Mesotherapy injections


May 11, 2016
Apparently it's an injection of herbs, plant extract and all sorts of gnarly gear under the skin surface.


Seemingly enhances skin appearance and has been used for hairloss also.

Never used it but it's advertised in skin clinics also.

Effects look dramatic.

Combined with botox for forehead lines it's called, "mesotox".

Just generally information gathering.
Sounds.... Iffy. I'll follow along to see what gets posted though
Meso seems divided into 2 realms.

Meso containing Salmon DNA, hyaluronic acid, retinol and vit C, collagen.

Lipolax meso, means fat dissolving.

Good for the scalp also, regular meso.

More expensive than botox though.

Regular facial injection meso seems aimed primarily at hydration - more to look into on that but, interested as a hair thinning treatment.
That woman in the comparison of before and after looks rather augmented after the treatment. Regarding anti-aging I feel like there is fine line between rejuvenation to restore volume loss and structure and then flat out augmentation that you see more often in celebrities.

Probably my number one reason why I'll most likely never try out dermal fillers is that I see a lot of overfilling here in the US. People that are rather skinny, but their face looks like it's a chipmunk storing nuts. Either that or they just have some bizarre metabolic issues and predisposition to store fat in their face as they age. Look at the Kardashians, outside of their touched up photographs they honestly look like deformed people.
Thank you for shared experience. I have a twin sister and she did it. She did mesotherapy before wedding day and result really made her happy and she said that for her it's was not painful. She realized it's really important to chose right doctor. I want to try but little bit nervous