• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

"Mental illness is caused (primarily) by drug use"

I do not think many people are unaware of the risk of taking drugs, but if their lives are THAT bad, it's still a way out.

I know people who take crack, spice and nothing else. They do not seek a particular high, just escape from their life.

I know of people who take quetiapine (a neuroleptic) for fun. They even crush it up with cocaine and inject the mixture (a 'slowball' or 'Q-ball' the logic of which escapes me.

I should also add that each generation has to put up with worse and worse drugs. In the 1970s we had Palfium, Diconal, Mandrax, Tuinal, Dexedrine, Preludin, Dexamyl, Heminevrin and last but not least, Trancopal. This last one was an excellent sedative/hypnotic. It was never brought under legal control, it was simply removed from the BNF but I note it is still used (and is uncontrolled) in China.

It's interesting that almost all sedative/hypnotics contain an amide moiety and tertiary (with an N-methyl) amides are more active.

AFAIK this compound is still widely used in China. It isn't very potent (400mg tablets) but $5437/Kg so the price per unit is.
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mod edit: These posts were split off from this derailed thread: http://www.bluelight.org/vb/threads/820268-Anyone-Miss-the-DV-What-method-of-DXM-do-you-prefer
and revolve around the claim by Big Stroonz that mental illness is mostly a result of drug use, and perhaps also about DXM's potential to be an anti-depressant lik ketamine or whether ketamine is a valid anti-depressant.
Moved here to get a scientific analysis / second opinion, and of course split being off-topic.

Mental Disorders are caused by mainly, the usage of drugs. Pretty simple, we have very much a clue about how they are caused. It is a chemical imbalance. What causes a chemical imbalance, people who use street drugs and self medicate. This brings out dormant mental illnesses. What else causes mental disorders, traumatic events from childhood, that become suppressed.

Psychology is one of the most simplistic studies in the world. Everything goes back to what happened to you as a kid. It's quite simple really.

Medications have interactions with receptors in our brain, just like street drugs, so obviously you will want to throw meds at the problem that will reverse the chemical imbalance and get the whole system back in order again.

They aren't perfect by any means, but when is a Mushroom or LSD trip perfect. Drugs are drugs. They have Pros and Cons. But we have come a long way and people need to realize that the answer isn't self-medication.
Yes but I also think that you're own mind s d constant desire causes mental health which is why Buddhism is amazing
While I would describe myself as an agnostic, I have SEEN people who managed to do quite amazing things because their faith gave them the strength to carry on. It seems like we have gone beyond people who do not believe in god - they personally HATE god. I find that an amazing position.

Of course, we know the life of Buddha in detail and so I would consider it to be a philosophy and one that has materially improved the lives of millions.
mod edit: These posts were split off from this derailed thread: http://www.bluelight.org/vb/threads/820268-Anyone-Miss-the-DV-What-method-of-DXM-do-you-prefer
and revolve around the claim by Big Stroonz that mental illness is mostly a result of drug use, and perhaps also about DXM's potential to be an anti-depressant lik ketamine or whether ketamine is a valid anti-depressant.
Moved here to get a scientific analysis / second opinion, and of course split being off-topic.

Mental Disorders are caused by mainly, the usage of drugs. Pretty simple, we have very much a clue about how they are caused. It is a chemical imbalance. What causes a chemical imbalance, people who use street drugs and self medicate. This brings out dormant mental illnesses. What else causes mental disorders, traumatic events from childhood, that become suppressed.

Psychology is one of the most simplistic studies in the world. Everything goes back to what happened to you as a kid. It's quite simple really.

Medications have interactions with receptors in our brain, just like street drugs, so obviously you will want to throw meds at the problem that will reverse the chemical imbalance and get the whole system back in order again.

They aren't perfect by any means, but when is a Mushroom or LSD trip perfect. Drugs are drugs. They have Pros and Cons. But we have come a long way and people need to realize that the answer isn't self-medication.

This is absolute bullshit. Drugs CAN cause or exacerbate mental illness but they are certainly not the sole cause or even the primary cause. it's a small minority of cases.
And how do you account for mentally ill people who have never taken drugs? Or people who were mentally ill before drugs or medicine?
Also, "Big Pharma" only exists in the U.S.

I have been mentally ill since the age of 11 (BPD, Major Depressive Disorder, Social Anxiety, Anorexia) at which point I had literally only ever take the occasional acetaminophen and the occasional course of anti-biotics.
I haven't seen any paper that goes further than suggests an 'association' but as I have experienced,. people take drugs, drink booze or do all kinds of things that COULD be harmful to escape the terrible metal health issues they face.

As I said - 40% of our clients were referred as 'dual diagnosis' i.e. people who had a significant mental health problem and a drug dependence problem.

Another thing I noticed was that kids who had been brought up in childrens homes or were fostered made up over 50% of our clients. 7% of children end up spending some time in care of one kind or another..... but 50% of our clients had spent time in that system.

That is why we consider long-term outcomes.

Just imagine growing up with nobody who loves you. That must be truly awful and DAMAGING.

My son is 31 but I still do my best to ensure that he is ALWAYS loved and KNOWS he is loved.
early childhood stress/trauma is one of the best predictors of substance abuse (and other psychiatric illnesses) later in life.

it can cause problems ranging from disorders of hormone systems to global brain rhythms/synchronization

cortisol can be a nasty substance
I totally agree - over 10 years, I noted that 40% of people who ended up needing help from a drug service had been in care.

That's one very good reason NOT to take kids off parents.

Those kids, the ones who end in social care ate, frankly, screwed. Lowest sociological status, least education, most likely to get intro the trouble with the law and most likely to suffer serious mental health issues.

While Rogerian Person Centred counselling is the most expensive, it's also the most effective. However much it costs, if it gives someone a decent quality of life, I am 100% behind paying the extra tax.

It is so sad to meet someone in care and see how they go down gill, Age 16 they are more or less left to their own devices without a parenteral figure to emulate. Even at 18, these people are not trained to deal with life. Sure, I've seen a LOT use drugs... but that was a function of their feeling that nobody cares.

In the end, someone did the maths and the it's cheaper for people to fail than to provide CBT. I find it very difficult to deal with. LETTING people fail. KNOWING they will fail.... but heck, it's cheap and they will end up in prison so the costing has been carried out.

I wonder how many people with AMAZING ability we lost. Forgotten youth, awful.

Carl Rogers- Geniua.
yeah it’s almost self evident if you think about it. if i asked my uneducated hungarian peasant grandma what she thought early childhood stress did to kid, she’d tell me to stop wasting her time with such a silly question. of course, i understand the scientific method needs empirical data to show this… but yeah it’s pretty obvious to anybody with a sense of empathy

and unfortunately even if kids stick with their parents they may still have some undue stress. my best friend, for example, immigrated to the US at age 5. his family had no money, they didn’t have money for enough food most days. he was with his parents the whole time but that is still a deeply troubling thing to a child (even to an adult it would be troubling)

i’m not too familiar with rogerian person centered counseling. a cursory skim of the wikipedia entry for it seems promising. but i will admit i’ve rarely been convinced that any given psychological theory is superior to another. they all seem to be more in the realm of philosophy of mind than based in biology. that’s certainly not to dismiss psychotherapy, just that i’m not sure one particular method is superior to others. but i admit that i don’t spend too much time reading about it compared to other fields.

i’m age 20 myself and definitely see that in my peers, many have nobody to look up to. but fuck i do have a loving father and still struggle with drugs :/
Yeah my parents are great and I had an amazing childhood, and life is hard enough. My girlfriend is so fucked up from her shitty dad, it completely dominates her life in every way. :\ She doesn't do drugs though, I mean she used to smoke weed and has tripped with me now and then, but she doesn't even remotely have drug problems.
mod edit: These posts were split off from this derailed thread: http://www.bluelight.org/vb/threads/820268-Anyone-Miss-the-DV-What-method-of-DXM-do-you-prefer
and revolve around the claim by Big Stroonz that mental illness is mostly a result of drug use, and perhaps also about DXM's potential to be an anti-depressant lik ketamine or whether ketamine is a valid anti-depressant.
Moved here to get a scientific analysis / second opinion, and of course split being off-topic.

Mental Disorders are caused by mainly, the usage of drugs. Pretty simple, we have very much a clue about how they are caused. It is a chemical imbalance. What causes a chemical imbalance, people who use street drugs and self medicate. This brings out dormant mental illnesses. What else causes mental disorders, traumatic events from childhood, that become suppressed.

Psychology is one of the most simplistic studies in the world. Everything goes back to what happened to you as a kid. It's quite simple really.

Medications have interactions with receptors in our brain, just like street drugs, so obviously you will want to throw meds at the problem that will reverse the chemical imbalance and get the whole system back in order again.

They aren't perfect by any means, but when is a Mushroom or LSD trip perfect. Drugs are drugs. They have Pros and Cons. But we have come a long way and people need to realize that the answer isn't self-medication.
Your an idiot
Also, Mental ILLNESS Can Be Caused By Asvanced Syphilis Or AIDS. And, Whilst On The Subject Of Mental ILLNESS, Addiction To ANYTHING Itself Can Be A Form Of Mental ILLness, Or At Least A Maladptive Learned Behavior.