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mescaline dosage and side effects?


Dec 25, 2014
I am extracting mescaline from san pedro cacti for personal use. the final product will be about 50-55% mescaline citrate, trace amounts of citric acid, and about 50-45% the rest of the alkaloids(citrate) in san pedro. I would like to know what ALL the side effects of mescaline are, no matter how unimportant, along with all of the side effects of the other alkaloids. if theres any danger from the citric acid please say so. please separate the short term and long term side effects as well. also swim would like to know the dosages for different intensities of trips, how long the trip would last at each dose, and how to consume it(snort the crystals, crush and snort, crush and mix in with drink, eat, etc). also please say all drug,alcohol,and tabacco interactions. I am an occasional drinker and might drink while on mescaline if its safe and doesnt negatively effect the trip. I smoke about once per day(marlboro blues) and wants to know if smoking while tripping is safe and if it effects the trip, and also if its safe to smoke before/after the trip and if not how much time swim cant for. I am also prescribed adderall and take it every morning(40 mg short release 20 xr) to wake up(I don't have add or adhd, just really bad problems waking up) but can skip it on weekends if its bad and can also take extra if its good. I am well aware of my tolerance and can dose safely with the adderall. I am also prescribed 150 mg of lamictal(a mood stabilizer) daily, but don't need to take it if it effects the trip. please include interactions with common over the counter meds too, and with weed. also please include bad trips and possible outcomes from bad trips,weather medical(like schizophrenia) or non-medical(like nightmares or a hangover), in the side effects(like schizophrenia, ptsd, phycosis, flashbacks, nightmares). if you dont know if you listed all there is to know about whatever question of mine your answering (like if you list 5 side effects but arent sure if more exist) please say that more could exist. many thanks from me
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Firstly you don't use SWIM here as it provides no protection for you. Secondly this belongs in the psychedelic drugs forum rather than MDMA & empathogens.

Mescaline is a psychedelic drug similar in action to mushrooms, LSD, 2c-b etc with the difference that it has an MDxx-like body high or euphoria aspect, and is somewhat stimulating (a bit like LSD). Doses of pure mescaline HCl are around 100-250mg for a more MDxx like experience or 250-500mg for a visionary psychedelic experience (people liken it to ayahuasca). Mescaline citrate is weaker than HCl I believe, and your extract will be 50% mescaline, so you will want to double those dosages and maybe add a little more. In terms of risks mescaline is pretty benign but you could have a bad experience, you should ensure a good mindset and setting, also if you have a family history or personal history of mental illness, you could bring out or exacerbate existing or latent mental issues. I'm not 100% on interactions but IMO simply out of respect for the drug you should not attempt to combine it with alcohol, stimulants or opiates etc, mescaline is not a party drug. The only combos I would consider would be with other psychedelics or MDMA/MDA, but definitely not until I was very experienced with mescaline and other psychedelics first (20 or more experiences). I read somewhere that mescaline was dangerous to combine with amphetamine, so you might wanna look that up.
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Welcome to bluelight Nancy. Indeed the wrong subforum, I'll move it for you. I've also taken out the swimming. Please use 'I' in the future, swim makes your text hard to read and it doesn't provide any protection whatsoever in case of legal troubles. Just be sure not to mention past, present or future major criminal activity and you'll be fine

250-500mg likened to ayahuasca?

I've never heard the 2 compared...can you please indulge me and explain this in more detail?

I've taken what was supposedly mescaline once.....it was nothing like ayahuasca
I've personally never taken enough to do that, and I'm not saying the experiences are similar in their actual effects, just in that they both seem to be claimed to quite frequently provide 'visionary experiences'. 250-500mg is the dosage range for a fully psychedelic dose synthetic Mescaline HCl, extracted mescaline is gonna be weaker and also most mescaline is usually sulfate which is weaker too, so those doses would need to be adjusted accordingly. I don't think it'd be 'visionary' for many people at 250mg but going towards the 500mg and beyond I've certainly heard lots of people say they entered dream-like trances where they experienced personal revelations
Yeah I didn't mean OBE or anything like that especially. Just that mescaline and ayahuasca both seem to initiate particularly profound states of personal and/or emotional insight at higher rates than most other psychedelics, at least from online accounts I've read
Are you experienced in choking down cactus snot terarc? I always found I spent 3 weeks and hundreds of bucks preparing the cactus, then took one sip, gipped it back into the cup with a long trail of snot from my chin to the cup and thought "fuck that" and took acid instead.
you have to go up to 1700mg for it to be OBE material or at least around 1200mg.


All of these reports are based on tea, and assuming a very optimistic mescaline concentration, about 1% (10 mg/g) or more.:? In reality, most dried cactus is around 0.25-0.5% (2.5-5 mg/g) mescaline, so tea made with 100 g dried cactus is most likely about 400 mg, not 1000 mg, mescaline. 400 mg is a +++ level, IME. Are there any reports where someone took >1000 mg of pure mescaline hydrochloride?
it depends what is the part of the cactus. the inner cactus from a very reputable vendor has been reported countless of time that 100g of the inner cactus core will give around 100 hcl mg.
of course, if you use whole cactus, its very different...
All of these reports are based on tea, and assuming a very optimistic mescaline concentration, about 1% (10 mg/g) or more.:? In reality, most dried cactus is around 0.25-0.5% (2.5-5 mg/g) mescaline, so tea made with 100 g dried cactus is most likely about 400 mg, not 1000 mg, mescaline. 400 mg is a +++ level, IME. Are there any reports where someone took >1000 mg of pure mescaline hydrochloride?
it depends what is the part of the cactus. the inner cactus from a very reputable vendor has been reported countless of time that 100g of the inner cactus core will give around 100 hcl mg.
of course, if you use whole cactus, its very different...

Actually, the inner core has very little mescaline. The vast majority is in the green outer flesh.