrhea. Something would have to be seriously wrong for someone to even try to combat that condition with an opiate.
Opiates are amazing for this so ur wrong the reason I get codeine is for crohns disease which can make you wanna go toilet every 10 mins
I have had Crohn's disease myself for almost 20 years now and the doctors have never prescribed me codeine or any other type of scheduled narcotic to treat my constant diarrhea. They said that the use of these drugs can cause severe constipation.
You need to do your research a little more because loperamide also known as imodium is not an opiate. It is an opiate blocker of sorts. There is no way that you could go into a public store and buy any kind of opiates in the hope of treating diarrhea. Something would have to be seriously wrong for someone to even try to combat that condition with an opiate.

Educate yourself before you try and tell someone to research something, because you’re completely wrong. Loperamide IS an opiate, yes you can buy it right off the shelf, just like you can buy Benzedrex (a close molecule to Meth). If you knew anything about opiates, they cause constipation, the OPPOSITE of diarrhea. Clearly you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.

Check out google.com

— on topic

Your doctor is not a good person. If you told him you’re in recovery and he prescribed high dose loperamide he must not really know medication and I would suggest talking to a pharmacist. Lope, even if it is weak, is an opiate and I would not suggest daily use in recovery
Loperamide is a full mu opioid agonist. It only acts on opioid receptors in the large intestines and peripherally at low doses, however if u take a massive dose it will cross the blood-brain barrier and act centrally too. It's been proven and I've tried it my self and it works albeit I've gotta take about 40mg twice a day which completely eliminates any opioid WD for me. You need to be careful tho as huge doses of Loperamide can interfere with the way your heart pumps, I wouldn't recommend doses any higher than 100mg within a 24 hour period if you've got a moderately high tolerance.

It's an excellent tool for opioid WD just exercise caution when taken in huge doses and only take it short term!

EDIT: Loperamide has a somewhat long half-life and it's been dubbed as the poor mans Methadone.
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