Memory the next day

Sun CandE

Jan 10, 2000
Hey, I was just wondering if anyone ever has problems remembering what they did the night before after taking a few pills. This usually doesn't happen to me, but my friend and I both can't recount what we did for a long period of time after taking 3 and 1/2 pills each. I'm not sure if this is normal, but any responses will help.. thanks
Think of dreaming, how things almost happen on their own and you're almost a spectator. You know how when you first wake up, you can kind of remember your dream, but the longer you're a awake, the more of the dream slips away from you? The highlights are still there, but that's about it. Every now and then you get a flash of it again...but more than anything, it just drives you nuts...
That's what happens to me if I take 4 pills or more. If it's happening to you, I'd recommend taking it down a cannot be a good thing for your brain.
I can't stand the itching but I don't mind the swelling...
the day after new years day we went out, and I dropped 2. 1 hour later I dropped another one, then ate some mushrooms (but only a VERY small dose)
My mate who did the exact same as me, and shortly afterwards we went for a walk to go look at the cathederal.
We're there for about 10 mins. or so, but it's f*ckin' cold, so we decide it's time to go back.
My mate walks off, and puts a tape in his personal stereo. I walk behind with another friend. The guy upfront is around the corner and out of sight, so we think he must be cold, and hurrying to get back, but when we get back, he's not there.
1 hour later, he returns, saying he remembers putting the tape on, and then nothing further until he woke up as the tape clicked off. This is 45 minutes later, and he's found himself lying on a bench at a train station.
He still remembers nothing of that 45 minutes.
Now that my friends, is fucking weird....
I usually have memory lapses the next day as well. I hate that.
"Take care, brush yer hair ;) "
The first time I ever rolled, I took 2 pills. I remember being on the road with one of my friends driving to our destination and I can hardly even recall my surroundings or anything. Basically, I don't even remember the whole night. That really sucked. They say there's nothing like your first roll, but I must say, my second time was the best! I could actually remember how good I felt!
I usually cant remember EVERY detail of the night b4, but the highlights are time wears on, more and more of it comes back to me
